News Scrapbook 1973

Girls trim down -- the expensive way "This isn 't a fat farm," stressed eil Stone, director of Camp




Murrieta , a summer program for overweight girls which is · being held at Founder's Hall at the University of San Diego . " This is an activity centered camp, " he said. "We are engrossed in our own environment. The girls are not viewed as having a 'weight problem' because our environment is positive. Campers are being treated as normal young people who want to accomplish positive results." The results have been positive, said Stone, for the girls whose ages range from eight to 23. More than 90 girls out of the 120 who attend the camp have lost more than eight per cent of their body weight, he said Stone, a fo rmer member of the Chargers taxi-squad, is a Los Angeles area high school gym coach . He is to the point: - ' Look, we are dealing with very precious things here, we arc dea ling with kids. Kids who come from all parts of the country and all of whom feel that they are odd because their classmates tell them they don't conform to Hollywood tandards of per onal appearance." Our staff gives them reassurance , dietary education and phy. teal activities. "We do everything here from bike riding to dancm to art and crafts to swimming and hiking You name it, it mour program." He aid that the camp ts un ique in that, besides counselors who are assigned to groups, there are specialists employed in each area of activity. The counselor looks after the kids , the peciali t instructs them. They will be back next year. " If we have any of the same kids ho are here this year, then we have failed ," said Stone .



Capita To Bickerstaff


(C-Ontlnued from Page C-1) a young man He'll bounce back." For Bick rstaff, 1eav!ng USD means tearing up 10 years of roots "The school ga1 e me scholar- ~hip help ,1 hile I \las a player let IT!' ... nrk as an assistant coach and th ga1·e me a chance at the he d coa('h pos • tinn." rec lled the ~9 year-old. · But the Bullots h:i. ve presented me an offer I just can't turn down Coaching on the pro lei el 1s the ult•mate and J plan to gl\ e it €1 erything l ha~e." Bickerstaff the youngest head coa('h m the country when he took over the Tore o Job at 25, v. 111 leave the first eight scorers from last ~ear team, including all ftve gt t ier and some highh regarde recruit The hool ),ope to announce his succe or soo.

The San Diego ·ports exodus to Washington, D.C , gol's on. Bernie Biekcrstafl, Univer- 5ily of San Diego basketball t:oach for the past four searnns, has resignl'd his post to join former Conqu1 ·tador coa ·h K.C. Jone, as an as ·istanl t the Capital Bullets of the a t10nal Bask •ball As. ocia1io '·It wa~ a hard d cis1on. I hare some rcgrl'ts ' Bickers- taff told ~cstc1ooy·s meet111g of the Spo1i;ca., ers-Sports.1nters Association. "I hate to le,1ve San Diego and I hate to lea,e the k,ds at USO. We came on board togeth- er and the program has gnmr together." Bickerstaff had a 55-40 record for his term as Torcro coach af- ter taking over for Phil Wool- pert. His 1972-73 team finished with a 19-9 reeord, best in 5chool history, and took thll'd in the NCAA District 8 College Di- \·ision playotls. "We are extreme!) sorr) to lose the service· of such a fine man and excellent coach." said

.ntl~•l/1('/73 gets app/1cat1ons


for coach of basketball p!O}ed at Hamline Umvers1ty m t. Paul, Minn., doe not of 1cially as ume hi po ·t at U D until Sept I


repr sent

ment team


Lotted ii games. TaJI, holldso~ .per, sonable Chico will ma ·e a kl - clung delegate in hlS blue• blazer, white slack , t- lent tenms strokes and bea - I.II court manners. Incident- allv, h is a I rmer t: : Bo ;s 16 ·&ngles champ ... In ease jOU came rn late, Word: Ten- nis Magazme, pub! hed Gladys Heldman, that fomen- tor o! women·s lib (and 1abl, has become the property of Columbia Broadcasting vs- tem. TP.nms ::l.fagazme, a for- mer.Evanston. III , productum, now is o~-ned by thP · e13• York Times . .. Another I..F·

"We are working \\ith Dr Cramer and through him." aid De ·unzio, who indicated a fmal dec1S1on ,1on't oe rrade on the matter until the new athletic d rector am, es Susan's lone area qualifier EVEIIING TRI BUN E DoSPatch 10 TCLAIR ' .J

BERME BICKERSTAFF •.• off to Washington

lJSD president Author Hughes. • However we are happy he to their parents. I thought I has a chanc~ to become a pro- owed that to them. fessional coach and we want to •·Some of the kids are con- wish him every success.' cerned, and I'm concern<'d, Bkkerstaff'. move 1o· the Bui-, about what's going to . happen lets had been 111 morrd since now 11 hen the) get_ their hacks Jones resigned his San Diego lo the w~ll. We v ah•:ays job to move to Washmgton two stres~<'d th,it 11hat hap11ens. to months ago. the kids O\crall 1s the mo t_ 1m- But Bernie said ,esterdav portant hm , not JU t basket- that the of!C'r he accepted wa·s ball. reallv a new one. "But." Ht('kerstalf continul'd. '"There were rumors that I "I hope to hal'e some 10put into was thinki ng about gmng the~c deciding who the next coach earlier this ~urnmer. and il was will be. true." he admitt ed "I know onl' thing I feel kind "What happened was that thl' or good that we're not leaving p)ans fe ll through. I n:i~sc>lf had the cupboard barr. There will given up on 1!. Then K.C. called I be some good kids waiting for me last Thursda1·. whoPver comes in. "Ile said hl' had 1('c·on!lne>nd- .. . rd me for a Job and l. satd,' . '!_'he ones who . r commg '\\'ho with?' He said. 'With the b;;ck, and the new ones ,,ho a1e Bullets.' commg m, have all a ured me "It was fi nallzed on Frida1, th:at tl!l'y won't cha" their but I didn I want to Si!Y ~n) m.i~?s. thing about it pub!ldy until J '. onw had a ·\'hance lo talk to all of Sm•~h, ie tont the kids at CSD. 1 ..:,lh:::a::_:t:._s:_,:u:-,n:::d:;:r.::_:;t:::,::;.:,;.;:;,..:..;;.........,;.: •·I ha1P talked to ca<:h kid or

e 1mmated


e carded 38-:il-89. M da · t honors



Kaye Porter of Loms- '\\1th a two ove


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