News Scrapbook 1973

tJV1 3 s More{

Friends of music plan opera dinner

An Italian Summer Feast will be served on the campus of the Univenlty of San Diego at 6 p.m. Saturday. The buffet will preceed the 8:30 p.m. program by students In the Opera Workshop. 'The dinner will be held in Camino Patio, directly In front of Camino Theatre. Directed by Robert Austin,

the Opera Workshop is a part of USO' s summer-school program. Those enrolled are trained in the behind-the-scenes preparation of productions, staging, coaching ::nd direc- ting. The selections are presented In full costume and will Include scenes from Verdi's " La

Travlata" and "II Trovatore," arias from Mozart and scenes from "The Most Happy Fella" by Laesser. Friends of Music Is a group formed recently to assist the USO Mw,lc Department In planning programs open to the public and to promote those functions. Under the presidency of La Jollan Mrs. James Kerr, the commlttee hopes to expand the membership to others In the

The Mo. t R<·v U'O T. MahPr,,liP11trn.11wy. v.ill !11,111 it Bishop_ or tlw Sau U11•g-u ltoma11 11w1••111g ;n S.w JJwi.:o Max- n~me(I f11st g1a111l_ prior of a imili.rn d,· l•urstt11lwrg gr:111d new!) created d1v1s1011 of tht' 01 - 111:iste1 of tlw Onll-r of llol St·· der of the Holy S •p11ldu-e of ,Je pul ·hr~ of .Jrrns:Mm, 1s ex• 10salem. }WCll'd tu rm11~ fn1111 Hunw lo Dr. Will JIii J Doyle of La offid:11<-. Jnlla. a Knight of !ht• llolv Sp The " •,t!'rn t1111l uf th,• 1 rdt·r pulchre, has b.,en nnnll'tl ·first is one or four d1vis1011s in the lieutenant of the Ill'\\' wPslt·rn lh1itt•d Slat<- . Knight of the unit of the 11th l"cutuQ papal llol) Si·puk-hn•, fou11ded i11 order 10!19, to gu:inl lhe tomb 111 The new ciivisiou c-:,IIPd a Ch r s I in the Holy L~nd -----~--~---~- gr.idu.dly lo,t 1h 1111111, y c·l!ar• ai·ter , 111·1 n 11 ,, 1 har1 t:ihle or~.in1zat111J1 a . JK>kPs111.111 said nr t next Catholic 01oc1• ·e, has bee11 mo11!11 :uul ('.n d111~I

community who are Interested In music and the education of music students. Others on the commlttee are Ed Barr, Mrs. Charles W. Christensen, Mrs. King Durkee, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Hodge, Mrs. Harold Roth, Dr. Lealle Spelman and Nick Stamon. Reservations for the dinner may be made by calling the university at 291~80, ext. 354.

u, hop :itohn h:1s augme11tecl am! sl1t•n •IIJ<•Jled 1111• ortlt•r OJI the We•t ('oa,l. lu 1970 he 111 vblC·d 28 uu·n Jnd 27 110111£'11 a Knieht 111 L1cliP or tl1e llol\ Sepulc·l1r,•. · l:1st \t·,,r D, Do, le and 111s wife, Dr Auila \'. -~ iam•n·do SJJt'III live \lt't'K~ Ill the '11dllll" r:ast OJI mrdi,·;il 111sperti1111 trip for ti,~ .P11J1t1Htal \fis i1111 fo1 Pale t111e They VNtern lieult-nanc,

a To •




For 11-State Conference • The Umver,lly of Diego sports stadium la.t night uled today. They are a$pec~ of listed J n~ds of Catholics opened the ership of a spirit filled srrv1ce, movement. They 81 e spm~al 1913 11-.tate Western Rt>gional 1dentifymg and u m~ chari- renewal, 11ew patterns or hie, Conference of the Chan ·m ttc mat1c gifts, apostolic mlm- renewal or the Cathohc Chur,ch Renewal Movement of lhe Ho- tne of prayer groups aRd and unity of all Chnst1ans ' n Cathohc Church. ~pirilual from chan- Hum it. begi nning the move- ,:: The stadmm wa:; the s I• ~mat1r hf pread to l\otre Dame, Combat." The Rev. Ralph Wei- c Ki · os 1. ev b hosep f ;'\lich,gan State L'mversity and shaar of Old Mission San Luis G e dnnRey, . 3 d~Xl Miar h 1 H' op 0 11 the niver ily of !\.11chigan. the Rey will describe •·The Healing ran afl •• ic_ · e " 1 conference spokesman said. Mmistry...'.."'.__......-----~--- eak on Tne Sp111t of Je ·us Although there Is some con- mong Us" at . general se~- tro\·er ) over gilts ol the Spirit &on al the tadium begmrung mvol\·ed 111 the chan malic re- lit 3:30 p.m. toda,. new al moHmenl thP members San smatic m_ovcmrnt are schcd-,book "Where Are We Headed" four Qbjectivcs of the resembled a church as thou- a Christtan community, lead. , . .


-----=~--..:.T..:.H..:.E..:.S:...:.A.:..:..N_D_IE_G_O_ UNION I Saturday, August 4, 1973 USD Forms President'sClub Th Pre 1dent's Club of Urn· where there 1s an 1mpro\ ement port come trom udent fees ' versit) of San Diego 1s being of ·ome kind " Hughe said. said Hughe . 1 orgamzed to provide pnv e Hughes •aid the need for thi. '"The club hould altrac \e uppo for the ·chool Dr. Au- club arose when _the uni\ers1ty people \\ho recognize the need x- me~ed with the San Diego Col· for pnvate support of private \ . th~r Hu_ghe , USO president. lege For Women m 1972. In the higher eduration,'' Hughes pre- p atd m an mten,ew yesterday. same year the Roman Catholic dieted ne The club 1s designed to fur- Diocese stopped ~up Ing the Club members who can ear- ' ru h operatmg support for the umvers1ty financially ''because mark their support for the law e 5 umversit~, Hughes said. the) had to meet the need of school, scholarships or other 1 e, • Operatmg upport- fo_r al- secondary and elementary Meas, wlll meet together off1• arles, cholar. hip or ltbrar- schools. c1all> once a year fo1 a nport 1e - i unl ·e t·ap1tal upport,. " ·ov., 90 per cent of our sup- from he pre dent ~---~ I Saturday, August 4, 197!


T T. T J- -ly_7,s' university'/"'/' t president's club formed A President's Club 1s being formed to provide priva te support to the University of San Diego, announced Dr. Authur Hughes, president of the school. Membership is opened to persons who can financially assist the un iversity on an annual basis as stipulated in the by-laws. • j ~

The Most Rev Leo T. Maher, feel that uch gilts a laymg on 1>1shop of, the Diocese of San of hands, prophecy, healing and, Diego, \Ill! oo prmc1pal con- speakmg n lon"UCS occur toda\ celebrant of the Mass at the as In biblical ti':nes. · CIO'-mg se s1on In the sladmm begmmng at 1.30 p.m. tomor- FOUR OBJECTIVES ow One of tilt leaders In the Five workshops deahng with I han all R uey. al Services I vanous aspects of the chari• at ·otre Dame Unn erSJty, m a


P 1/"/.7~ res, lub formed at USD to meet expenses l Ill\ '1 V O "an [lie 0 o Pre ide fir AU'ho llu h has announced 1he formation of d ,~r!.11 01 ganizat1on fo, indt\Jdual who m,h to help the un,\e1- s1t) meet 1t opc1atmg cxpens a~d ket'p pri\ ate h1~her education v. 1thin the reach or a broad -p('(-trum o :tu- dN I<. Huuhes ·aid he orgarnzatio1 11111 be , alled the President"s Club. and will he ompo. ed of per,on l\hO wish to do- natP toward the da1I~ operat 1~ ex- penses of the 1rn1\Pr uy There a great need today tor ny 1nst1 uuon of higher education to help upplement its opeiatmg bud et. wh1ch mcl11rles cholarships. salartt'' and I - bra expense Hu,he ,aid. \\ 1thout this t)pe of intere:,'t and fn 11d•h1p from the commumt) the al- rrnal!\e that 1s privatP education i nd n_e, ed. \\ 1thnut uch ~uppo t, v.e \\ 111 1101 hr ahie to keep tUi 10n \\llhin ha] •\\aY rlecenl I• el. dnd thu will not be able to at•rac·t the broad ,pcc-11 um o tudent v.ho m1gh1 othen1 "~ attend t>ie uni.ct JI), he aid llu he aid the rnit1al 1,0· of e l're,tdent s Club 1s to a ·h1e\e c-haner membership Of 100 The club -.111 nnt be 0~11 t•i hu n o up

USD Forms President'sClub The Pre51dent' Club of Uni- where there 1s an improvement port comes from tudent fee5,' support for the ·chool. Dr. Au- merged with the San Diego Col- for private support of private thor E. Hughe U D president, lege For Women in 1972. In the higher educ·ation " Hughes pre- said in an inter 1 · yesterday. same year the Roman Catholic dieted. The dub 1s de 1gned lo fur- Diocese stopped supporting the Club members, who can f'ar• nish operating upport for the unh ersity tinanc1ally "because mark their support for the la university Hughes said. they had lo meet the needs or school, scholanhips or o r •·operating upport- tor sal• secondary and elementai, areas, will meet together om- versity of San Diego is being of some kin~." Hughes said. _ sa)~ Hughes. organized to provide private Hughes said the _need for lhJS The attrac club arose when tne umvers1ly people who recogruze the need club .hould


Need for the club arose from th ~ growing fiancial needs of private education. For more info rma tion con tact Dr. Gilbert ' direc tor of Relations.

cially once a year for a report from the president.

81 , . T'i i 'A., Gf.._ 1 I 1elsen t

cholarships or librar- school . is unlike capital support,,

aries, 1e. -

" 'ow 90 per ceo.

Julian Ranch ls Party ... ettingi/(/7.3 Th , . l'lvtc~J -~ members or the Un1\ers1ty of California at San Diego Aux11iai, Will forget philanthropic and volunteer dut;es for a little l\~tle, on Su~da} ~hen they hal'e a ''ju~t for fun'' party a the . f a:i:- . e ,en ranch at Julian. i\rril'ing at about 11.~0 a.m , members and their guests will swim, pla) hwrl board, test lhei.r kill -.t arcr.el"J play tards or Just rela:r and enioy each other's company Mrs. Jo,eph B. Mullen and Mrs. Francis Burns will as.,;ist as hostesses.

i an Jit!lO 1lnion WOMEN l SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1973 000 PAGE A 0 1t ----------------- -

WOMEN l bt O

TELEPHONE 234-7111

105th YEAR

1Student G reet G uests By NOEL OSMEl\'T Damas de Honor was the name given to Queen Isabella of Spain's ladies-in-waiting, and it is the name now being used by a group of women students at the University of San Diego. 'I'hcy have been selected to assist Mrs. Author Hughes, wife of the university's presi- dent, when she does official entertaining. However, the young women have decided that they have come a long way since the 15th Century and will choo~e a more contemporary name in the fall. they say. "We'll stick with something Spanish, since that's the theme of the school, but the idea of 'ladies-in-waiting•

doesn't seem quite right," says Alexa Luberski, who was responsible for recruiting the initial group of sile girls. Contemporary will not rule out graciousness, however, for that is what the group is , all about. Far from eschew• ing the idea of participating in the more fotmal types of entertaining, the women elected to wear long dresses for most events. The group's first stint was to greet guests and show them around this spring at thti hrst open house of !Casa tle Alcala, the ne\\- official residence of the president. Tonight the group \lcill as• Continued on A-to. Col. 4)

Stall Photo bV Ttd Wlnflc d nl Pre ident's Club charter dinner lwsted toninht hv Mr. anJ Mr . JomP• . Coµfoy in. tlu:, librarv

tion of library to Alexa Luher~kt, le{t, and An9ela Keffala, who, a• mem Ler of Darna de Honor, wi/1 a_ I\t

\ uthor lluglie~, right. u i{e o/


l nu er,ity of

Dr 1lunlw pre id,,nl.

an D iego

pedal collection ec


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