News Scrapbook 1973

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SouthernCross Publ,shed by the Diocese of San O,ego, <.aliforn,a

61stYear, No. 31 Thursday, August 9, 1973




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fhey came to praise, pray and learn

3,000 spend a weekend 'in the spirit' Southern Cross Reporter vinced and the cautious alike that the spirit moves.

And the Charismatic Renewal movement's Bishop Joseph McKinney said: "We have problems because we pussyfoot about sin." In between working sessions they gathered in small prayer groups, spontaneously, easily. They were quietly cheerful. At the end they left behind a spotless sports field. During the two conference days 68 priests attended seminars by Bishop McKinney and at the final Mass there were more than '40 con- celebrants with Bishop Maher and Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan from Alaska. "The spirit of Jesus is among us" declared the 45 foot banner suspended 25 feet above the altar on the field-turned "cathedral." And the thousands answered: "Praise the , Lord!" (See also pages 2 and 3.)

The fastest growing movement in the Catholic Church came in a wide variety of ages and types. Its growth was reflected in a crowd of thousands whose genesis was a small prayer group here five years ago. "The movement itself will eventually die and we will end with a renewed Church," said Father Ronald Mendonca , one of the diocesan organizers. They spoke and sang in tongues. They raised their arms to heaven in praise and prayer. And they heard about sin. " We must renounce the inflation of evil and sin, " said Bishop Leo T . Maher, linking his message with modern economic problems.

They came from Alaska and Albuquerque. They came from Oceanside and Ocean Beach. More than 3,000 praising, praying, learning charisma tics filled the tiers of USD football stadium. In between general sessions and services in t he stadium they filled classrooms at Unihi and USD in seminars and workshops in the largest gathe ring of Catholic Charismatic Renewal ever in the West. Starting with the prayer meeting and general session in the cool night air of Friday, and ending with the blazing sunshine of a San Diego Sunday afternoon, the conference showed to the con-

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