News Scrapbook 1964-1967

USD Faces Cal Western The University of San Diego Toreros and the Cal e tern Westerners, who have de• featcd the San D1 go State

Aztecs this season, 111eet in two games, Saturday night and next Wednesday, for what will produce the unofficial cham- pion of San Diego collegt• basketball. Tipoff Saturday mght m USD Gym i at 8. Game time at Cal Western· Golden Gym next Wednesday is also 8. Saturday's game i:; part· of homecoming activ1t1es at USD Forward Rick Cabrera, wh took over for Torero star Ch Meeting Arranged Ashford when A ·hford becam ·cholastically ineligible fiv By Alea la Gu·, 1d A social meeting will be foot three forward has score, held by the Alcala.Guild of the 91 point in tho,e five game University of San Diego Col for a 19.4 average. Ashfor, lege for M n at 1 p.m. Tuesday, was averaging 12.4 February 15, in the Lark car,~ _USD put on the bigge trail> teria on the campus. of the sea:;on last Saturda} Mrs. Frank O'Connor, chair• mght when they came back III man, announced that bridge, the second half to outscore canasta and other games will the San Fernando Valley State be played. Refre hments will Matadors, 13-4, and erase a 47 • be served. Guests are wel 36 Matador lead. T)ley then come. . , . captured the lead d PUil d The Alcala Guil~ s pres1 out a 76-74 victory. d, nt, Mrs. John W1lper, has Friday night, the '1'•"""1"'~ disclosed plans for a bus trip lo. t to the Diab! to the Holl wood area, wh,~h geles State 61 -60 will b open to the public, ' areh 17. games ago, has become th new Torero standout. The si) U I'( sity Offers Extension Courses t:xten ·ion cour ·e "111 b(' offer d' b. th mH r ltv of an Diego for the fir t tune beg11mrng in the pnng. «me l r 1966. according to Willtam E Sale es chairman of the Dcpartm nt of Education Th ln-sen·1ce T ach r Edueat1on ProRram f!he Coll ge for Men "111 offer two cour c at Aquin11 J11gh ::ichool in. an Bernardino.

Bishop Furey Department Head Honored by N m d by College USD Alumni Th.<• app •ntment ol r r •ncl' C D<,n h•1c as chatrman of th~ !.> p11rtmcnt off,ducation ut toe 1111 r 1tyofSar DtPgo Colle e for Men has bt•l'n announced by Vc,-y Rev Jorn P ul t'adde!l. pre 1dcnt fthc college. Dr Donahue rel'l'1ved l11 B \. lrom . 'otr~ Dame, ht '.\I.A

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n1vcr 1ty Iii c. pcrtencc in educatwn has encompa scd all pha cs or teachrng and admin, trotwn at the elemen condai,, and collt'ge

The Univer,ity of San Diego will participate with 40 other Catholic college and uni verslt1es III a symp 1um on higher education in San Fran CISCO at ·111ce11t de Paul parish • ud11orium January 29 and 30. The general theme of the program will be "The POSI· t1ve Values of Catholic College and Cmver,1ty Education" S!.> will be represented by Rev. I. Brent Eai:en. direc tor of school relat,on ·, who will par\Jc1pale III a panel d1 • cus ion on "The Profes. 10nal Values of Ca tho he College and I niver ity Education," nd \Ir Thomas R. Pearson, direc• tor of student and educational

Sen Diego Un on Stoff Photo l<'J· Cal.Jre1 a, a 6-4 ~ophomore forward, will ]Pad tlw l 'niversity of San Die 0 o a 1 ainst Los Angeles :1atc tomght at l SD 1 ymna~mm. Cal.Jrera, filling m for inrligiblc• star Cliff Ashford, has averaged IJ porn 111 his last 10 games. rera Guides reros onight By JOHNNY McDONALD Sop 1omore Rick Cabrera, who has averaged 13 points m his la t 10 game will try to help University of San Diego break an in-and-oul paUern tonight whe it plays host lo big Los Angeles State in USD's gymnasium Tipo f fur the contest t · et and his mates have an added for 8 o'clock A pr liminary be- mission as they seek their 15th t"cen the fre hm 11 teams be• victory in 21 starts Smee Jan. gms at 6. ,21. the USD routine has been to ADDEO MIS IO., win one and then lose one. Cabrera. st<"pping into the The Torer_os defeated Irvtne t for the first time Jan. and then lost to Chapman_ Col- 22, h b en leading scorer1lege Th~y came back with a twu: a d .ar ·d the honor once narrow victory over Pepp~rdme th T ro , last three ap- but lo.I by a shm margm the tn next night to Santa Barbara. forward In their last outing, USD held of[ Fresno State for a 69-66 ----~'victory : 'eedless lo say. this is lhe mghl for a change, coach Phil Woolpert helieve~.

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The courses to he offen•d areP ·ychological J<'oundat1ons of Educatwn IEd l lOX) by \Ir . · C \tcDan,el on l\londa)s from 4:00 p.m. to 6 40 p.m., and ·ew Method of Teachmg Mathematic~ (Ed l:.!lXl h} Gerald D. Baughman on Thursda}s !·om 4 00 pm. to6 40 pm C1cd1t will b g1\en for both cour es at either SD Coll cg or , !en or Coll ge for Women. The cour an• op<•n to all qualtf1ed applt cant . Repre ·entatives from the un,,ers1ty will be pr ~nt at the second meeting of each class to complete reg1stra tJOn of tho e tudents enroll- mg for credit Education 121X wall me t for the fir t •m on ;rhur day. Febru 3 and Educa t10n llOX 111 m t or the fir t t1 m' Qn orid ary7 ndergradu tc to1t1on 1s $25 per ·emester umt nnrl graduate $30 per sem ter umt Furth r 111qu1n · s ould be add re sc d to: Education Office, l'SD Collegl' for 1\len Alcala Park San l)1cgo Cal1forn1a 92110

Shar n, USD Players To J in In Cage Clinic The University of San Diego and the Flying A dealer of Southern California v.ill cas st a ba ketball clinic at the D g ·mnasium Thursday, 1-'cb, 24 f•om 3; 30 to 5 30 pm Coaches and pla) ers parents and ) oongsters I ages. are invited to attend e chmc. Admission I free The clinic was announced JO ntly b) Phil Woolpert, coach of the t.:SD basketball t\>am, and !Jill Sharman, western di- rector of tt1e Flymg A Sports Bur au. !embers of the USO te«m v.111 be o/ hand to s~1st \l'oolpert and Sharman in demonstratmg various a~pect:; of !he court game. · · Sharman is one of pro basket· ball' all- ·me greats. He an 11-vear star for the Boston Celtics, te mmg with Bob Cousy o h~lp t Celtics dominate the . 'ational Basketball Association. Fol1011 ing the clinic, there will be a drawing for door pnz~ . Among the prizes are · ba ketbaU , tickets to a Los An- geles Laker game and copies of Sharman's new book, "Sharman On Ba~ketball."

I THE SAN DIEGO UNION :-18 USD Rally . Wins, 76-74; E uals Mark

al.I Fail


Diablos Win

Workshop Planned

Although. USO does not have single aclive player m double figure· for 20 game~. Cabrera, Alan Fay and Bermc Bicker• staff have been pumping them in better than JO points a con- test since Jan, 21. REPLACES ASHFORD Cabrera, who has taken over for ineligible Cliff Ashford, has scored 130 points since Jan. I. r'ay has averaged 14 points and Bickerstaff 11 in the last five games. The Toreros topped Los -\nge- les Stale, 66-51, in the season! opener. 3ince, the Diablos have' gamed only six wins in 19' games. Los Angeles figures to l;av~ a s:ze advantage and after its come-from-behind 80-78 viclory over Sao Diego State last week, it figures to be much tougher. Also, USD will not have A,h- ford, who tallied 29 points in the. last meeting. The Diablos will display a balanced attack with husky Charles Oakes (6-4) and Charles Thomas (6-5) at for- wi.rds, Joe Davis (6-6) at cen- ter, and Greg Kind (6-0) and -, Ken Ellsowrth ( 6-4) at the , guard~. ' Kind, _the Diablos' playmaker tallic·d 18 against the Aztecs 111:d all lite other starters were m double figures, too.

C'I e Carter and Mark Coo'.ey ,he latter a 6-6 center, paced the lo•er 11,th 24 and 18 points, respe ti1 } Tbe Toreros now o"n a l~i ea n mark as they prepare .er a pair of showdown skir- rival C2.I We,tern. La,t year's USD club set the school mark with 15 wins against 11 lo ses. San Fernando mol'ed on top shortly after the first tipoff and pulled away to a 47-36 lead at intermission. However, the fired-up Toreros raced back in the second half 13-4, and maintained a two to four-point advantage until the finish. San Fernando falled on two field goal attempts and a tip in during the final 20 seconds of VOL play and USD was able to pre- serve the victory. m ·hes 1. ith cross-town



.Guardian a1;1d Champion of ±he Bes± Inieres. o ±he Faires! Corner of Heaven-on-Earth SUNDAY. JANUARY




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Tatals t S 1Holftlme score: USO JJ, Son Fernondc 2111

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