News Scrapbook 1964-1967
INTRACITY SERIES ST ARTS Western, USD Pit 'Go Slow' Tactics Tonig t
TOREROS ROMP, 70-50 Bickerstaff, USO Drub Westerners ·
hips Cal West r
lest with 63 per cent. This was something Cal Western could not combat. Cabrera, USD's sophomore whiz who has ably filled the job lcfl vacant by Cliff Ash- ford, gol his club started in the second half with a Jong jump and free throw and the mar• gin started to grow. The Torcros outscored the Westerners, 10-2, during a two- minute span and built their advantage to 20 points, 57-37. From this point. Torero conch Phil Woolpcrt in erted h i wb and stlll managed t.O maintain lhe 20 point advan• tage.
in thP. first half.
By JOHNNY McDO. 'ALO Bernie Bickerstaff, a spring-legged guard who played one or the finest ga- mes of his collegiate career, ignited a fired-up Univer•ity of San Diego coring attack thal bombarded Cal We tern University, 70-50, last night before a turnaway crowd o! some 1,300 fans. Bickerstaff, a 6-2 ,umor guard, broke up C!lcmy pat- terns. cleared the boards and led the Toreros' scoring with 16 points. Alan Fay con- tributed with H while team- mates Rick Cabrera and Bill Sheridan also hit in double figures with 11 and 10 points, - respectively. The Toreros connected on 59 per cent of their shots in turn- ing in the surprisingly easy verdict in the first leg 1oward a mythical city championsh1P., The two clubs will meet in a ~econd conte t Wedne day mght in Cal We tern's Golden Gymnasium The de ensi,·e,mmded We tcrncrs were unable to work an effective press a nd
The Toreros managed to stay on top throughout as the Westerners could not bottle up their attack. Lemons' drive closed the gap to 12-9 but Sheridan, Cabrera, Fay and Bi erltaff went to work after , t.aat and USO soon had a 11· point advartage, 2~-12. , The Torcros. unlike previous c,nrounters, did not falter un• dcr pressure and left at Inter• mission with a 31·22 adVRil• tage. USD connected on p :r cent of Its ~hots in the first half but, Improved on this in the S('cond ortion of the con•
ome e Tilts To Western The home advantage will be the chief topic as sideline exper discuss tomorrow night's second meeting between Univcr~ity of an
the _shooting
lo keep
failed pace crowd
a standing-room San Diego and Cal Western Um -crsity The Torcros tosik advantage I Cal WeSle_rn · of a crammed USD gym chanted noisily
to al!on for po~l-tcason competi
downed only 33 per cent of its
down the We tern rs, 70-50, Sat.I lion, anticipates a tougher con
,it's Cal test.
night., • 'ow,
San Diego Unlon Staf Pt'IOto
Lem Lemons, Al Razulls Western's turn and Steve Crowell nts each to share top scar- r;1 honors for. the Point Lo• . The Western rs have losl only start with the s:ime lmcup in in the game which could settle the m~ns. Razutis did his job on Golden Gym Tlieir h~r:i-ie rec- m_ythrcal city crown. USO must h boards with 14 rebounds· 0rd tbr e n:ls. 14 •2 · lhe only w!n to claim the crown, other- b i h"s t~ammate• failed to' los~es _were to A_rtzona State, wrse the elubs will share th~ .du th 1: . b USO . this 69-64, m the Holiday Tourna- honor. Both team have beaten five of their I t Sl contest hit 11 · · Each . coach said he would
got the ball. It's up}here where Be_r- nic Bicker taff of U~D also can get 1t. The Westerners' Al Razutis (401 awaits developments.
aad Nevada Southern, San Diego State.
b oll! ei 1 r JO , 2 5 3 a 3 s a e oo_, , · •
58..52, on Jan. 7.
With Bickerstaff plavmg hkE' [\\o men. lhe Torcro wer able to end the Westerners win streak at nine in a row
. Coac·h Bob Kloppenburg _cred- ited. the Toreros with playm_g a flawless game Saturday nrght
'It wa~ one of our
T his was uso·s 16th \lclor'-' but added· , poorest ., in 23 contests while Cal We l- , · .
Kloppenburg, whose team has
ern is 18-7
Bo AZIECS MEET FRESNO Wester , USD Play Second Tilt Wednesd y
The Toreros lhelb _en namPd for an NAIA nis- crosstown ,eries, nine games tnc1 Three playoff berth, added to six. that the Weste!'ners might have USO jumped ahead lrom the ~d a tough lime _to_pping USO opening lip and ran up an 8-2 if they had been hrttmg over_ 40 advantage after frve minutes. per cent of their shots. 1 he The westerners didn't get their We tern~ d?wned 3~ per cent. first field goal until 6-9 Crow- USO coacli Phtl Woolpert, ell ailing earlier this week whose athletes are hopeful of an with the flu, dunked in a fol- NCAA collPP-P ;it,l;irvP consider-, low shot with 13:40 remaining • ,. * , Col Wtsttrn 'Joi p TUSO (11) \fa'ru°n: ·i~ i ~, ,~~' 1 ' c,owell • 3 5 n~er•n CUn'tiam O t l i obr"ra Mlc'1'!! 11 2 1 Ir: t•n ' JV,~ 3 6 i 1~~1~: k.Y le lg.- 0 0 J OF ields S:4~•men O2 0 t-1/01' k ;~°ifm"me 1 ~JJr1° ~s6~'j1 1~ 22. "'"'•rv lead rn
(Continued I in double figures 3vere Ian Fay and Ted Fields with n and 10 points, res ti cly. Thi was the Toreros' t-ighth loss in 24 conte ts and ma,· have damaged their chances of gaining at-large berth in the NCAA college division playoff . However. USO still has games with Cal Poly of Pomona and Pasadena. The Westerners got off first ]J I night and moved ahead to a 10-4 advantage after five min- utes. At midpoint of the initial half, the Point Lomans Jed. 20-11. However, USO found the range and knotted the score, 22-all, with 5 :26 to go. The Toreros maintained this momentum and closed out with a 37-32 lead al halftime. Crowell. although saddled with four personals through al- most all of the second half. connected on hooks and layups to spark the Westerners. He made 14 or his points in the second half. Tire Westerners went ahead. 41-40, \\1th Jim Michaels' drive with 16:40 to go. The score see- sawed . hot for shot, until Michaels' free throw with 7:50 left put the Westerners on top to stay. The University of San Diego Cal Western·s junior varsity. 50-38,1 to even their series. Each team has won two games. I CAL WESTERN (70) USO (67) defeated GFPT 8 3 5 19 Bickrrstoff GFPT 5 6 5 16 3 5 4 11
ate Scores
Toreros Open Baseooll Play l m\ers1ty of San Diego baseball learn will be the first athletic team at the school lo compete in a conference. The conference 1s lhe newly formed Southern California Athletic Conference and is officially recognized and is a member of the NCAA. The SCAC titleholder will be rep- resented in the 'CAA post- season playoffs. Other members of the SCAC are Loyola, Pepperdine. Uni- ve rs lly of California at Riverside. and Chapman. The league was rormed through the initialing efforts of USO Coach John Cunningham and the cooperation of the other school administrations. The Toreros begin league play this Saturday, February 26, at Pepperdine. The teams play a double-header begin- ning at 12:30 p.m. Th
er Toreros, 67-63
~s~:;;.;......;;;.i._.;;:_:!i.,__ :;..:.,.ulllll:.iwiiU Fre hmen
-Son Diego Union Aerial Photo by Thane Mclnto~h knocked it out of bounds a split sec- ond after this picture was snapped. That's Danny Wightman of USD, left, and Bill Sheridan (13) of USD in hackground. Cal Western scored a 70-67 victory o\'er the Toreros.
Alan Fay (with ball) of University of San Diego has just grabbed a de- fensive rt:'bound and is about to lose PoSSf'SSion becau:se Al Razutis of Cal Western has ideas of his own. Razutis' hand, sec n grabbing for the ball,
L@mon5 ~~;~~i11
i ! U i l J f 3 o? 6 25 20 25 70 '2
lH i 7 3 , 17 5 0 1 10
~~:htmon J J 6 Sheridon
l.'illiomson Totals
24 1' 21 ,,
CROWELL GETS 23 Western o. .ns USD Five, 70-67 By JO~Y McDONALD Cal Western Unlv~rsity capitalized on its height and shot a red-hot _62 per cent .m the second half last night to down tough Unwers1ty of San Diego, 70-67, before some 3.000 screaming. fans m G Iden Gym. · ------- - The Westerners' ability to The Toreros were forced to clear the b Totals HolttimP score: USO J7, Col Western n CW FROSH (38) GFPT o O 3 o ,lr!®" I l 1 ,t USO FROSH (50) GFPT ,. 1 2 9 Frick Added to the schedule this year are such top teams as lhe Air Force Academy and Ari• zona State at Tempe, last year's national champions who v.ere lhe first college team ever to win 50 games in one season USO also plays Los Angeles State, Fullerton State, and Wyoming. NCAA AT-L--ARGE BERTH Crowford ~f1~" ~l~~:ev l i I ? I g Mtn,.;ton Special to The San Diego Union LOS ANGELES - University of San Diego outfielder Ed Green drove in six runs with two homers; a triple, double and single in eight \rips here yesterday as the Toreros split a twinbill with Pepperdine Col- lege. USO won opener, 7-5, but dropped the nightcap, 7-4. Raul Martinez, another outfielder had three hits in four trips fo; ,the Toreros. USO, now 3-1 for the season resumes action Tuesday at Mesa College. First Game USD 021 000 4-7 9 1 Pepi,erdine ooo 002 3-5 10 o vgf~k¾), (7(ew~~d C7rv~airf~ ZCldO. HR-Ed Greene 7th, 1wo on; WIi- heim, 7th ,none on. Second Gome USD f!G tit a 2 P~nfrn'll! 10S 001 Cl,r 7 11 :! FiercfP41n CT~, H\uom ,nan:trJ~~; 7t D t "; '>e ttl ,C ;1\;:; I, ht or. B- t, ,~zoda th, none • THE SAN DIEGO UNION H3 ~~ersonl\!J5'~ j{~! 4 5 6 11 16 21 31 \-"ie'it~rn , .. Snilth Total! 15 20 22 so Totals Holtt1m!' score: USO 21, Coi , Cultural Series Talks Planned The Speakers Forum and Cultural Series Committee of the University of San Diego College for Men has an- nounced its program for the spring semester, according to Reverend John :llayhan, OP. chairman. The first speaker was Dis- trict Attorney Don Keller, who spoke last Monday on "Por- nography and the Law" Other speakers will be Dr. Richard Hanson, whose topic will he "Utopianism" in March Most Reverend Francis J. Furey, who will speak on the Second Vatican Council and display historical documents in the College for Men library m April, and Craig Noel, pro- ducing director of the Old Globe Theatre, Inc., who will be the May speaker on the Shakespeare Festival. ,.Torero Accept Bi To ~ollege Playoffs Tr,a t·niwrsity of San Diego Y;e erda ' accepted an invila- llol) to play in the • 'CAA col- lege d1Hsion regional basket- ba I p 1 avoffs at Fresno Friday ~nd Saturday and will meet .a!Ue Pacific m the first ound Friday night. The Toreros, who finished eir re&ular season with a 17.g matJi: were named to the ~I-large berth in the four- llm tourney and notified vesterday by Don Perkins chairman of the regional se: ection committee Fresno State will meet the Uni\'ersity of , 'erada in the second game Friday night with the Iwo winners playing in the finals S_aturday night The reg10nal \\ mner will then advance to the :-.CAA small college finals. VSD "as awarded the berth in the regionals despite suf- fering a 67-63 defeat at Fresno State Saturday night in the final game of I he regular sea- son. The Toreros and Cal Poly of Pomona were both being considered for the at-large spot but USD scored a 71-63 win over the Broncos at Po• mona Friday evening to bi•eak a 23-game home court victory string. fn the '!SI). e no game Saturday mgh , the Bulldogs were 1taced b ie Hughey and Handy Thnrnp on with 15 a H points r p ively. b ra had flirt .A, Fay edl!WI i r the - THE SAN DIEGO UNION • . ,; .
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