News Scrapbook 1964-1967
Chaplain Asked To be Speaker Bev, nard J. Brug. lain f the Univer. D go College for be gue speaker day mecl!ng of the uild.
y, Fay
a t
l take place at 1.30 the Bishop's Dining o the college campus.
OU JU Th Torero , who now won a l~-5 season .mark, led all the\ way nltl he Waves v,ent on lop, 7 78, with 1·20 lo ga Then B rn1e Bickerstaff 1 dropped in a pair of free\' throws, Danny Wightman got a layup and Jimmy Allen added a C11arity shot to put the game
At the buSI s portion of the me lino, . lrs. John Wil- 1'"1°, president, will d1srnss , ,pla,1s for a bus trip. Refresh. , I ments \\ Ill bl! served at the , meeting.
tbrcra, toking over the G des ra
. . . declared ineligible
away for USD. Rick
d 'partmg Cliff Ashford, joined Ian Fny as leadmg scorer for the Toreros with 20 markers.
two free tos~c. while 10 ,hots from the floor n • dropping its sec- his season lo U D
c1·1tf Ashford
Fay ha
pp nd gil
wa pac d by Tandy Holme and G n~ Lo" e. Holme picked
The University of San Diego
USD TO GIVE TWO COURSES ·OUT-OF-TOWN l~xlen ion C'ourses will be I offered in San 8!'fn;1rdino this sprmg_ by the University of San Diego. Th,e fn-Servic·e Teacher Ed- ucation Program of USD's College for f n will offer two c~urse!l at Aquinas High ~chool , - Psychological Foundations of Education and New lethods of Teaching Mathematics. . They will be the first exten- sio_n c~urses offered by the university.
up and Lo\\e con- yesterday confirmed the report that basketball star Cliff Ash- It appeared CSD would be in ford has been declared ineh1p· deep houble when both Fay and ble because of scholasllc fa1I- Cnbt era fouled out. Fay was ure eou ted with two mmute to go . Ashford, who had been lead- Md Cabrera departed 30 .ec• mg the Torero · \\Ith a_ 12.4-poml ond later. average this season, mten_ds to • leave ~chool to work v.1th a llowevcr: the C I) . bench druo store chain in Los Angc- ·ame throu~h a~olher ~1me as lcs"' oach Phi. Woolpert re- v1d nc d by Cabrera s per- po;te~. rman e " {e certainlv w1ll m1 s Cliff The Toreros w •1! travel to who was a fine gentleman and anla_ Barbar~ tonight to face an outstanding player " the he lmver 11} or Cahforma. at coach said before leanng lo a nta Barbara. st3:t10 at 8. two-day trip to Los Angel and SD has another big game at . anta Barbara Sophomore ick ome Ylonday mght against Cabrera will take Ashford s for. Fresno State, one of the top ward position on the starting mall college club· m the coun- unit ~/0 mi G F • T Pe,ptr • 11 n The 25-year-old senior from cur o11 2 3 3 ) G F • T7 Hamtramck, :\lich., did not Yavorsky 5 0 3 1 j t · I f I P ,ce 1 2 3 A Hom • meet grade reqmremen S O • p y 10 0 5 20 Wh I • H , 2 i 20 sottorfa low rng the mad-term exams. e 13 ~Camobe!I 1026 hi · d F,e d • • 2 11 carnobell 1 o 3 1 was a psyc o ogy maJor an )::',•• tm i? 1 • f.~• 1 l t planned to enter probation lf~~i~m..!t\so 2~!P::;:~diN 2 f:/ 72011 \\Ork. Woolpert a1d Ashford w ,uld prefer to remam in an Diego but the offer for work came from Los Angeles Woolperl said Ashford intended to enter night school later. \shford. a former \ 11-State tributt1l "'ilb 20 pomt
-San Dit Rick CabrE:'ra, a ophomore forward for the Univer. ity of San Diego, drives in for a basket en route to the Toreros 69-66 upset yictory over high- SNAP 8-G ME SKEIN Torer s Upset Fresno, 9-66 cDO . The Univef'ity of San Diego mixed determination and a touch of luck for an upset potion last night as the Toreros stunned highly-regarded Fresno State, 69-66. before some 1,000 screaming f !lS at lJSD gymna ium. I , Coach Phil Woolpert's cagers 36-34 advantage into the dress- were able lo end the Bulldogs' ing room. v ctoiy siring at_ ~ighl games Bickerstaff, who pla\'ed a fine w th ~o per cent fmng from the · floor and good ba ·ic defensive game from the floor m control- ba,ketball. ' ling the USD forces, struck for For the third straight game four points on a follow and a sophomore Rick (,'abrera led the pair of free throws to get tbe ciub in scoring with 17 markers. Toreros off in the second half. The 6-3, 175-pom,d forward, who For the first 10 minutes of the has taken over for ineligible ace Second stanza only Hughe was Cliff Ashford, has tallied 52 jgetting baskets for Fresno. He points during these three con- collected a tip. a pair of hooks tests. and downed two free throws dur-· The fine shooter from Los An- ing this span as USD forged a geles was aided in the Torero 47-39 lead. scoring department by sopho- FRESNO snTE uso cm By JOH, ·y USD Diara1na Needs Expansion fa h dcllcalely player at San n;ego City Col- lege, was one of the best ever to attend i.:sn. He nPeded only 68 pomls to lie Russ Cravens' all- time coring record of 1.234. The 6-4, 165-pound athlete had avcra ed 18.1 for two previou~ easons at USO. 'EVENING - Toreros Host UC Irvine Club The University of San Di- ~o Torero~ host lhe Univer. ty of California, Irvine, to. morrow, then travel lo Chap. College iJ1 Orange Sat- url4ily, Both games are at 8 p.m USD split a two- ame home 5r1nd last weekend, losing c ose game to Cal Poly Po m_ona, 60-57 an_d bou~ding ~th a 73.62 win over Whit- l tiler4. The Torero are no\ · _for tlte season. _Irvme will invade town th an 8-6 record. This • the Ant ater's first year i~ ~sket~all. The are led b Bal,e Fmney and guard To1ii ;J.,,an who .are both aver. 3 &<• 15 pomts a game be The C~apman contest 0 wilJ _the nmth·game in an old senes dating back to 1956 ~hapman leads the series 6-2. owever, USD has won th ' la st two by scores of 101.e! and 65-61. Edu ator Named To Ch ir at U D Guardian and Champion of ±he Bes± In±er, of ±he Faires± Corner of Heaven-on-Ear±li ,1 l~~sen. 1 r: ~~1· i f ~~/;;;\~~ 8 7 2 23 Cobrera l 1 5 more _g~ard BiJJ ~heri~an {14). and ]UlllOr Berme Bickerstaff f~~~~son ; 13) and Alan Fa,· (13). ~ughey This was onlv ·1he fourth loss w~"ci",~"n'd a;ckerstff G 5 F3 G7 F2 l ! ,~ 1: 6 5 2 17 2724 l in 17 games for who move 0 J 50 T 0 ~, 15 Fr!!n 1 t tonight for a game a_gainst Cal 3".uso Frosh 64, USD_Alumni_5_6. _ Western University. That game starts at 8 o'clock. the Bulldogs into Golden gym L~'1~:fm/ 7 s~;,:~ The Toreros trailed only twice in the conte t but appeared to be wilting under the strain of a full-<:ourt press in the late stages. However, a technical foul on coach Ed Gregory for calling a sixth timeout with 23 seconds to play changed the tide. USD. hitting slightly under 50 per cent in the second half but taking only 23 shots, led by 11 points, 61-50. with 4:25 remain- ing. Then, Fresno began to move behind Bob Jensen and high-scormg center Lonnie Hughey. With 45 seconds left, Randy Thompson pumped one in from the side and the invaders trailed bv two, 66-64. Bickerstaff had a · chance to giye the Toreros the margin they needed but missed a free throw and Fresno had the ball with 23 seconds to go. Gregory called for time and lJSD was awarded the "g;ft" shot and Fay made good. From that point, the Toreros went into a stall and Sheridan was fouled in the final nine seconds. The cool second year man dropped n both charity shots and that m· hed Fremo. The Bulldogs. leaders in the .California Collegiate Athletic ,A sociation with a 5-0 mark, fell off their usual high scoring per- c ntage. although 6-7 center Hughey led his club with 23 and Jensen kicked m with 16. Jen- sen fouled out with a minme remaining. Sheridan, a surprise starter over regular .'.\lark Yavorsky, dropped in a pair of jump shots to gel USO off first, 4-0, and the Toreros maintained a lead until 5:08 to go in the first half. Fresno knotted the ore 25- all and gained 27-25 nd 31-29 leads before the Toreros took a On Jlarriaµe Leo L. Koran, 41, is the second mairiage counselor from a rriage conciliation court headed by Superior to Court .Judge Robert 0. Stani ts forth to teach at the Univer- r sit) of San Diego. College for ' :\len • m He will ghe a course on f. marriage and the family. which was inaugurated last it fall and taught by William g Brackley, formerly of the con ciliatlon cou who i. now ' enga 0 ed in pm ate marriage e counseling. I. The Co1Jeae for )len is '· the first instltullon in the state of California to requn e the course for all ·tudenls. according to Re,·. William "olan, C"hairman of the de partment of sociology. ea L. Koran. the brother o \dolph A. Koran. refer- ence librarian al the Univer- 1 of San Diego. College of · !en, is a graduate of the l ni\ ersitv of :\laine. He re- cf'h·ed his master's de~ree _in social work at the University or :\lichigan in 1960 and from 1961 to !9ij4 was a psvchia- tric ,orial worker with the \ eterans' Administration in an Diego Kora n. married and father of one child. resides at 6i&5 Sunny Brae Dr. Retired Officer Summer Session Director Appointed· Thomas R. Pearson, 47, director of student and educatiot.1al services at the University of San Diego College for Men , has been named director of the summer session, accord ing to very Rev.John Paul Cadden, president of the College for Men. Pearson, a Navy commander, retired from active duty last August and has been at the col- . Era nu na> mond Dr L. the Junlpcro Serra Mmeum, 1111 Jorn the faculty of the ni- \ erslt) of San .Diego, Collel!e for \len the \ cry Rev. John Paul Cadden. president, an nounccd today Brande , as islant profes- sor of history, will start teaching m the spnng semes- ter. lie 11 tll succeed Re,. John ;\lyhan, OP, 11ho has been ap. pointed chairman of the the- ology department. Brande· receiHd his PhD from the l D1\Crs1ty of fl· zona where he al o serred as an as 1stant director of the \rizona Stale lll:toncal • o. c1ety. In t9n0 he \1as founder and chairman of. the Fir t \nnual \ rizona ll1stoncal convention and last year was founder of the First nnual San Diego County lhstorical Coll\ en11on He . enerl as the ir,t president of the San D1c::o County Association of Jlislor) Group He 1s the author of three books, including Frontier • lilitary Po,ts of Arizona [19601, editor of the Journal of San Diego History: Times Gone By (19651; and numer- ous articles including :'ia- tional Geographic .Magazine, "Evacuations of California" Fit t Settlement'. 'lhe Roya~ Presidio o an Diego·• to be published thi. ·car. Brande a nathe of , an Diego., e I itb his :vife and fi e Id n at 3904 ·uuth\ i "' e. • fo1 mer director of at Purdue University, West lege since that time. He is re- sponsible for student employ- men! , graduate placement, and loan, ,,nd also for coun- seling prospective students. The 1941 Annnapolis gradu- ate was the executive officer and associate professor c;f naval science with the Naval Reserve Officers training unit . Lafayette, Ind. While at Purdue, Pearson look postgraudate courses in guidance, and counseli~g. psy- chology, and educational ad - ministration. He received his master's degree in education at Purdue. THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 196 Di. Brandes To Teach At College Dr R?ymond S. Brandes, 42, former director of the Junipero Serra Museum, will Join the faculty of the University oD San Diego College for Men, Very Rev. John Paul Cadden president, announced. ' Brandes, assistant professor of histvry, will start teaching in the spring semester. He will · succeed Rev. John Myhan, OP, who has Ileen appointed chair- man of the theology depart- ment Brandes received his Ph.D from the University of Arizona where he also served as assist- ant director of. the Arizona State Historical Society. In 1960 he was founder and chair- man of the first annual Ari- zona historical convention and last year founder of the first annual . an Diego County his• torical t:O vention. He served as the fi t president of/ the San Diego County Associatio of History Groups. Brandes, a native of Sar Diego, resides with his wifi and five children at 3904 South view Drive. The series which will determine the city's myth. I basketb!l-11 champion starts at University of San Die~ca s ~o ~ge mght with tbe Toreros taking on Cal Western ° a ur ay The_ teams meet again the-----·----,....,..._..,~ followmg Wednesday in the per cent of its shots from "th Westeners' Golden Gym. floor. e USO and_ Cal Western have In Fullerton, a San Diego not met th!s season. Both pos- State team which had shot with •ess vletor1es over San Diego Just so-so success in previous State, the Toreros winning, engagements on foreign floors 54-47, and the Westerners..:,scor- overwhelmed Fullerton State mg 70-61 and 68-58 · triumphs 105-72 - the Aztecs' highest over the Aztecs. pomt production of the season _USO, Cal Western an\i San Dave Miller collected ·27 ~•ego. Staie all scored impres- pomts and Al Skalecky 26 for s1ve victories Saturday night. the wrnners. , In Northridge, the Torcros Cal Western remained in its ,rallied from an 11-point deficit Golden Gym, where it now has to stop San Ferna11do ,Valley' won nine straight games, to Sta_le, one of t~e Cahforma Col- stop Mexico Poly 81-40 in a legiate Athl~t•c Association's game sponsored by the People- t_ronger entries. 76-74. Bernie to-People program. The teams ~\Ckerstaff hit 25 points and are scheduled to meet again in ,1ck Cabrera 18 as Phil Mexico City in 1967 1/oolpert's club connected on 52 RROADW.\\' BE T: One of !hf' oldest t . jurh,ts . till \\ i!!lding a gavel is I< ederal ,Judge Jacob . · in- burgrr, uho ~111 just pa'-sed is Mth birthday. (He'. Tetirt>d, but stilJ takes the bench when needed) ..•• • ·ewly, 'rds largaret (Hargrea\·es) and David Cox werl' IT ckrd to their hideout at Lake San :\larcos by Cu)'ama<'a. Club manager Bob Bowden so they could continue thl'ir hont>~moon as plannrd. When they fled the club ·aturday afternoon after tht>ir rec~ption, th, y left behind their plane tickets to Mexico City.•• . Th 'Ii_juana Brass is near a second sell-out for the Fth. 11 conrnt. Thi' Chic Theater, w!1ieh seat. 3,000, was solcl out for a month; the srcond concert, at Co1n cntion Hall; already has sold :{,600 tickets...• From the marquee at a local sho1)ping center: PRICE RE R02 . HF.RE L ·o TI.\ISED EU,E- \\ ', (Thr Bad eed'~). ' - The Westerners. substituted freely with Al Razutis Jcading with 11 points. The Aztecs begin this week's program_Tues~ay when they op- pose Whittier m Peter,on Gym San Diego State pl ys al Long Beach Slate Friday. . Cal Western and USO have 1- Just one date their battle r Saturday. • 11------ ~---__.l__J
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