News Scrapbook 1962-1964
Requiem Is Offered for Msgr.Byrne He was a holy man; he kept a bright ptrlt and a v.arm the
June, 1926, at All Hallows College. Term as a si tant pastor weie served in the d(oc,, e of hts adoption at St. Paul's, Los Angeles, and St. Anthony's, Long Beach. He was promoted to the pastorate ot St. Ann's, Needles, In September 1931, and terms as pastor followed at St. Thoma , Arhngton, t. Edward's, Corona; cred Heart, Red- Jand~, and St. Chnr r.s B011 ornro. Loma Po I, in the Dloce e ot an Dwgo. •or two ye.ars he rv d,as sa !or ltapla n at Mercy Ho. pita! b f •t Jus appointn nt a B shop's cretary in January, 1 55. It wna \l.1lll c'hapl n at the hospital llmt M gr. Byrne as elevated to the tank of dom ltc p1·clate by Pop Pius TJ In • eptember 1952,
HI life reflected the exhortation or St. Paul to th EpheSJans: " nd walk in love, as Chnst also hath loved u~ and hath delivered H1msel! for us, an oblation and a aacr1- fice to God !or an odour of sweetness." Thus did Mo t Reverend Charles F. Buddy, Bishop or San Diego, summarize the life of Rt. Rev. lsgr. :!',fichael J. Byrne, former Vicar General o! the San Diego diocese and former secretary to the Bishop. ,Isgr. Byrn d1 d of heart attark Thursday, Janu 9, at Holy Rosary rectory San Bernardino, whe1e he had en 1n retirement, More th n 100 anon gnors and pne ts atte ded th solemn o eg II fonday, January 13 in the Immaculata on th V' of n Diego campu . Rr.v. Francis J . Furey Apostolic Admtnlstrat'>r o! ,..L.:.=====-=-c::- 1-/f;,
USO, Orange State In Tourney Finals -1 R~· ,JOfJNNV McOONALO IJni\er•it~ n/ San n I ego eight pnint<> helow Ashford s itml Or;,ngp Sta(P, staging averagP. line • e c n n
'63 hamps Underdog in age Opener
CLIFF ASHFORD . p.1<·,·, l'orr«-ro~ tonh:hl USO Quintet faces Pacific In Home Meet T\, o or the n at i o n '1, top scorer guard Len Guinn of rfrangc State and Keith Stroup of Lo~ Angeles Paci- fir \\ 111 hp sem in action tonight i11 the first round of thr second annual University of :'ian Diego Invitational bas- ket ball tourney at t'~D "Vm . ~uinn, who has a,·er;·ged 27 7 points a game, will lead hi~ club against defendin" champion PhibPac in the 7 o'clock opener. Stroup, whose 22.4 a ,·eragr is still consider ably below last year's per. formancP, will pace Pacific against host USD at 9. The four - team tourney will be concluded tomorrow night. The Torer'os will take a 5~'5 sea on mark Into the meet after clropping a 69-53 deci- sion to thr Universitv of Call- fornia at Santa Bar 0 bara last Saturday. Cliff A h!ord, a 6-2 sopho- more forward, will guide the Toreros. He has a, Prngcd 1 3 points in 10 contests. Othrr Torero starters "ill 'be cente1 Larry ).Ioyrr, who ha a 12-point avcragr, guards Mark Yavorsky (10.GI, and L}mo11d Williams t8Jil and forward Mark Teismann (9.5). The Panther~ will enter the contest with a 3-10 record. The improving Amphibious sailors ha,·e an 8-5 mark and will be led by Jerrv Feld Fred Mims and Boh· Toson'. Orange State owns a 6.j rec- ord.
Frosh Seek Eighth Win Coach John <'unningham's Univerislty of s an Diego !r~shman basketball t ea m " 11 be out after its eighth in <,t the season Saturday ,., hen the Torero yearlings tak~ on U1e Long Bea ,h State junior va1·s1ty in a. 6 p.m. pr liminary to . var~lty match bet\ n t1ie two o'(·hools Rt USO ~:mi. Cunningham's squad, 7.3 for the .year, captur·ed a 79- 74 deci. wn from Oceanside Junior College l11At Saturday. Alan J?a), -, G-5 forward . cor d 2tl pol ta to pace th~ Torero RI a, t whlle Larry Gaddy talhrcl 1~. Dave Golds- berry 16, ancl Barry Fay 12 in the bala1 ced attack. The yearlings had defeated St. Aulr1ct$tlne I! ~h earlier last week, 69-!i7, \\1th John Emerson sroi-mg 16 points and GoldEberry H. ' High for Sa;mtR was Den- nis Dunn with :!Ii. etti~ e ·oring pace fot the Torcros c,nr th" 10 i .Alan J; a with 176 followed >Y Golds- tlh <.a U:SD Auxiliary To Install New Officers An election luncheon wlll be held by the University ot San Di go Auxiliary this Tuesday, January 14, at the San Diego Yacht Club, t o! Talbot treet, Point Loma. There Will be aoclal .sipping •tarting at 11.30 a.rn., With th e luncheon being served at 12:30 p.rn. Th re ¼ill be Installation or the new office!'I. .Mrs. 'rancls J. Burll!I la luncheon chairm The donation J,1 $2.75 a person. Reservations ma be rnad e by calling Ira, Richard Barbel', 454-7949; Mrs. Char- les Baurngar~en, 298-4273; :Mr · Guy .M o, 222-3238, or .Mrs. Howell WI gins 281- 58•6. ' 1-f • 1-/V - ..
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