News Scrapbook 1962-1964


HOSTS WHITWORTH Western Goin,g For 8th Straight

West Bag Strai


th t Pierce Sparkles

In 67-57 Conquest Of Whitworth '5' Cal We te n•~ lzzling h s- kethall t am .stayed on the ,\in p th last n ght, chalking up Its f'lghth straight with a 67-57 triumph n,,.r Wlutworth Colleg In G1 Iden Gym. In a pr limtnary tilt, (' 1 W fern' Fro h topped Palo Verde College, 70-53, !or th Ir fourth win in SI games Oh 1 er contests saw farine Co1 p Recruit Drpot trounce 'a I Trnlning Cente . 101-60 an Calewo top nlversitv ~f Diego Freshmen, 15-.r,o, USO dy Pierce, a 6 !o from Arizona p ced the We emcr to their 1 th victory In 16 lits by srortng 22 potnts and p1ckm otf 14 rebound love Up In Rat'f' P1 rce' hot night eft him only 14 pomt behind J l m Hi-fn r In the baltle for tea'm scoring honors. Hefner has 2'Z'i In Plrrri,'" 211 # Cal We te1n \\R!I off to a strong start t~ grab a 9-1 ad- ' ant age, hut Whllwnrth roarerl h;ic-k to mak!' it 12-12 before- the W st rner got go Ing aga n Ilo"e' f>f Whitworth trulled by only 3.3 30 at half- time. 'Wl11two1 th knotted the score twlC'e, 34-all and 36-all, In the . ef'ond h If. Leading b•,54:;5 with 4·11' left in the cont t, Cal We t- ern "ent into a stall. nothcr Bi~ SpreP The Marines gained the 100 mark for the ninth time with their Plfort agamst the Blue- jacket . Fourteen Devildo<;s hit the coring column and three of them tallied in dou- ble figures. It was the Ma- rine 11th triumph in 18 games. High point scorer m the Ca- Jewo-USD Frosh tilt was Alan Fa> o the Jo. ers with 20. tour more th n BerntP Rlckerstaff baggPd for thr winners Sum- mil 1P W !worth U7} Cal Wuter" (671 GFPT GFPT r.x:;. 9'~, f I 1t i?:1~!" : : -1 J Id 5 • 3 1' Craw,11 4 4 J ,2 JI onder 4 2 10 H~fner 3 6 12 A OrMJn 3 3 ' 9 Jc.rndl 5 1 ! 11 E Iott I O 2 D•on O 2 2 i'l."n".', 8 ° l g •~~m 2 8 l Total, 21 1111 57 Toto1, 2i 17 16 '7 Halfl,me--Cal Wutem 33, Whitworth 30 Palo V•rde (Sl) CW Frosh (70) GFPT c,,.T ,J. rr@nei f 1 7 Wood~ri 9 1 o 19 ~~mp$0ft 1 ' 13 ~t;Ltn i g 6 ? I • Coronado 3 l f Poz'fc!is 6 • O,6 Ao~f!!Z f 4 t lf :C:t~ho~n i t l~ Cantr I 1 3 3 Mvf,-r 1 o 2 2 ~}~~rn i ! i 1 i Totah 1D U ,. SJ Totafs l1 I lt 70 Holfhmt-CW lJ. Palo Verde 16. MCRD (lOl)G F p T NTC (10) Hunt@r 8 • o 20 W'stm'''nd lv~r on 6 1 2 13 Ytoroon COP!'lond 2 I 2 5 Borron i:r~:lm j ? J t ~e'enrs 'Schmidt f 3 3 13 Jove, ~bt~ns 2 I b } R~~:U Clay 4 l O 9 E!_ r, Soloo•k 1 1 2 A Und • Wolker i y G 6 L r f o ? " GI' PT iv n I O 3 2 1 2 2 • 2 0 0 , HH 0 0 o , o J 3 1 10 ' 22 idi J 6 ' St•oho• 1 0 2 2 14 &O Maltf1m~M RD 11 NTC #~·-~~- 1-7 Total, 4J 1~11101 Total~ 24

,IISS • • •

• • • iss. Ann M. Pecht, harles King to Wed Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Pecht of Oxnard announced the en- gagement of their daug'hter, Ann Maureen, to Charles George King at a recent cocktail party in their home. Miss Pecht Is a fourth generation Californian. She is the granddaughter of :Mr. end Mrs. Alexandei;- F. Furrer of Oxnard

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and Mrs. Le La Cheur Pecht of Oxnard and·the late Judge Clarence E. PechL Mr. King Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephen King of La Jolla. He is the grandson of 1\Irs. Henry S. King of La Mesa and the late Mr. King and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ct}arkis C. George of Omaha. Miss Pecht Is a senior at the San Diego College for Wom~n. where she is pres- ident of the stuaent body. She was a 1960 debutante of

the Ventura County Assist- ance League and was pre- sented to James Francis Car- dinal McIntyre at the 1961 Social Sel'Vica Auxiliary Ball in Los Angeles. Mr. King attended SL Au- gustine IDgh School, the Uni- versity of Notre Dame and Is a graduate of the Univ r- slty of San Diego College for 1e t. An early .summer we ding Is planned.


Cunningham Hot In G:alewo Victory John l'unningham, the former ,San Francisco Univer- sity sta..- continued his hot scorin;; pace last night as he tallicrl :'..t points to spark CALEWO to a 87-86 basket- ball victory over .IHCRD at Point Loma High's gym. Druce Joyce hit 20 for thr winners, now 10-4 and Scott Ivt'rson produced the top ef, fort for the Marines (9-61 with a l!l pomt total. MCRD (86) Colewo (91) GFTP GF PT 1}1~; ~~;~:t i ¾ 2l Sm!th 3 , O10 Feoste-r 1 0 3 Erdheim 6 5 5 17 Sheridan 0 O 2 O Lake 2 1 2 5 Cnghm H 6 2 3 Solopek I 2 3_, '- Bk-:.ersloff O .4 5 ~ 1 i~~ins 1 3 r t f 15 Nichols o o 1 o Nowden • 0 1 Copeland o 2 1 O Totals 31 341S 86 Tntols J7 :14 2S t8 Halftime score: C'!!e!' 4Q, MCR D Z8. 1-3


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