News Scrapbook 1962-1964
GUINN SPARKS WINNERS USO Bows, 71-64, To Orange State
Aztecs Take Break In League Schedule Alter Bulldog Bite Westerners Seek 2 More Wins; Perfect-RecordKnights Hit Road San Diego State Collegf'':s hoopstPr:~ will take a '.est fro1;1 California Collegiate Athletic Assoc1at1on compet(tion tlus week to entertain Whittirr College Thursday mght a nd Orange StatP Saturday night. · The Aztecs saw their unblC'mished CCAA record go do the drain at the hands of Fresno State Saturday night when th
Fresno led by only 38.;,5 at halftime, but midway of the second half the Bulldogs start. ed to draw away. "Fresno looks like (he team to hf'at for the title," SDSC coach G e o r g e Ziegenfuss said. San DiC'go City College, 2-0 in its first outings in defense of the Metropolitan Confer- ence crown, will be on the road this week. Friday night the Knights will be at East Los Angeles. The followmg evening they'll invade El Ca- mino.
Johnny Kerr has joined baseball's Lou Gehrig, pro football's Leo Nomellini and hockey's Andy Hebenton on the list of sports' Iron men. other three yesterday w h e n he playc>d in his 767th consecu- tive National Basketball As- sociation game, both regu . Jar season and playoff, eclipsing the record S<'t by h i s Philadelphia coach, Dolph Schayes. Kerr joined the
. ._
• p:11•t's Tm·rl'ros fonii:-ht
USO Quintet faces Pacific In Home Meet Two of 1 1 ,,, nation's top ~corl'rs .rnard Len Guinn of Orange State and Keith Stroup of Los Angeles Paci. fie will be seen in action tonight in thP first round of thp S<'C'ond annual lTnivcrsin· of San Diego Invitational bai. kctbal! tourney at U3D gym Guinn. who has a,·eraged 27 7 points a game. will lead his C'luh against defending champion PhibPac in the 7 q'rlock opener Stroup, :...·hose 2:.1. I 11 ve1.1ge is still cons1dl'r. ably below last ~·ear's per. fot m11nc,:,. will pacP Pal'ific against hos1 l"SD at '1. The four . team tourne, wi II he <·on,:-ludpd tomorrow·night. Th(' Torrros will take a 1-J season mark into the mC'<'t aftP1 dropping a 69•53 deei- sion to thP. University of Cali. fornia at Santa Barbara last Saturcla~·. Cliff Ashford , a 6-:l sopho- more forward, will guide the Toreros. He ha" an•raged 18.. '3 points m 10 ontesti: Other Torf;' o sta l'l<'rs Will he crnter Larr :I-foyer who has a 12-point a \ erage, guards :\fark Yavorsky '10.6), and L;mond Willi11ms (8.6) and forward Mark Te1smann 19.31. The Panthers ·i]l entPr the contest With a 1-10 record . Th im 'i ving Amphibious sa1 ,irs ha,e an 8-5 mark and wi hr k
Dowling Lights Fuse SDCC c a m e out of t h e clouds to nose out Los Ange- - 17 of them in the closing 10 Jes \"..a1ley, 71-70, Saturday mmutcs. ' . night in San Diego High gym. Cal Western s sensat10~al The Knights were 18 points aggregation w1U gu~ tor 1~ behind i.n the opening minute 1001 and llt~ wms m_ a ro of the second half, then they this week as 1t entertams Ma- suddenly caught fire. rin<' Corps_ Recruit Depo! to- morrow mght and goes to It was a treme nd o~s Westmont High Friday night. form;_mce by l_ittle guaid Dick The Westerners made ii ni w Dowlmg w h I c h saved th " in a row Saturday night with Knights. Th<' former Kearny a s2.:;5 victory over Pasaclf'na High star scored only four College. It was the Western- .points in th? first half. hut he ers' 11th straight at home. I bagged 23 m the second half . . r USD Rows m Fmals Coach Bob Kloppenburg'. classy quintet was ablr to
swpJl its season record to 15-2 in spite of the fact it was i<'e cold in the second half and hit on only sc>ven of 30 field-goal attempts lt was Cal Western', bril- liant defense which sa\'ect the da,·. University of San Diego will entertain Long Beach State Saturday night. The Toreros lost to Orange State, 71-64, Saturday in the finals of tl1C'ir own invitational tournament. Lc>onard Guinn s c o re d 27 points for the winners, who broke a 61-61 tie with four minut<'s remaining. Guinn, who tallied 52 points and snared 26 rebounds in two 0 ameb, was named most-val- uable player in the meet. Los AngP!c>s Padfic beat PhibPac, 7:J-63, for t h i r d place.____ ....;,._--~--~ ;-/3
• Ornnq• Sfaf, (7- \ 8orav , .t JOhn ton , ~:ft"" i • Gunn 8 l C ovt n I
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