Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
THE TRIBUNE-SUN, San Oiego 12, Cafifcrn!<', Monday, Dee. 8, 1947
Rockne Lauded ln Fund Drive The projected building of Rockne Institute of Technical Arts at El Cajon as a memorial to Notre Dame's famed coach was praised yesterday by Pat O'Brien, film actor, at the University Foundation Fund Rally in the Balboa Park Organ Pavilion. "Knute Rockne did everything within his power for youth," said O'Brien, who portrayed the coach in the film,"The Four Horsemen ot Notre Dame." "The building ot a school for boys, to bear his name, is a project that is naturally very close to my heart." Rockne Institute and the San Diego Catholic University are two of the principal objectives in a huge building program of schools and I charitable institutions for the San Diego Diocese, which includes Im- perial, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego Counties. Soliciting Starts The rally yesterday marked the beginning of door-to-door soliciting in the University Foundation Fund campaign. O'Brien became acquainted with Rockne during his student days. The film star, who was educated at Marquett(l U n i v e r s i t y in Mil- waukee, played against the Notre Dame eleven. On yesterday's program, vocal solos, band numbers and prayers for the success of the enterprises were followed by a blessing and Solemn Pontifical Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament by The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of the San Diego Diocese. Assisting deacons were the Rev. Father Thomas Lehane, Pastor of St. Martin's Church in La Mesa, and the Rev. Father Malachy O'Sul- livan, PastOT of St. Mary's Church in National City. Chaplains were the Very Rev. Patric];{ Dunne, Pas- tor of St. Vincent's Church in San Diego, and the Rev. John Purce~l, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church m Coronado. Music Provided The musical program included the singing of "Ave Maria" and "Mother Dear" by Socorro Carreno, soprano, student at the Academy of Our Lady of Peace. The All- City Parochial School band and St. Augustine·s High School band took part. with Antoinette Petra- sich and Raymond J. McMahon as vocalists. The following civic leaders and volunteer workers who have been active in the campaign were in- troduced: DeGraff Austin, Chair- man of the County Board of Su- pervisors; Councilman Vincent T. Godfrey, representing Mayor Har- ley E. Knox; Adm. William H. Standley, USN ret., former Chief of Naval Operations; Comdr. W. G. Brown Naval Training Center; Mrs. Josephine Hearle, Field Direc- tor, American Red Cross; John Quimby, Secretary-Treasurer, San Diego Federated Trades and Labor Council and William Parker, As- sistant Secretary of the San Diego Building Trades Council. Also, Nicholas J. Martin, County Campaign Chairman; William P. Mahedy, Mrs. Fred Gloor, Roy F itzgerald, LeRoy Goodbody, Quin- t in Whelan, Dr. John J. Prender-
eard o~ A Street Corner I (Co,,111lt ,.ts of ~tin DiPgai s a,1d r i,·itors about tilt [.:nit-ersify Founclation d,1·re). A.D:\I, WILLI )I H. TA..~DLEY r. S . Xavy (retir<'d), former Chief of Xa,·al Operations, Ex- Ambassaclor extraordinary and minh,ter plenipotentiary to the o,~iet l'nion: ''The project initiated by Bishop Buddy to raise funds for the estab- lishment of a University i n San Diego is a t m o s t worthy · one and should be ·wholeheart- ~dly supported by the citizen- ry, regardless of faith or creed. I sincere- ly hope that every citizen will give his utmost to aid Bishop Buddy in 1 the work he has undertaken." J JA..'\IES R . CURTO, law s tudent and ex-naval officer, 711 E St., I San Diego : ''For many years San Diego has needed additional University fa- cilities for its 1 growing popu- lalion. Now
Dignitaries, Actor Lead Campaign for Catholic F_un_d_~-
with the influx of war workers who have de- sired to stay and the many I others who seek San Diego
FIim Star Pat O'Brien, th ird from left, was th e featared speaker at yesterday's Catholic Uni- versity Foundation F und Rally In Balboa P ark, ,Catholic leaders are, left to right, the Yery Rev. Patrick Dunne, the Rev. Thomas J . McNamara, O 'Brien, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of the San Diego Diocese, the Very Rev. Francis D illon and the Very Rev. John Purcell. gast, Alvin A. Weigel, Henry Fau- - , r and P:rnl Borgerding, the corner of Kearney Ave. and sistants, the Rev. Gerald J. Fader Sigsbee St. and the Rev. Walter Want, partici-
1 as thE>ir perma- nent home, what formerly was u just a need is definitely now a I demand! I sincerely hope that t every resident and home maker I asked for donations to this fund I may see the need as I do." MI S S MARTHA THOMPSON, waitress : "Rock ne I nstitute for Boys is, t o my way of thinking, a fine idea towa rd helping th e yo u n g e r f'"''''
The program was concluded by the solemn recessional of 1500 pa- rochial school children. NEW GUADALUPE SCHOOL BUILDING DEDICATED In a ceremony yesterday at Our
Attending were parents of the paling. school's 250 pupils and priests and sisters of the First and Second Or-
DOCTOR'S HOME BOMBED DES MOINES, Dec. 8 (AP)-Dr. The sisters P. F. Natale, his wife and their baby escaped injury when a bomb
ders of St. Francis. are teachers at the school.
The school was blessed by the partly wrecked their home on the Lady of Guadalupe Church, 1770 Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bish- north edge of Des Moines early yes- Kearney Ave., the new building op of the San Diego Catholic Dio- terday while they were asleep in i of Our 1:,adY of Guadalupe School cese, with the Rev. Benjamin Sil- I an upstair room. Natale said he c was dedicated. The school is at ,va, SJ, Church Pastor, and his as- had no id a who planted the bomb. f
genera tion look to a better fu- t ur e. In my o n t a c t with th e young peo- ple of San Di- I eg o, I f eel such a program will be a wonderful !help."
E 'I'HEHE "·11.s MlJ ething inspiratio1rnl in the pictnrn in ~Ion y'. Cnion showing- snme 3000 peri;ons 11ssembled at. the Balboa Park organ 11a,·ilion learn details of the pro- po ed university Foundation as presented by the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, Bishop of the San Diego Catholic Diocese. A striking fact is that at lea t half of the a sembly were young people from the paro- chial schools, peculiarly interested in the university program. Education, as a Will Rogers of another generation used to say, is '' something we can't get too much of." Probably the most fruitful outlays of the various states and districts of the country, from the standpoint of returns, are the investments in schools
1111d colleges.• ·o date, are a likely to be aYailahlr, on t education; it is an in!angihl
• * * I MRS. HARRIET TEPER, dining room hostess: "I believe the University Fund
are not alway" subject to statistical analy is. Bishop Buddy, in projecting the campaign for the "Gniyersity Foundation, made the statement that the ta k ahead is a great one, '' but if it were ea y it would be no good.'' This aptly summarizes the program to raise six million dollars for expanding the educa- tional opportunities of the comm.unity. It is not an easy task, but all the more commend- able because it is not easy. Referring to the 1500 young people i~ attendance at the Pa- vilion meeting, Bishop Buddy asked this question: "Do you think they 're worth a good universityt" The answer, of course, is obvious.
"I believe t he Univ er s i t y \ Fund P lan is one of the most wonder- ful t hings I have heard of , in a long time, and I inte11d to do I all in my power to help I
I t he cause."
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