Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Blessing of Our Lady Of Guadalupe School Scheduled for Dec. 7 Our Lady of Guadalupe school, located at the corner of Kearney and Sigsbee streets, San Diego, will be dedicated Sunday after- noon, December 7, at 12:30 o'clock, by His Excellency the Most Rev- erend Bishop of San Diego. Thi' Rev. Gerald J. Fader, SJ, will serYe as master of ceremonies. The dedication will be followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, after which there will be receptions for the priests and Sisters, according to the pastor, the Rev. B. SilYa, SJ, who is as- sisted by Fathers Fader and V\'alter \Yant, SJ. The public is invited to attend the dedication of the new five- room school, which was planned by 'William Lodge, architect, and erected by the Walter Trepte Construction company. l'\lany Studen ts More than 250 children have been attending the six grades of Our Lady of Guadalupe school in the old building. They are taught by the Sisters or the Third Ordec
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Plcturecl are Bishop Charle. F. Buddy of an Diego and Father r homas A. Matthews, pastor of Holy Rosary parish, San MBemardino, visiting in the home of Emmett J. Culligan, first and largest of the benefactors of the University :Foundation Fund campaign. Together with Mr. and l'llrs. Culli- gan are their seven children ancl their families.
E11tercd as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice of San Diego u11der the Act of l\Iarch 3, 1879
(Continuert on Page 2)
Pat O'Brien to Officiate At Foundation Fund Rally
BISHOP TO SPEAK AT CEREMONIES SUNDAY AFTERNOON Film celebrity Pat O'Brien will officiate at a mass rally to be sponsored by the Uni- versity Foundation Fund at 3 p.m., Sunday, December 7, in the organ pavilion at Balboa. park. The event, a prelude to gen- eral door-to-door solicitation in the fund campaign, will be con• cluded with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The Most Rev. Charles F. Bud• dation Fund which will provide for the building of San Diego Univer- sity and other educational institu- tions throughout the Diocese and provide medical care for the needy. Children to Sing A highlight of the rally will be provided by children of the paro- chial schools who w1'll participate in the ceremony. Choral music is to be furnished by the combined choirs of every parish in the city. Donald B. Smith, chairman of the rally committee, will speak at the meeting. The committee in• eludes Ticholas J. Martin, county campaign chairman, the Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, diocesan super- intendent of schools and rector of St. Francis Junior seminary, the Rev. Joseph N. Stadler, vice-- chancellor, and Alfred F. Hender- son, campaign director. The rally will be open to the general public, admission free,
~ dy, DD, Bishop of San Diego, will address the gathering concerning ______________ the aims of the University Foun- Pat O'Brien
Stella Maris academy and con- vent were dedicated Thanks• giving morning, November 27, by His Excellency the l\l
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