Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Thursday, Dec. 4, 1947 ·
When t e pres Jefferson * * What the Editor Thinks * * Building for Strong Future Sometimes the most significant news of a city · the least sensational. Building a school does not come under the heading of stop-the-press news. Peace or Perish! ''We can not have war and civilization, too." Like a voice from the wilderness come the words of Robert M. Hutchins, chancellor of the University of Chicago. There is no defense against the atomic bomb and there is no "secret" about it, Hutchins said. is fr e and man able to rea , all is safe,-Thom
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Yet perhaps the most significant local news of the year is the plan of The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, bishop of the Catholic diocese, to build San Diego , University. This is far from just another school. This is a cultural, educational and religious milestone t not just for San Diego but for all of America. l Let's look with tomorrow's eyes. The institution will spread over 160 acres, to be known as Alcala Park, at the west end of Mission Valley. It will embrace colleges for men and women, a military school, a girl's academy, a theological seminary, and a nursery. Thus, th training of children will start at the age of two, and continue on through post graduate college teaching. This project, when completed, will be the most com- prehensive of its kind in America. The cost will be more than ~6 million. "Institutions of this type, open wide to all people, irrespective of color and religion, mark real progress and raise the cultural standards of the entire community," Bishop Buddy said. Truly, such an institution strengthening the moral and cultural fibre of our City, is one that deserves the support of its citizens. The land has already been purchased. Funds are being raised for the buildings, Construction will start next year and be aompleted al soon as it is possible. f Bishop Buddy and the members o! his dioceH at• ; doing something of lasting importance, s ~hey ar• building for a atrong future. Not sensational, perhaps, but of lasting slgnfflaan.a. l ! or San Diego and Am.eriae.
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The second hand of the world's war clock is biting deeply into that last minute when every nation will have the bomb-the most sinister and destructive weapon in the recorded history of man. Then ••• ? Can thertt be no peace? Is it the destiny of our world to crush itself to a twisted ruins? The drums of war are beating again. The forces of greed, power and conquest are at work. Can there be no peace? The faint voice of science says that atomic energy can unlock the keys and deliver us into a promised land • , • a land of abundance for all ••• a land without disease • , , It is for us ••• you and I ... to choose. America has proved twice within our lifetime that she can organize for war. Today, she must organize for peace? We have the wealth and knowledge. We must use them. We could blanket the world with a radio campaign for peace. \ We could fight hunger with food. We could and mu t push our relief legislation ••• expand it. We must demand that our representatives in Gongress fight for peacs. Never has the world faced such a grim alternadvs. Liva in peace ••• or ••• perish in war. The happiness of life is made up of minute frac:dons-the little soon-forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a h.eartf elt c:ompliment, and the countless infinitesimal• of pleHure anti genial feeling.-Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
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Men are nenr so JikelT to settle a question rtrhtl1 as when the1 discuss it freeI1.-Macaula7
Pat O'Brien To Officiate At University Rally Film celebrity Pat O'Brien will officiate at a mass rally to be held Sunday as a prelude to general door-to-door solicitation in the University Foundation Fund cam- paign. The event will take place at 3 p.m. in the organ pavilion at Balboa Park. The Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego, will address the gatherino- concernin" the aims of the Unh':'ersity Foun~ dation Fund. The campaign is be- ing conducted to raise funds for the building of tbc San Diego Uni- versity and other educational in- stitutions throughout the Diocese and to pro\·ide medical care for the needy. A highlight of the rally will be pr?vided by children of the paro- • ch1al schools who will participate , in the ceremony. Choral music is 1 f to be furnished by the combined c choirs of every parish in the city. t
JACK GATES, Division Manager, Sears, Roebuck & Co:- "I think it is wonderful that at last someone has taken the lead to provide San Diego with the ed•· ucational facilities it has needed for a long time. It will be of tre- mendous advantage to Catholics and Non-Catholics alike. Members of all faiths should get in back of this drive and push it." Foundation would be a credit to any city. San Diego is fortunate in havmg been selected as the site for this in• spirational undertaking ·which will I add to the prestige of our section of the country." JOE GREE.·, Yellow Cab Co.- "Like most citizens of our Com- munity, I believe in true education, the type which teaches respect for authority. The establishment of San Diego University \Vill go a \1ong ways toward achieving such an end. I haye grandchildren and I hope they \\ill attend the Uni- versity." ELLIOT CUSH..'\LL.._, President Southwest Color Press:- "T he University
Heard on A St ree t Corner (Continued from Page 1) Diego Better, now that it is Big- ger.' "All persons interested in the sound growth and cultural devel- opment of our city will be greatly interested in the success of the campaign now under way to un- derwrite a portion of the financing required to supplement the very substantial investment being made by the Catholic Organizations." DOXALD BRAN. -o.. S)IITH:- "I believe that the University Foundation Fund is of tremendous importance to the city and county of San Diego. The extensive plans for the development of educational facilities in this area mean a lot to those interested in the youth of our county · regardless of race, color, or creed. My reaction is that such an educational program will be a great step forward in putting San Diego on the map as a cultural center.''
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