Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

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His Excellency, CHARLES F. BUDDY, D.D., Bishop of Son Diego



Bishop Charles F. Buddy of San Diego is appealing to the people of his diocese to unite in a campaign for the promotion and expansion of Christian education and culture. This appeal will strike a responsive cord in the hearts of all true · Americans•

• of Qn oath. Our very coins declare thQf "In God We Trust.' the beginning, and for many years, education could be had in America only in Christia,n school Ameri• Constitution, is but the flowering in its fullest beauty of Christian theological and moral teaching that authority in government comes from God, through the people, to the sovereign state. The very works of the great theologian Suarez, foremost theological champion of democracy and the inalienable rights of man, were to be found in the library of Thomas Je~erson, the author of the sublime Declaration of Independence. Throughout the world, in the midst of chaos, confusion and fear, Christion civilization and culture stand today as the greatest bulwark against totalitarianism, tyranny, and the complete destruction of all that hos contributed most to human progress, happiness, and freedom for nearly Mo thousand years. To promote Christian education and culture, as we are asked to do by Bishop Buddy, is to defend America from her sworn enemies within and with• out. It is simply to invest a little towards the security of our American way of life which means the security of our families and homes, the security of freedom in our eGonomic structure, securifY. for. our. American right to

worship God in keeping with the dictates of

AMERICAN culture traditionally is Christion. American government and dem9cracy is based on cognizance of foundatio of great Amefican by those who would dethrone God, by those who woutd destroy the very concept of God in the minds of our people. Destrudion of belief in God, destruction of traditional American Christian culture, will infallibly mean the destruction of America as a notion - great and noble and free. That is why Americans who love America, who love American democracy and freedom, who love all that is noble and good in our American institutions and way of life, which have made America great and secured for it innumerable providential bless- ings, will gladly make sacrifices to save and promote American Christion education and culture ·founded, as is America herself, on faith in God. The founding fathers of the American Nation believed in God and built our great rep~blic upon the solid founda- tion of God. The Declaration of Independence tokes cog- nizance of God. The Constitution of the United States does the same. So also do the constitutions of the respec- tive states of the Union. American law courts recognize the Word of God in the P.rescribed ritual for. the taking


sciences -

in a word, security for our American r ht to

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Is this not why President Roosevelt, an Episcopa President Truman, a Baptist, deemed it wise and . practical value to America to act in cooperation Pope, the head of Catholic Christendom, to preservt every- where in the world all that is good and beautiful and just stemming from Christian culture, upon which great• est achievements of man hove been built and upan which the greatness of America rests, that there might Ill peace in the world among men of good willf By the some token will it not be a good inveshllnt for our happiness, and security and that of our chtlcltn, for the very well-being of our respective commu · , and for America itself, to cooperate in a pradical way with Bishop Buddy in his truly American as well as Catholic campoign to preserve and expand ~hristian educatiDn and culture in the four counties of the Son Diego Diocese that in unrson we may all be more abundantly bl d by God? - E/v\METT J. CULIJCAN • Chairman, San Bernardino CoutltY.. FUND




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