Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, Novembe 16, 1945 EXPANSION PROGRAM I ., ANNOUNCED Four New High NINE PRIESTS GIVEN ; Sh I I NEW APPOINTMENTS P, C00 S p anned New appointments for nine t~


priests were announced this week by the l\Iost Reverend Bishop. In charge of new par- ishes are the Rev. Michael J. O'Farrell, pastor of the Sacred the new Sacred Heart parish in Mira Loma, and the Rev. Thomas J. O'Toole, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church In Calexico, who becomes founder and ·pastor of the new parish, unnamed as yet, in San Bernardino. The Rev. Michael Q'Duignan, pastor of St. Ann's church in Needles, has been named pastor of Our Lady of the Lake church at Lake Arrowhead. Born and edu- cated in Ireland, Father O'Duignan came to the San Diego diocese in the summer of 1938. He pastor of Our Lady of the Lake church at Lake Arrowhead. Born and educated in Ireland, Father O'Duignan came to the San Diego dioces~)n the summer of 1938. He served as assistant pastor of the Sacred Heart parish in Redlands for almost two years and assistant pastor of St. Francis de Sales church in Riverside for more than two years before his appointment as pastor of the Needles parish. Replacing Father O'Duignan in the Needles pastorate is another son of Eire, the Rev. John Bland, administrator of St. Joan of Arc church in Blythe. Ordained for the San Diego diocese in Ireland" on June 4, 1939, Father Bland served as assistant pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe church in Chi- no, Holy Rosary church in San

To Be Erected in North and South Four new high schools


among the educational institutions I soon to be erected in the Diocese Heart parish for colored people in of San Diego, according to an an- Riverside, who is first pastor for

nouncement made last week. A high school for boys is planned for San Bernardino and a military high school for boys will be built near Linda Vista Heights. High schools for girls will be erected on Linda Vista Heights and in East San Diego. This will provide high school fa- cilities for boys and girls, the one group in East San Diego, another in the west part of San Diego, serving La Jolla, Point Loma, Loma Portal, Coronado, National City, Chula Vista and San Ysidro, and the other in San Bernardino. The high school for boys in San Bernardino will be a central in- stitution for the entire district with a transportation system of buses to pick "up students in Bryn Mawr, Fontana, Arlington, River- side, East Highlands, Chino, On- tario, Corona, Colton, Guasti, Cu- camonga, Mira Loma and Red- lands. St. Bernardine's high school in St. Bernardino and St. Francis de Sales high school in Riverside will be used exclusively for girls after the boys' )ligh school is erected. SAN DIEGO TO HAVE TWO NEW COLLEGES Included in the expansion pro- gram announced during the past week are a college for men, to be conducted by the Resurrectionist Fathers, and a San Diego College for Women, under the Religious of the Sacred Heart. These colleges will form a part of what will be a center of learn- ing on the hundred acres recently acquired on the heights immedi- ately north of the Linda Vista road. Four other institutions of learning will occupy this imposing knoll: an academy for girls, in- cluding the grades; a military high school for boys, a major seminary and a junior seminary. These institutions in addition to serving San Diego youth, will pro- vide for the educational needs of the new city of Linda Vista, which I adjoins the diocesan property on the east.

Leading Man In 'Vagabond King' Is a "Real Joe" By REV. EDW. A. JOHNSON The tall, blonde, husky sol- di~r with the 'golden voice' and the curly hair walked into the chancery office, flashed the captivating smile reserved to Irish Tenori, and knelt in hum- ble reverence to kiss the ring of the Most Reverend Bishop. Thus Joe Sullivan paid his re- spects to Bishop Buddy at whose request he left Camp Roberts to come to San Diego to play the role of Francois Villon in the "Vagabond King," to be produced at the Russ Anditorium Nov. 20 and 21, proceeds of which will be given to the Knute Rockne Aca- demy, San Diego Foundation for Boys. ''Happy to Come" "I was very happy to come down for the .show," Sullivan told the Bishop, "because I like to sing and I like the idea of the school

San Diego Diocese to Participate In Food for War Stricken Drive Appalling Distress Reported Abroad As U.S. Catholics Plan Rel,ef Campaign The Diocese of San Diego Is one of more than 10,() dioceses in the United States which have accepted the invita- tion of Archbishop Edward Mooney of Detroit, chairman of the Board of Trustees of War Relief Services-National Catholic W~fare Conference, to participate in the "Food for

I War - Stricken Campaign" Dec. 9 to 16. is reported that 25,000,000 persons, mostly women and children, are Twenty million cans of food is the goal for the drive. This is the largest single campaign ever un- dertaken by Viar Relief Services, which in nine campaigns in the past two years has collected, through the help of Catholic par- ishes in the United States, a total of 43,077,000 tons of clothing and foodstuffs with an approximate value of $35,000,000. FaGler Pilolla, Director from In Europe alone it ;;::~: 0 ;;,out without home, she!-

(Continued on Page 2

OTHERS GENERAL MEET WITH BISHOP During the past week mother generals of three orders of Sisters visited San Diego and discussed\ with the Most Rever_end Bishop his program of expansion. The dis- tinguished visitors received by His I Excellency were: Ven. Mother Louis, C.S.J., superior general of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Or- ange; Ven. Mother M. Francesca O'Shea, mother general of the Sis- I ters of Charity of Leavenworth, Kans., and Ven. Mother Ottilia, superior general of the Sisters of the Divine Word, Milwaukee. While in San Diego the heads of these religious orders s~udietl I different sites in the Diofese, promising to cooperate with the " Bishop in the need for Sisters to I staff both schools and hospitals. I


The Rev. Vito Pilolla, pastor of for boys." Our Lady of the Rosary church, With a magnetism that imme- San Diego, who has successfully diately ingratiated him into the conducted several campaigns in hearts of everyone, Joe talked en- this diocese, has been appointed thusiastically about the forthcom- diocesan director for the new cam- ing benefit show, answered ques- paign. Father Pilolla has directed tions willingly and displayed a the assembling of carloads of food humility unique for one of his pro- and clothing and the expenditure fession. of thousands of dollars for war- I Tells Story stricken in Europe in past drives. Questioned if he would give us The director in each diocese will ' a few facts about his life Joe turn- appoint parish representatives to ed on that wonderful smile of his and said "Sure."

help in the enormous task of col- lecting and shipping the foodstuffs. Large warehouses have been ob- tained in Chicago, San Franciso 'and New York

Born in Oakland and baptized Harry Joseph Sullivan, he travel- ed with his parents back and forth

to facilitate the across th e country during his ear-

The / ly years. He started his education

the material.

handling of

food collected will be shipped im- in st · Ann's parochial school in mediately to Europe and the Far Salt Lake City, from wh ch city East in response to urgent appeals his fa th er, an engineer on the Un- (Continue

"One year I attended seven dif- ferent schools. I started my high school in Salt Lake and graduated (Continuea on Page 2)

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