Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945
Seven New Parishes to Be Formed, Some Missions to Become Parishes Bishop's Building Program Approved At Meeting of Diocesan Consultors As soon as labor and material become availabl~, an ex- tensive building program will be seen all over the D10cese of San Diego. Elementary schools, high school~,. colleges and seven new parishes are in the making. In add1t_10n a number of parishes already formed plan new constiyction. . - - ---- At the meeting of the D10cesan
CALEXICO PASTOR TO f,ORM NEW PARISH IN SAN BERNARDINO The Rev. Thomas J. O'Toole, successful pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church in Calexico since May, 1942, has this week received a promotion from the Most Rever- I end Bishop to become the founder and pastor of the new parish in San Bernardino, second largest city in the Diocese, which in the past few years has increased 20,- 000 in population. The city now has three thriving parishes in St. Bernardino's, Holy Rosary and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Meadow- brook in the vicinity will also be- come a resident pastora.te. Father O'Toole, a fluent speaker of the Spanish language, has worked with zeal and great suc- cess in Calexico. Besides making many improvements in the church I and school, he bought the present rectory and also purchased a new convent for the teaching staff of Our Lady of Guadalupe school in that city. ·Under Father O'Toole's pastorate, both church and school have grown in numbers. A native of Ballinamuck, Eire, the pastor of the new San Bernar- dino parish was ordained in Ire- land for the San Diego Diocese. His first regular assignment was as assistant pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church in Chino, where he served one year. Before coming to Calexico, he was pastor of St. Michael's church in High- grove for two and a half years. Boundaries cif his new parish are: north the mountains; south, Ninth ·stree; east to Orange street as it comes from Redlands; east, the above-named Orange street to the
/ Sites Studied for Boys' High School In San Bernardino SAN BERNARDINO - Very Rev. John Power, dean of- San Bernardino county and pastor of St. Bernardino's church, last Tues- day presided at a meeting of pas- tors and lay delegates from adja- cent cities. Two laymen from each parish were invited to represent the congregations. Both pastors and lay representa- tives were acquainted with plans for the central Catholic high school for boys in San Bernardino and were asked for suggestions as to an appropriate site. Different locations have been studied and plans are being pre- pared to erect a high school that will comfortably house five hun- dred students. The name of the school and the teaching order that will sta.ff it will be announced later.
Consultors held recently in River· side the Most Reverend Bishop-un- folded his building program, which immediately won the warm and unanimous approval of the Con• sultors. Property Donated Two new parishes are now in the process of organization in San Diego, one for Mexicans, one for Americans. The new Mexican par-· ish will be built at Thirty-second and National avenues, where a large tract of ground has been do• nated by a generous Mexican wom- an, Mrs. R. C. Alonzo. Neighbor• ing pastors, under the presidency of the Rev. Malachy O'Sullivan, were appointed by His Excellency to determine the new boundary lines affecting this parish. The other new parish contem- plated in San Diego will be in t~e Loma Portal district, which will include the new Navy housing sec• tion. Boundary lines for the Loma Portal compound have not yet b!:"ln designated. Two In San Bernardino The mission of Meadowbrook, now cared for by the priests of (Contmuecl on ?"'a,ge 2)
Bishop in Capital For Annual Meet Chicago, Kansas City \ !!S~o!"R!!~r~::a!!hop of San Diego left Monday afternoon by plane for Washington, D. C., where he expected to arrive Tues- day morning to take part in the Bishops' Annual Meeting, Nov. 14, 15 and 16. His Excellency will leave Wash- ington on the :.eventeenth for Chi- cago where, among other engage- ments, he will attend the fortieth annual meeting of the Catholic Church Extension society on Mon- day, Nov. 19.,Colonel Kenneth · Stack, USA, distinguished for his writings and splendid career as chaplain, who has been loaned to 1 the Extension society from the San Diego Diocese, will be intro- duced to the Bishops at this meet- . The San Diego prelate will also participate in the solemn conse- cration ceremonies, Nov. 21, at th e new Chapel of Perpetual Adora- tion erected by the Benedictine Sisters of Clyde, Mo., at Mu nd e- lein, Ill. From Chicago His Excellency will fly to Kansas City, where he will spend Thanksgiving Day, and thence by plane to San Diego. \ ing.
Bishop and four Priests Represent San Diego at Guadalupe Jubilee Archbusk~p Lucey Appeals for Christianity In Action in Sermon on United States Day MEXICO CITY-A stirring call to Catholics to "move for- ward like soldiers of Christ to put the Church where she be- longs, at the head of all mankind," was sounded by the Most Rev. Robe~'t E. Lucey, Archbishop of San Antonio, Wednes- i;ay in a se .mon during g Pontifical Mass which marked ! United States Da~during the go!- 1 I den jubilee observance of the Sol- ' ..:our priests of the San Diego dio- ! emn Pontifical Coronation of the I cese who have distinguished them• selves ilil. service to Mexi~an par• Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. ·1 ishioners: the Rev. Benjamin Sil- i "The proble1;?-s of our day will va, s.J., pastor of Our Lady of not be solved, the Prelate said, Guadalupe church, San Diego; the ·'unless the influence of the Rev. Jose R. Nunez, pastor- of I Church is brnught to bear upon our Lady of Guadalupe church . ::,-,u:.ry depa: cment of human life. in San Bernardino; the Rev. Jose I The enemies of God--and their ,Valencia, pastor of San Salva- name i s legion--will not bow down dor's church in Colton, and the before His divine will until they Rev. Leo Madigan, s.J., pastor of witness the drama of dynamic Christ the King churc'h in san I Christianity in action. Diego. I "The Church is the teacher of The priests assembled at Our God's truth, the interpreter of I-:iis ::..ady of the Rosary church in 1 law and the mess:::ng-er of His San Diego to assist the Most g_race. These things are the very I Reverend, Ordinary in administer- fiber and framework of human ing the Sacrament of Confirma- lif~; they are the weapons of the [ tion, Sunday afternoon, after- spirit of God. C~2rgy and laity wards departing in the Bishop's I alike do a disservice to hum_anity I car for Calexico. From that point when they fail to take up this ar- they motored to Mexicali to take . mor or fail to use it as soldiers a Pan-American plane to Mexico j of Cq,rist." City. Bishop Buddy Arri".es by Plane Actual Anniversary Today ,Among the many members of the The jubilee celebrations, attend- Hierarchy of the United States ed by pilgrims from practically who have come here to attend the all countries of the Americas will solemn ceremonies is the Most reach a solemn climax toda;, the Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of actual anniversary date, when the San Diego, who arrived by plane Papal Legate, His Eminence Ro- shortly after noon, Monday. Ac- drigue cardinal Villeneuve, Arch- companying His Excellency are (Continued on Page 2)
American Relief For Italy Drive Launched In Diocese Of San Diego The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Djego, last week officially recog1_1ized the opening of the ALL-OUT food and clothing campaign launched by the Amer- ican Relief for Italy, Inc., which will close on Nov. 30. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Ordinary of the four southern counties in California,
will be chairman of the Catholic board. Assisting him will be his Rt. Rev. Chancellor, Msgr. McNamara, the Rev. Secretary, Father Doug- las A. Moore, all pastors, heads of institutions and religious commun- ities in the Diocese. A letter of explanation, forward- ed to the chancery office and ad- dressed to all pastors and su- periors by John J. Savant, Execu- tive Secretary, California Division, American Relief for Itttly Inc., reads: "The Catholic Church in Amer- ica was the first to answer the call of distress of Italy's war-stricken civilians. Before an organization for channeling of relief to Italy had been created, the markedly successful Clothing Campaign for Italy was well on its way and thousands of tons of clothing in ex- cellent condition had been con- signed to His Holiness Pope Pius XII for distribution to the needy of Italy. "In view of the continuing acute
need, so clearly evident that it is not necessary to enlarge upon it, this stream of materiatl must not stop. THE NEED IS GREAT! THE NEED IS NOW! "To keep flowing to Italy the assistance which must be received if starvation and death are to be averted, the period from November 1, to November 30, has been desig- nated for an ALL-OUT Campaign for procuring clothing, \ood and medical supplies. This campaign is being conducted by the Califor- (Continued on Page 2)
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