Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego, November 2, 1945 Procession Precedes Msgr. McNamara's Investiture

Cathedral Filled for Investiture of Chancellor as Domestic Prelate Bishop Presides; Msgr. McNamara Praises Ordinary, Pope in Address The impressive ceremony at which Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. McNamara, pastor of Our Lady of Angels church and Chancellor of the Diocese, was invested with the purple garments of a domestic prelate took place in St. Joseph's cathedral last Sunday afternoon on the Feast of Christ the King, with the Most Reverend Bishop presiding. handed down

through the ages; endowed with divine power and authority, not self-assumed nor from the consent of Christian peoples but our Lord's endow• ments. "Catholics, non-Catholics, Pro- (Continued on Pa,ge 2)

Paying tribute to the priest on whom the Holy Father has be- stowed the special ecclesiastical dignity, large numbers of present and former parishioners, fellow priests, sisters and other friends filled the Cathedral for the in- vestiture ceremony. In his address Msgr. McNamara said he was overwhelmed with the honor confered on him by the Pope, the trust the Bishop placed in him and the confidence of his friends. Referring to the parish- ioners of Our Lady of Angels church as "my joy and my crown," ' he assured the people of his for- mer parishes that they were also prominent in his thoughts. "Words are inadequate to ex- press my gratitude to our beloved Bishop," the newly invested pre- late declared. "It is an honor to be able to work with him and the other priests in this progres- ' sive diocese. Bishop Buddy has endeared himself to all.:_rich and poor, Catholic and non-Catholic .. Of the Holy Father, Msgr. Mc. Namara said: ."Th.e eyes of the world are upon him and everyone listens to his words of wisdom. ' Who is he?_To the Catholic, a I humble, worthy, saintly individual handing out the words of Our F Saviour that his predecessors have c "

The last of the long line of priests, Sir Kinlghts of Balboa ~neral Assembly, Fourth Degree, guest Mo,nsignorl, Msgr. Thomas J. McNamara and his atrendants and the Most Reverend Bishop and his chaplains were caught by the camera as they entered St. Josephs' cathedral last Sunday afternoon for the impressive ceremo.nies at which Msgr. McNamara was invested as a domestic prelate.

I Fr. Kenneth Slack Home From Japan "The J aps as yet do not realize they are a conquered nation," Colonel Kenneth G. Stack declared Saturday on arriving b;wk in San Diego for a short visit, his first in two and a half years. "The people have been kept in the dark so long as to what the militarists were doing," the Eighth Air Force chaplain explained. Father Stack, who was the first priest to be ordained for the Dio- Q.ese of San Diego, has come di- rectly from Japan, flying home by way of Okinawa, Guam, Kwaja- lein, Oahu and Washington, D. C. .Since he left the position of secretary to the Most Reverend Bishop to join the Chaplain Corps in the spring of 1941, Father ' Stack has distinguished himself for his service on the West Coast, on many islands in the Pacific, including the Solomons and Oki- nawa, in India and finally, in Ja- pan itself. He cared for the spiri• tual needs of Army men in Tokyo, Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Nagoya following the capitulation of the Nipponese and the occupation of Japan. Having contributed several In- spiring articles to Extension, the national Catholic magazine, while in service, Father Stack was of- fered the post of associate editor and

THE SOUTHERN CROSS, FR~, NOVEMBER 30, 1945 1 Cathedral Lighting Cited As Fine Example of Modern Illumination j (Continued from Page 1)

all visual requirements. Highlight- ing the altar from concealed sources of light provides the proper accent, focusing attention to this area. The spaciousness of the center nave is not broken by suspended fixtures, nor by ex- posed, glaring light sources. The lighting criteria established by the bishop have been met very successfully. This prewar church lighting in- stallation is an excellent example of planned lighting in the church.

l the high bea~ed roof trnss ceiling of the center nave be kept dark. Lantern11 or fixtures should not be suspended from this high dark ceiling, as they would help de- stroy the feeling of height and spaciousness. The altar should not appear theatrical, yet should glow as if lighted by sunlight. Stations of the cross should be inconspicu- ously highlighted. In order to meet these -exacting requirements of producing light

Cathedral Lighting Cited As Fine Exam pf e of Modern Illumination The dignified lighting of St. Joseph's cathedral is praised in an article in the "Modern Lighting" section of the Novem- ber issue of Electrical Contracting, the national magazine of electrical construction and maintenance. Headlined "Cathedral Relights Withput Fixtures," the illustrated article reads: ''In the

Catholic church the more elabo- rate ceremonies of the cathedral often require tlie church to be en- larged. This was true in the case I of St. Joseph's Catholic church in San Diego, California, when the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy was made bishop of that newly created diocese. Bishop Buddy awarded the job of rewiring and relighting to Cali- fornia Electric Works of · San be well sc versed in construction, as well as nj modern in his ideas on lighting. ec He wanted ample light to read the \ nt fine print of prayer books com- sc fortably. He also wanted to re- sf tain the dignity of the cathedral reatmosphere, and felt that so- ce called "fixtures," or apparent Ol Jight sources, would do much to li!mar that dignity. He insisted that I V. Diego. He proved· to

with dignity, V. R. Knight, man- ager of California Electric Works, called into consultation the Curtis Lighting engineer and local elec- tric utility illuminating engi_neer for a planned lightning layout. The results are given in the following description of the subsequent in- stallation. On each 40 foot high side wall of the main nave, 200 watt Curtis adjustable floodlights were in- stalled 30 feet from the floor. These floodlights were recessed in m Ct




(Continued on Page 2)

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