Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Price 5 Cents URS DRIVE • h B1shopDetarls1~ee s • 1\T d
San Jacinto ~z·r t p ri s aris Over The To 8tAnlhony'•Pa,(or\ViresPassingofQuolaonTue~ Congratulations Returned by Bisho1> Huddy on the In a telegram to Hi Excellency, the l\Io~t Rev. Cha1·les Franeb Buddy, the Rev. Michael Browne, Pastor of San Jacinto, !'evealed that San .Jac.:into parish had imr- pa:-,..,ed it.· quota in the Bishop': drive. '!'he Most Rev. Bi:-hop :ent hi.· hearty c.:ongratulations and blessings to the generous people of San Ju-,••-------------- cinto. Tl e followinv are the tele-, SAN JACINTO IS PIRST TO grams thanged. Success of Campaign
O A.
s Campaign Starts
Success of Work Indicated As Early Reports Arrive From All Sections of Success in all sections of the diocese was indicated at press time as early reports from the various counties reached headquarters of the Little Flower Fund, stating in every instance that en- couraging r e s u 1 t s were b"'ing brought in hourly by the solici- tors, one pa1ish having passed their quota in the second da~ of the drive. Volunteer workers by the hun- dreds are canvassing the sixty- three parishes in the Diocese, hav- ing been equipped with pleqge cards for every known member of the parish. Those who are new in the Diocese, or who are inadver- tently missed in the drive, should phone theh- pastor and a pledge card will be provided. It is, therefore, our obligation to supply full time Chaplains who day and night will be available to the inmates of these institutions that allow no funds for this pur- pose. Most of these poor people hitvP. hern fl0p"'ivect of the com- Four Counties
Confident That Catholics DRIVE -IS OFF TO
of Southern California Knowing Truth Will Respond Generously Concluding the series of radio talks given on the pre- vious Sunday b y 8 e v e n priests of the Diocese in as many different languages, His Excellency, B i Sh O P Charles F. Buddy, addressed his Diocese Sunday evening in a 1 20-minute talk over KGB, bring- ing to them a special message on \ the eve of the actual campaign for the $200.000 Little Flower fund for needed improvements in the
The Bishop's a pp ea I for is meeting with an en- thuslastic reception, according to early reports from the Dean- fund.. Generosit~· of a very high de- gree has characterized many of the donations. One working gilt subscribed S300. Another pledged six months' salary and two others gave $250. gifts represent real sacrifice, the kind that is suggested by a living faith and by an alert- ncss to the needs of the Church in our Diocese. They know that These ery chairmen.
new diocese.
The Rt. Rev. John M. Hegarty, vicar general of the diocese, act- giver." ed as master of ceremonies for the -----------------: program, which was broadcast in Now the day has come when we Imperial Valley through a hook- must be one in aims. united in up with Radio Station, KGO, El purpose, organizing, coordinating Centro. our many forces for the achieve- I st. Joseph's Choir, under the ment of that immortal good which direction of Mr. Nino Marcelli, ac- outlives us all. companied by Royal A. Brown, In last Sunday's radio broad- provided the musical score. The I cast, 111 a delightful program, in first number was "Ave Maria" by dive1s tongues, proclaiming one Carlo Rossini. and "O Salutaris" and the same truth, you got a set to music by Mr. Marcelli, was glimpse of the universality of the the second. The final number was Church-"Going, therefore, teach a phrase from the opera, "The all nations." "The Lord loves a cheerful
ORDINATIONS ARE FIRST IN DIOCESE on Saturday, April 2, the Most, braska, and, coming in childhood Rev. Charles Francis Buddy will to San Diego, was educated in the raise to the dignity of the priest- local Catholic scho0ls and St. hood three diocesan students w11c I Augustine's High School. He was have completed their course in I at the Junior Seminar:1- in Los theological studies. This will ma · Angeles before going to Menlo the first occasion on which a Park one has been ordained in San The Rev. Mr. Stack is a native Diego. It will also be the first son of California. He was educa- time that the Most Reverend ted in the local schools in San Bishop has conferred the Sacra- Diego and at the Franciscan Sem- ment of Holy Orders. inary in Santa Barbara before go- Two of the students, the Rev. ing to Menlo. His father and mo- Mr. Leo Davis and the Rev. Mr. ther died when he was very young I Kenneth Stack, have attended: St. and he was raised by an uncle Patrick's Seminary at Menlo Park, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. McCune,, California. of st. Ann's parish. 1
Hound of Heaven." • "All which I took from thee I did but take. Not for thy harms, But just that thou might'st seek it in My arms.'' His Excellency's talk follows: My dear People of the Four Southern Counties of California and Friends All: May we, at the very outset, ex- press sincere appreciation to the officials of KGB whose cordial courtesies have made possible these broadcasts. The memory of Wednesday still lingers. Man, drawn from I dust, shall return to it-his pos- sessions, honors, dignities, com- forts, resplendent home, cars, beauty, strength and power, all crumble away and with their owner become a ruin. The pasteboard triumph, the passing show, crash the promen- ade and dwindle into dust. THE GOOD THAT MEN DO ALONE SURVIVES. But the ashes are not sprinkled without a sign of hope, the sign of the Cross that raises even the dust to heaven. My dear people, does it hurt to hear the truth? The Caesars found what Moscow, Spain, Berlin and Mexico are finding-what the blood of illustrious martyrs has demonstrated for centuries- that the truth cannot be killed. I Even news agencies, callous. and nanow, in a one track margin of , bigotry, many of them bought and enslaved to suppress the truth in every kind of deception, even these live to see themselves stulti- fied when the truth comes out. Man Craves Truth The normal intellect of man craves the truth-eternal truth that carries us plong through t~e storms of despair. Tonight mil- lions of our fellow countrymen, athirst for the truth, live in dark- ness and the shadow of death. May we never cease to be thank- ful for knowing the way, the truth and the light. We are one in faith and one in practice wherever the Ten Commandments are involved. '-------------•:• ! FREE COPIES OF 'SOUTHERN CROSS' GIVEN THIS WEEK ,I Extra numbers of The Sou- thern Cross are being sent to each parish under the same ccnditicns as la!,t week. The Reverend Past.ors are requested to announce that each Catho- lic should ha,ve a r.opy of this
Test of Faitlt forts of life. Shalr they be de- That truth triumph over false- prived of the comforts of death- hood; that light conquer dark- the Sacraments of the Church? ness; that charity overcome sel- The Orphanage at Banning fishness; all form the purpose of needs repairs and an addition to this campaign which challenges relieve the congestion there. Many the Catholicity of every Catholic of our homeless Catholic children, in these four southern counties. because the Orphana~e is crowd- To build not merely material ed beyond capacity, are forced structure but to rear moral edi- into pagan institutions where they fices on the pillar and ground of are denied their most precious t111th is the real objective of this heritage-the life-giving grace of intensive effort. The character to the sacraments. part with money, hard-earned Not long ago I called at a non- though it be, tests the vigor of Catholic Orphanage and made faith in action. Let us build with the request that about a dozen of Christ and for Him an enduring our Catholic children housed there monument that rises above royal be allowed to assist at Mass on pyramids, reaching up to the very Sunday in a near-by Catholic Cross. My dear people you are Church and be allowed to .. '.Lc.'1d royal descendants of saints and religious instruction twice a week. martyrs - a chosen generation. The official in charge refused this Your forefathers struggled and request feigning the ultra scien- suffered for the faith in them and tific alibi that when children left to keep this precious legacy for the home for such purposes they you. Is it worth preserving? Even brought back disease to the Or- in our own day some four hundred phanage. The same functionary, thousands of Catholics in Spain, afflicted with a superiority com- Russia, Mexico have shed their plex, also added words to the ef- blood for the faith of Jesus Christ, feet that if we were not satisLed the same faith that you possess in with the way this Godless orphan- peace. Will you make a sacrifice age was conducted we could with- that others may possess it? draw the catholic orphans and Religious Instruction
The Rev. Mr. Rice is from St. Francis de Sales parish in River- side where he attended the paro- chial school there and the Junior SeminaTy in Los· Angeles before going to SL. Thomai;· Seminary in Denver.
The Rev. Mr. George M. Rice has completed his course at St. Thomas' Seminary, Denver, Colo- j rado. The Rev. Mr. Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Davis of St. Ann's parish; was born in Syracuse, Ne-
The crying need set forth in this Drive is for the religious in- struction of our children. Here in the United States millions of children grow up in the pagan at- mosphere of Godless schools. Our own Diocese of San Diego has from 12,000 to 15.000 children practically lost to the Faith be- cause there is no one to teach them the fundamentals of their religion. This touches the root of all the trouble, crime and delin- quency. We cannot neglect the little ones. It is impossible at this time to provide parochial schools for this great number. It is, there- fore, necessary to invite Teaching Orders of Sisters to the Diocese, build homes for them and equip them with means of transporta- tion. You who enjoy the Faith and all ils blessings and safeguards musL cooperate. Another necessity in a Diocese of this size is a home for the aged. We cannot ask other Dioceses to care for our destitute. We must build our own shelter for old people. The Carmelite Sisters will take charge of it. Already 10 acres have been given by t11e Sis- ters of Mercy on which to build. Coniforts of Death
In U1c same category are the thousands of sick people in your County and City Hospitals who should have all the comforts of - ----- the Churcll for the sick and dying.
•:• ------ week's issue.
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