Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Price 5 Cents
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San Jacinto Fir st Parish Over The Top St. Anthony's Pastor Wires Passing- of Quota on Tuesday; Congratulations Returned by Bishop Buddy on the Success of Campaign In a telegram to His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles Franci, Buddy, the Rev. Michael Browne, Pastor of San Jacinto, revealed that San Jacinto parish had sur– passed its quota in the Bishop's drive. The Most Rev. Bishop sent his hearty congratulations and blessings t o th e generous people of San Ja-••• ------------– cinto . The following are the tele-, -SAN JACINTO IS FIRST TO 1 grams C' changed: GO OVER THE TOP. KINDLY SAN JACINTO, CALIF. HIS EXCELLENCY, MOST REV. CHARLES BUDDY 1528 FOURTH AVE. I SAN DIEGO, CALIF. SAN JACINTO OVER THE TOP. PEOPLE ANXIOUS TO KNOW IF THEY ARE FIRST. MICHAEL J. BROWNE CONVEY CORDIAL BLESSING TO YOUR GENEROUS PEOPLE AND ASSURE THEM OF OUR SINCERE APPRECIATION. CHARLES F . BUDDY. ORDINATIONS ARE FIRST IN DIOCESE On Saturday, April 2, the Most braska, and, coming in childhood Rev. Ch arles Francis Buddy will to Sa11 Diego, was educated in th e raise to t h e dignity of the priest- local Catholic schools and St. hood three diocesan students whc Augustine"s High School. He was have completed their comse in at the Junior Seminary in Los I th eological studies. This will ma•· Angeles before going Lo Menlo th e first occasion on which al'lY- Park. one h as been ordained in San The Rev. Mr. Stack i<; a. native Diego. I t will also be the first son of California. He was educa – time t ha t t h e Most R everend ted in the local schools in San Bishop h as conferr ed the Sacra- Diego and at the Franciscan Sem– ment of Holy Orders. inary in Santa Bal'bara before go- Two of th e students, t h e R ev. in g to Menlo. His father and mo– Mr. Leo Davis and the Rev. Mr. th er died when he was very young f Kenneth Stack, h ave attendect St. and h e was raised by a n uncle Patrick's Seminar y at Menlo Park , and aunt, Mr. and Mrs . McCune,, California. of s t. Ann's parish. The Rev. Mr. George M. Rice The Rev. Mr. R ice is fr om St. bas complet ed his course at St. F r a n cis de Sales parish in River– I Thomas' Seminary, Denver , Colo- side wh er e he attended the paw– l rado . chial school th er e and the Junior The Rev. Mr. Davis is the son of Seminary in Los· Angeles before Mr. and Mrs. Davis of S t. Ann's going to s t. Th omas' Seminary in parish; was born in Syracuse, Ne- Denver. ·---------------- SAN DIEGO, CALIF. REV. MICHAEL J. BROWNE SAN JACINTO, CALIF. HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS
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uonna ilA!'l:l'8 JOJ SSilU!Pll3.{ Ul .lC{ U!A\ 1!"8 'l'llltl OllS PUB a.8.rnq::, .l"l{lll Ol pa1Uiodd"'8 S"BA\ uaUt.l'll;) t t - )INY18 NOi A:.rnaH ·1q21u A:"8pSal1J. 2u!1aam a r s 1xau .xiaq1 1ll qn1::i s,ardoad 2unox s,uqor ·1s aq1 A:q ctn ua}{'ll1 ·aq 01 l,tOdS 1saMau aq1 SJ: UOlU!UIP'eS: M01NIWOV8 SA~ld en1~ s.Nimr 1s ·auo K.iat.a-no.A: ssarq poo A'.BW ·pa1saJ!UllUl Ap'll.l,{1"8 UISllJSnq,1ua JOJ 1nJ;J')ll.ul 1soru a.!"8 aM. ·a1doad pull S')S.l!.ld JO . UOJ')\3.tadoo::, {'llAOI aq1 A:q P.l'j"8{11Ul!lS uaaq .lAllq .lM. ' -cf anN~AV ~SOJJ U~~,uccess of Work Indicated As Early Reports Arrive From All Sections of Four Counties ;nn UJ pa110 S'B :a:>Ull')SU! -tOd ·uo11 -'Bllnqo 9Ul'llS aq1 .lOJ arqa:.t1 SilUl!l -awos pu-e a1qnop 2U!A'!!d a.'l'B au.. 'jtiq1 su'llaur ~ctwrs u 'S')qap aA"8aq Success in all sections of .iapun .wqtir asa::iora' aqt ui .saqst ;,he diocese was indicated at -.rnd AU'8Ul ua:i{Ol .llUBS aq1 Sg • ·i1:nt1n 1 act.rnd uraq 1 ud 'j~.raiu!' ?ess time as _early repo:ts atid pu-a s1qap asaq1 q11M. +no 1.x."11'.ls 1rom the var10us counties 01 ss;iwsnq .mod aq -prnO'M n ·aa.xJ ·eached headquarters of the ·spa.ip . . ',ittle Flower Fund stating - Nap waq1 1utiM IHM '<,,at.r.:is.xnoa poo.8 .mo Jo p.x.o:>a.x aq1 A:1uo 1nq nox ·sa:>uJo aq1 PU13 aruoq aq1 .roJ -r- ilP!AO.Td o:i Sauotu N,.QJ.Toq O'.j'. km$ n ev.ery mstance that en– OU sK-ep JO A:'llp +'lllt'J uo ·r'llunqp.L -sa:>au S'llM U ·s.iossa:l:>ns srq pu'e /ouragmg res u 1 ts were being 9U!A!Q aq'j aJ.oJaq uaATll aq ')Snur doqsm aq 1 .tOJ auroq p,l"mu.l!JP ll JO )rought in hourly by the solici- 2ununo:>:>'8 Ull uaqM. "amo:> Il!M. A: tssa:>au a St "" V ·asa:>or /ors, one parish having passed A:-ap aqi M.ou 1rnJ aM JI ·poo Jo 1 · ql .q'l ~-,. P~ . .a h · ail: llmaw- ll ~ a 3 'BUI 01 atn JO . doqsm . pu"8 .rona:>U'llq~ .e1r ?uota in the second da~ of 3: · U It+ J q }{ "\ 'S.l!.Illl '-H I The Reverend Pastors who have automobiles registered in the name of the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego are hereby directed to forward to the Chancery Office the 1938 license numbers of these automobiles.
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