Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
The Shown The W.ay,{;athot·cs r Propagation- Will Provide Generously of 1 For Needs, Bishop Says The Faith The Rev. M. J. O'Connor I Diocesan Director place (('011tir11ll'J from 1,ni,e J) F Id . h I o er, one pans has alreaclv them in our own inslitu- paid to the Bank $22.000 intl'res·t -------------!) tions. on a $29.000 obligation
These debts should be reduced by a con– certed effort and. therefore, we propose to apply 25 percent of the monies collected in each parish during this Drive to reduce thr principal debt of that'parish. For example: if a parish raises $12,- 000, $3 000 will be applied to the principal debt of that parish. Now some have inquired. "what do YOU expect?" We exp,,,::t one month's salary from e1ch wagP earner or the equivalent of a month's income. It will take this Sacrlfice Asked
TI1crc will always be some doubt about the history of st. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland, but the fol- lowing facts are authenticated. At the age of 16 the boy. Pat- rick, was seized by pirates on the amon shores or hi·s n t· 1 d . a 1ve an . carl'led . ·
Problems of Youth
These days you may pick up any magazine or paper and read about the increase of crime especially
g young people, but how few . to Ireland and sold into slavery.' a1e anything to remedy the Far from his parents, his friends condit10n. It doesn't take much and his home, he spent six years intelligence to see the depravity on the hills of Antrim shepherd- among youth. Neither Godless ing his master's flock. Although education, 1 nor haci God for his Companion and, multiplication of laws can solve as he tells us, a hundred times a th e problem. We propose a recre– day and as often during the night, ational program to reclaim child– . alone, he was not lonely, for he nor P atitudes,
he turned in prayer to God.
ren. especially boys. who have no sacrifice to go over the top. That place to go except alleys and no I at first may sePm imp0ssiblP to one to play with except criminals. some who have to meet thPi?' bud– This remedy touches the source. ir~t. of expenses each month. but Now the really big work in a dlVlded ave'. two years it cnn be program of construction is done done. For instance: a plPdge of by priests and sisters who have $100 can be Paid at the rate of consecrated themselves to Gbd by S~- 17 a 1:nonth for two years. The the three Arms of the Cr0ss - D10c_e~e of San Diego now .~tands poverty, chastity and obedience. on i_ts own feet. We cannot be They are the salt of the earth. but begging f_rom other Dioceses who they are shabbily housed in poor- have _theu· ow~ probleJllS. With ly ventilated, ill-lighted ~hacks, th e aid of blliiine<;s men. a care– harsh rented quarters, unworthy ful survey _reve11ls the fact that of real Catholics. The living con- th e money is_ here. We believe our ditions of priests and sisters in the peo~l~ are big enough to make a Valley are near intolerable be- sacnf1_ce, for the. glory of God. the cause of the intense heat of over salvat10n of theu· own souls anct half the year. We must build plain the' souls _of pthers: W~ simply but sanitary houses for both ~ant affo1 ct to be mggaraly m the priests and sisters. Give them a mterests of the Almighty Crea – decent home. tor Whose air we breathe, Whose
His heart went out in affection to his captors for. although they were a pagan people, they were a noble race devoid of the gross crimes of Roman paganism. He yearned to bring to them the one thing they required-the knowl– edge of Christ and His saving Gospel. In. the providence of God, he es– caped and after many hardships retumed to his native land, The period of captivity had de– veloped in him a deep-rooted ap– p1-eciation of his faith and of the duty of sharing it with others. He prepared himself for the priesthood to admin~ter to his own people, but everywhere he was haunted by a voice he heard in a, dream-a voice of the Irish call– ing to him to come and dwell once more amongst them. In the year 432, now consecrat– ed a Bis~op, he returned t-0 Ire– land. On' the first Easter Sun– day, in defiance of the D111idical law, he lighted the Paschal fire on the hill of Slane, directly across 1lhe valley from Tara of the Kings. The fire was more than a symbol -it was a prophecy that the faith once enkindled in Ireland, would never be extinguished. Like St. Patrick, himself, many of his spiritual sons and daugh– ters have carried the torch of faith to illumine souls in many lands. Our own Country of America is debtor to these pioneer missionaries ho were always at the frontiers with the pioneers who developed this land. Now that their labors have
His Excellency, Bisl1op Charles F. Buddy, spoke for the second time over the radio to all his :oeollle of the Diocese last Sunday evening, when he eXPlained in detail the various needs for which the Little Flower Fund is bein~ raised.
®fficial ~pp ointment~ ~ Michael J, O'Connor, Secretary
water we drink, Whose food we eat, on Whose time we live and Who has given us whatever we have. Now you may ask, why does a campaign for money begin with novena.s of prayers? Because to give one•~ sbar(;l is a grace from God. Why is it .that many wealthy people .are close-fisted? Because they don't hl½ve the !)'!'ace to give and also because their untold wealth is often tainted, the lucre I from sweatshops. the loot of double dealing and so-called high finance, the theft of defrauding laborers of their wages, a sin that cries to heaven fox vengt>ance. God won't have tainted monev ;mg the Church doesn't need it. "Be not de.ceived, God is not mocked." Prayers Prepare
Catholics Ready The majority of our Catholic people do their duty-once it is clear to them. You did not know of these facts. If you did, you would have corrected them long ago. Now that you know the situ– ation, you will help and gener– ously, Witness the sac1ifices Catholics make chee1fully to maintain par– ochial schools because they realize that without instruction in reli– gion, children cannot mature to the full stature of responsibility demanded of a citizen in a democ– racy. To the enemies of religion Democracy and Communism are synonymous and yet it is the his– tory of the world that religion is not only a foundation of lib– erty, but the one safeguard of democracy. A Diocese the size of San Diego
SUNDAY, March 20-Chula
sta, St. Rose of Lima Church,
Rev. C. A. Kimmons, Pastor. 10:30 a.m.-Mass followed by Confirmation. Point Loma, St. Agnes' Church, Very Rev. Laurence Forristal, Pastor. 3:30 p.m.-Confirmation. MO DAY, March 21-San Die. Besides the degenerncy of theft, should have a Hotel for employed avarice and pride, there is the de– Catholic young ladies, who. after generacy of selfishness. Now you a day of hard work can look for- understand why we begin the - ward to a real home of both cul- Drive with the fervent prayer of L.1101.J.Vy ••- -- ~•4-41.._ "-'- , • I ment of Holy Orders. inary in Santa Barbara before go- Two of lhe students, the Rev. ing to Menlo. His father and mo– Mr. Leo Davis and the Rev. Mr. ther died when he was very young I Kenneth Stack, have attended St. and he was raised by an uncle Patrick's Seminary at Menlo Park, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. McCune, California. of St. Ann's parish. The Rev. Mr. George M. Rice The Rev. Mr. Rice is from St. has completed his course at St. Francis de Sales parish in River- I Thomas' Seminary, Denver, Colo- side where he attended the paro– rado. chial school there and U1e Junior The Rev. Mr. Davis is the son of Seminary in Los· Angeles before Mr. and Mrs. Davis of St. Ann's going to st. Thomas' Seminary in parish: was born in Syracuse, Ne-1 benver. ---·------- --- borne such fruit, it would be a Proper act of gratitude for those of us who share in the result of t 'r' to do our Dart J _--~==~bers of these automobiles. • • •
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