Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
). 10
A DIEGO First Bishop Ot Ca lit ornia
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}Jo~t Rev. Francisco Garcia Diego y :\Ioreno, O.F.:M.
On pril 2ith. IS•IO. Pope G1·egory XVI. by Papal BulJ, separated the Territory of the Californlas from the Diocese of ·onora ancl constitutNl it a new Dioce . San Diego wa d ignatcd a.s the Episcopal C'ity because of geographical position. On the :same da~· the Pope i sued another Bull, the text of nhich follow , con tituting the Francbcan rriar, F ancisco G reia Diego y l foreno first Bi. hop of the California~.
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Gregory, Bi hop... en ant of the , uvaiit-- of God. to the Bt":oved on.·, tbe Clergy of the Territory and Dioce.e alifornias, Health and Apo.tolic Benediction. A· of the ·ion of having a Pastor, We have provided one in the 1 >r..;;on of Our beloved son Franci,co Garcia Dief:O, pro~ ::,aid ChurcTi, a person ,, ho for his merits is acceptable to Ts and to Our "\ enerable Brothers. the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. With the adYice. therefore, of the same Cardinals, Our Brothers .. ~rnd in, irtue of Our Apostolil'. Authority, "\Ve name him Bishop and Pastor, and commit to him the care, government, and adminis- tration of the Church in the Californias, both in .:-piritual and temporal matters, as is more fully contained in Our Letters erecting the Dioce.:e. \\ e therefore command by hi-: Our Letter that ou cheerfullf accept the said Fran- ci.:co as Father and Pa~tor of your ~ouls. ,ho,. him due obedience and re,·erence. recei~·e with humility hi· sal- · utary admonitions and command-:, and endeavor to com- ply with them sincerely. Otherwise, the sentence which th same Francisco may pronounce against the rebel- lious, we shall regard as just and shall see that it is ob- .en·ed inYiolably •until condign satisfaction is made. Gh·en at t. Peter, Rome. in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord ~8.JO, on the 27th day of April, in the tenth he Church of the alifornia: toda • lack:: the con:-::ola- f e.sed member of the Order of t. Franci::;, cho en for
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·ear of Our Pontificate.
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