Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Suppor the Thµ day, July 18, 1940 Ordinary ot Original California See The Diocese of San Diego was established on July 11, 1936. It comprises the four south- ern counties of California, Imperial, Riverside.. San Bernardino, and San Diego. ih·erti ers.-They upport You. THE ..,Q THER r CRO..,"' PAGE THREE
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His Excellency, the Most Rev. Chal'les F. Buddy, D.D., is shown on the day of his installation February 3, 1937, receiving the obedience of the late Rev. Joseph C. Mesny, a veteran missionary in the teITitory of the Diocese of San Diego. Shown also in the picture is the l\lost Rev. John Daley, O. S.A., pastor of St. Patrick's Church, San Diego. • • • The early deYelopment of California found the chief centers of population in the central and northern sections of the State. In later years San Diego has experi- enced a large and continuous deYelopment and growth. To care for the spiritual needs of so many people who have settled in this region, His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, constituted the Diocese of San Diego on July 11, 1936. The l\Iost Rev. Charles F. Buddy was designated Bishop on October 21. 1936, and was con-:ecrated in the Cathedral at t. Joseph, i\1o., on December 21, 1936. Bishop Buddy arriYecl in San Di- ego on February 2, 1937. and was formally installed the next day by the Mo t RH. ,John J. Cantwell, Archbishop of Los Angeles, before a large number of the Bishops j of America, prie~t~ of the Dioce.::e and , i iting clergy, and a large concourse of the faithful. \ ·within the confines of the Diocese of San Diego there are many points of Cath- 1 olic historical interest. These include the first mission of California, San Diego de I Alcala; the place where the Franciscan missionary. Father Luis Jaime, was martyr- ed; and San Luis Rey :\Iission. I In the mountainous regions of the Diocese there are many Indian reservations. There are also large colonies of Mexicans, Portuguese, and Italians. The area of the Diocese is 35,879 square miles. The Catholic population is 140,- 983. A total of 136 priests labor in the Diocese. Since the arrival of Bishop Buddy a comprehensive program for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the people of the Diocess has been inaugurated. l\Iany new parishes haYe been established; Catechetical centers have been opened in the more remote regions; different orders of Sisters have been invited to the Diocese to supple- ment the work that was being done by the established orders; a home for the aged ·was established; a home for working girls is now under construction. St. Joseph's Cathedral which was found inadequate for the needs of the people is being recon- structed on an enlarged scale. Plans_are now under ·way to construct ne,v Churches 1 and to renovate others where necessity demands. I
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