Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

THE SA 'DIEGO U '10 ': MONDAY MOR I 'G, JULY 22, 1941

Arrivaf of First Bishop, City's Birthday Marked One of he larges l'ro •ds ever to a end a reli"ious service in Balboa park filled the organ amphitheater, the arcades, and overflowed in groups that dotted he lawns and sVJod along the. sidewalks leading to the Plaza de Panama yesterday morning for the Catholic celebration of the anniversary of the arrival in San Diego o! Bishop Diego, first bishop of California. The throng listened attentively "'hile the . tost Rev. John J. Cant- well, D. D., archbishop of Los An- geles, told the historic story. "A decision fra ht with great importa.'1ce to the religious life of our California wa.s made in Mexico City, Oct. 4, 1840," said the arch- bishop. "A Mexican priest, born in the state of Jalisco and trained in the St. Francis of Assisi school, was raised to the episcopal rank and .1::iven as his spiritual inheritance Lower and Upper California, LANDED IN DECEI\IBER ''The future home of Garcia Diego y Moreno, first bishop of California, was to be among the despoiled and ln.'1ely missions, His job was to take up the torch that had fallen from the hands of the old padres and fan its fading light into a new and fuller flame." But things mo,·ed at such a delib- ~rate pace in Mexico 100 years ago that it was not until Dec. 10, 1841, that the Brigantine Rosalinda cast anchor in San Diego harbor. Bishop Diego came ashore to a little village of 150. The pueblo officials had ordered that on Dec. 10 all cattle and sheep must be kept of! the streets of San Diego and that every- thing should be ship-shape to greet the new padre. The bishop remained only briefly in San Diego, and there Is no record that he even visited the tottering old church in Mission valley, ac- cording to Archbishop Cantwell. Bishop Diego went on to Santa Bar- bara where he would be among his Franciscan padres at Sa..'lta Barbara m1ss1on. It was not until recent years that San Diegans restored this city's Old Mission, first in the ro- mantic chain of missil)ns that first brought a European religion to these shores. MASS CELEBRATED If it had not been for what Bishop Diego did to "give pause to the spoiler and halt the complete de- struction of the missions a.nd their archives," said the archbishop, "the mission peril)d in California would be today without a landmark, and its story a forgotten saga." Mass was celebrated by the Most Rev. John J. Mitty, D. D., arch- bishop of San Francisco. Franciscan j padres assisting were the Revs. Martin Knauff, John Otterstedt. Patrick Toddy. Mark Bucher and Alfred Boeddcker. Other members of the clergy present included the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, DD.. bishop of the Catholic dfocese of San Diego, and host to the visit- ing dignitaries of the Catholic church; the Most Rev. P. J. Scher, bishop of Monterey-Fresno; and the Most Rev. R. Armstrong, bishop of Sacramento. Among the laymen participating in the ceremonies at the organ was Sir Albert V. Mayr- hofer, papal knight, guard of honor to Archbishop Cantwell. PROCESSION ON BRIDGE Preceding the mass, there was a processional of laymen across Ca- brillo bridge to the plaza, where they were joined by the clergy for the march to the organ stage, which was banked on one side by Ameri- can flags and on the other by Cath- olic banners, as well as the four flags that have waved over Cali- for.~ia-the Spanish, Mexican, Bear and U. S. flags. I Guests of honor included Rear Adm. Charles Bl~kely, U.S.N., and Mrs. Blakely: MaJ. Gen. W. P. Up- shur, U.S.M.C., and Mrs. Upshur; Brig. Gen. Clayton B. Vogel. U.S. M.C.. and Mrs. Vogel; Maj. V. R. '\Voodruff, U.S.A., and Mrs. Wood- ruff; Col. W. W. Ashurst, U.S.M.C., and Mrs. Ashurst. I The picnic and historical pageant at Old Mission yesterday afternoon also was well attended. with St. Mary Players depicting the fotmd- ing of San Diego 171 years ago by Spanish soldiers and Franciscan padres. A dinner in honor of the visiting clergy was held last night' et Hotel del Coronado. Among those seated at the speak- ers' table for the dinner were-- Archbishops Cantwell and Mitty: Bishops Buddy, Armstrong and Scher: the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, vicar general of the San Diego diocese: Sir and Lady Mayr- hofer. Adm. and Mrs. Blakely, Gen. and Mrs. Upshur, Mayor Percy J. Benbough and Mrs. Bcnbough. Sen. and Mrs. Ed Fletcher, Gen. and Mrs. Vogel. Maj. and Mrs. Woodruff, and Joseph Scott. Los Angeles, who made a fervent plea that Catholics do as Junipero Serra did when he was founding Old Missior. 171 years a o-"rely: radi all UP.Qn God."


- 1\tore than 5000 Catholics attended solemn pontifical mass in the organ amphitheater, Balboa park, yesterday in celebration of the

anniversary of the corning to this city of Bishop Diego, first Catholic bishop of California, and of the city's 171st birthday anniversacy.

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,f the Most Rev. Charles F. Duddy, bishop of San Diego; the 1\tost Rev. John J, Mitty, archbishop of San Francisco, and the 1\tost Rev. Robert J. Arm- strong, bishop of Sacramento. (Courtney photo.)

, Among the visiting Catholic clergy in San Diego yesterday were (left to right) the 1\tost Rev. Philip G. Scher, bishop of Monterey-Fresno; the l\lost Rev. John J. Cantwell, archbishop of Los Angeles;

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