Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

.. o. 32 OFFICIAL ORGA OF THE DIOCESE OF -------------------------


Bishop Hits Lack Of Fundamentals In Modern Education ite. Fail ure of Tax- upported School.· to Teach Essen- tial:; Quote. uthority to Show Teachers U. e School. · for Propaganda In a hrL tma · me. age broadca t over KFSD Tues- day moming, the mo t Rev. harle. F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego, d •plored the lowering of tandards in tax~ upportecl . chooJ.~. ffo, E.·cellency, the guest speaker of a local tivic dub, extended mo t cordial Christmas greetings to the president and

Bishop Hits La Fundamentals JI (ConUnued from P•l!'e 1\

of cases judged delinquent i dren's Court showed little cl The present belief that increase love. and in delinquency is in accord with one. This joy u :Peast of Christ- lowering economic standards is mas then lovingly invites mankind not ba5ed on facts. The chief to come unto Him. to find in Him cause of delinquency is lack of more abundant life and peace for religious training. Today_ God is the soul. To find in Him the so- a myth with ma:1y : an~ _if th ere lution of life's problems. ~e no Goel , there lS no D1vme La~v, j "Without ·christ. Christmas has 1.0 Ten Commandments, no mmal no meaning. Even the noisy tu- li,w, no religious tmth. no here- mult of paganism, the rumble of after. no Heaven , No H~ll. When passion and the din of selfish adolcscrnt boys and girls come cares, cannot stifle the note of befcre rne I have often thought joy that rings across the centur- that if these children had been ies, clear and triumphant. pro- given an opportunity to know claiming anew 'glory to God in theu· God ; if their training was the highest and peace on earth to .,uth that God had been given a men of good will.' Above the babel rightful place in their hearts and of tongues and the confusion their lives. they would not be in among the nations, a message of court today. Delinquency can be blessed hope, jubilant, unmistak- cl-.erkeC: if religion is brought into able, sounds throughout the the child's life and made a part of world. 'This day is born unto us it.' a Saviour Who is Christ the LIGHT OF REASON Lord.' A brilliant star shines over

members o! the esteemed organi- zation and to the radio audience. He said in part: "Citizens of the United States, th is beautiful land has harbored t llc opp1 e~cl of the world. Let no one despoil or rob yon of it. Beware of those subversive agi- tators - Moscow directed - who work under cover to wreck the very foundations on which our government rests. We have a big work .on hand and can't lower our standards. So I big, indeed, that it excludes all f orms of bigotry, one-track minds and the destructive isms of hatred and ill-will. "To be sure, Christian education has in the past done much to tear down unsightly monuments of prejudice and to fill up vales of ignorance. But for the most part modern education is a failure as colossal as it is pretentious. But what is education? According to one authority, 'Education is in- crease of power and quality of life, the unfolding and upbuilding of life." Does that satisfy you? If not. listen to this more compre- hensive definition from the most respected teacher of our age, the late. universally beloved Pope Pius XI. Says he: 'Education is the

"People of all creeds and of no creed must admit that God exists because this truth is known from the light of reason , from cause and effect, from the created world around us. The Supreme Creator of this universe and everything in it clearly reveals , in both spoken and written word, that man was made for the purpose of knowing God, loving Him and serving Him in this life so as to be happy with Him forever in Heaven. The real- ization of this truth forms the groundwork of a successful life. Without it no super-structure can 1·ise secure and symmetrical Both the intellect and the will of man need development- The Command- mevts of God , personal responsi- bility for human acts, the laws written on the heart of man de- serve the utmost instruction from the formative period of childhood on. "Every intelligent being should be taught that religion is the !iv- ing union of man with God, liv-

hill and vale: 'This is the victory that overcometh the world- our Faith'-for He has called us out of darkness into His marvelou5 light- the light of redemption, the Word made flesh'. ALWAYS THE S;\ME "The story of the birth of Jesus Christ, like beauty and truth, is ever ancient and ever new- As children-and it seems but yester- day-we gathered round the Crib and gazed with wonder and sym- pathy, as love crept into our young hearts to be intensified with the passing years in a deeper under- standing of the truth that 'God so loved the world as to give His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him may not perish but may have life everlasting. For God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world but that the world may be saved by Him." (St. John III, 3, 16, 17). "The Stable at Bethlehem, the I rude manger and coarse swaddling

preparation of man for what he ought to be and do here below in order to reach his eternal des- tiny.' I REs1•0NsmLE-- : . : W•H 1 ---~-1..;i; : : J.tOJ.\ f:!!}{S- unJl:IO ~J.1 __;,.,,--¥'~ : : "SlN OllqJnf 11 8 • ~NNI IM11AOI; t..................~···:_:_:_~..:::~· .. . . ....... ~.·······~ ............

clothes- all spake of abject pover- ing because made up of vital acts, ty self-abasement. humility. The thoughts, words, deeds; that man, Infant Son and His Virgin Mother composed of body and soul and felt the midnight cold and other made to the image and likeness privations-'because there was no of God. has the obligation of wor- room for them in the inn.' But shipping his Creator, the Sover- withal-that poverty and suffer- eign God and Chief Benefactor. ing and privation-joy, peace, Th1>se age-old truths are not the light and Jove prevailed there. Our theories of visionaries, but the die- I Blesed Mother, St. Joseph and the tates of reason. shepherds were intensely happy. AUTHORITY QUOTED "Dr. M. J . Adler. noted non- Catholic educator. in addressing

It was ever thus. "Those who accept Christ and His glad tidings of salvation know the Way, the Truth, the Life and the Peace that surpasses under- standi.Jl.g. To be sure, they may suffer all the pangs of want and pain. but still the yoke is sweet and the burden light - made so by the Divine Presence of Jesus Christ. Now look at the miseries of the world's votaries: even in the midst of wealth, they are

. . . . . . . . . . . .

the Teachers' Alliance of New York City last week, said that our teachers, banded into a political organization, were abusing the schools of the nation to spread their own particular type of prop- aganda. He said: 'Progressiveism study of the contemporary world has become so absorbed with the that it forgets human culture has poor;

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in dazzling splendor, they traditional roots. It has substitut- are selfish and depressed. Neither ed inf-O~mation for _understanding,

1 the Christ Child-nor the precious It has little souls sent by Him-find a

and science for wisdom.

mistaken license for liberty, for welcome in that is wha


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