Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

,. o. 3:.! OFFICIAL ORGA O_F_TH_E_ D-IO_C_E_S=E- 0- F~-i...;.-!L~ D_I_E_G_O_, -c-AL-=-r=F::-::0:-::R::-:-L IA FRIDAY, DE E iBER 22 • 1 • 39

Bishop Hits Lack Of Fundamentals In Mode n Education Sc:hool.· for Propaganda In a ~hri tma · me • age broadcast over KFSD Tues- d~y m~1:~rng, the mo.'t Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of Sdn D_1ego, deplored. the lowering of standards in tax- uppo1 ted_ . ~hool:-. H1.· Excellency, the gue t speaker of a local c1v1c dub, extended most cordial Christmas I greetings to the presiden t and members of the e.steemed organ i- zation and to the radio audience. I He said in part: I Cite.' . Failure of Ta.·-._ upport ed ehool: to Teach Essen- / h~I. ; Quote: uthority to how Teachers .' e

Christmas Message

Bishop Hits La Fundamentals J1 (Continued from pa.,.. 1\ of cases judged delinquent t dren's Court showed little cJ- The present belief that inc in delinquency is in accord lowering economic standar, not based on facts. The cause of delinquency is lac relig!ous training. Today G a myth with many; and if be no God , there is no Divine r:o Ten Commandments, no r li.w, no religious truth. no I after. no Heaven, No Hell. ii adolesc:{nt boys and girls ' befcre rne I have often tho that if these children had given an opportunity to l th en· God; if their training .,~c-h that God had been giv, rightful place in their hearts their lives. they would not b court today, Delinquen cy car checkeC: if religion is. hr,mah t \l( !lepos..: ~· "--·~+Pm . - ·1sll3: Jll.JN a 41 ur aa1 -Illl!:J e ase4amd ([!M sJenoa ua,L 3:JnVH:J V - . - ·1se:;r JBaN a41 LI! a n1e1s al5JBJ e ase40 •Jnd !HM SJlll(OQ Llaom.!I ·s1ade40 LIO!SS!W J OJ 4daso.r ·is JO san1eis a se40Jnd 01 ct1a4 .!OJ sapeuoiss1w Jno WOJJ SlSanbaJ .Jh lll{ .lM '1Sll:;f Jll.!N a41 Jo a.,qeLI e Silt.\ 4daso.r ·1s Hd3SOf ".LS dO 30.LV.LS - . - 'JSll:;f JB.!N a41 Llf amp!d al!JBI e aseqomd ll!M S,IBI[OQ ah!.i[ 'jildBljO LIO!SS[W e 01 d[aH ren1ad.tad JO APll'I JllQ JO a.mi -O!d e JO lJ!ll e a)[eUI 'Jal{ JOJ L1onoaJ - Je Jo Lla)[Ol e sv 'Jaqiow passam JnQ llupaqwawa.:i 1-no41TM sew -1S[Jl{:J 1s.1!.i£ aln JO l,L1ea a.M, .XOVl ~mo - . - ·.reaA AJaAa UI.!t.[l .tOJ pa1a;yo aJe 1e41- sassllw pL11lst1oq,L uaau!.il: aq1 LI! aJlll{S s.raqUiaUI .rno 11V ·,Cep AJaM Sl!U!SSaJq ur,q l!Llpq lITM. mli' S!l!.L 'JllaA'. aL10 .roJ LIOJl •ll[Jossy S!l!l LI! pL1apJ e no.:cL13: J.dl!> V SV - ·- •ssa1 •li'Ll!J1S sr n sn na1 PLll? 'mli' e pL1aS 'Sil!.:CBUO!SS!UI aq1- 1ali'JOJ 1-ou o a J.3!:>HOd LNOQ - . - z1si.:cq:::i JOJ srq1- op n o.-: ffih{ 'tadeq:J e punq IHM SJB![OQ pa.rpunH i!h!.if 'L1ompL1oa aq1- 1-oa.:c 'A "N ':-jJ A ,.-,sN ·is ·s1sanb 'Jca.C e JC! I f -a.t Jill{JO au a JB aJa4,L •[('Q z u o .toJ s.1apuaJ .mo }[:rn at,\ - )ISV 3M llV - .

(By che 1os Rev. Charles F . Buddy. Bishop of San Diego, a t Radio Broadcast, Balboa S tadium, Community Christmas party Sunday aftemoon, December 17, attended by 15,000 children nd parents.>

N O ONE could attend this Christmas Party and not be happy. To ee thousands of children en- tertained so royally, under the sponsorship of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, sends the Yuletide spirit tingling into every heart. This afternoon Bal- boa Stadium enshrines the blessed spirit of Santa Claus re<"alling a thousand cherished memories. l That an organization of civic-minded men- men of vision and courage could assemble gifted stars of movie land and focus community talent in this delightful affair stamps San Diego as a cit of quality and progress. · This t ypical American gathering retlects the greatness of our beloved Country. Just as American harbors welcome people of every clime, so the gates of this Stadium open wide to young and old. We came here of our own free will. We did not have to beg leave of a dictator nQr does our government claim to own us soul and body. Thank God for the J privilege of being citizens "of the United States. · Th oinlr Rim for thi~ srlorious land of America, build- .XMVNOISS!__W•.X~3N013H.L to worship, our Divine 'SllW1:l!Jl{.) 1-SJ[.f es. No wonder the Cross

"Citizens of the United States this beautiful land has harbored' I the oppressed of the world. Let no one despoil or rob you of it. Beware of those subversive agi- tators - Moscow directed - who work under cover to wreck the very foundations on which our government rests. We have a big work .on hand and can't lower our standards. so big, indeed, th at it excludes all forms of bigotry, one-track minds and the destructive isms of hatred and ill-wm. "To be sure, Christian education has in th e past done much t o tear down unsigh tly monumen ts of prejudice and to fi ll up vales of ignorance. But for the most part modern education is a failure as colossal as it is pretentious. But what is education ? According to one authority, 'Education is in- crease of power and quality of life t_he unfolding and upbuilding of life." Does that satisfy you? If not, listen to this more compre- hensive defin ition from the most respected teacher of our age, the late. universally beloved Pope Pius XI. Says he: 'Education is the

a41 JO asnll,aq paA!ilOaJ aaa4 no,( IOABJ PLlll saoeJ)i' .!4+ rre .IOJ apnme.tZ ssew e Ja;yo 01 .C.rllUOfSS1W aq1 }[SV !>NIAI~S)INVH.L dO SSVW - . - ·s.rnnoa pa.rpunH auo JOJ 1se,r .re aN

~ed hand in hand in these nbolize truth, sacrifice, sing, to pay a tribute of the lives of those noble vhQ carved California out ~ow this afternOQn the seem a little more frag- sun a little more resplen- ·er. the goodness of God for s Who became man with- tistmas is the birthday of l}lrist there oould be no all drawn irresistably to [ in the midnight cold at ves us. And so love ere- He wants us to love Him e is the Prince of Peace follow the true Light and le. To be sure, labors and endure, but their yoke is tt. May the Christ Child, ·>less you abundantly. May he peace and joy that He >od will.

Preparation of man for wh at he ought to be and do here below in order to reach his eternal des- I tiny.' / I T~ACBERS RESPONSIBLE . • ,..v ....., ~ - : :iua,r -.... : • !•OJI S!J>Is-.rn ll.lllloqo,tl -.:;::---:; - • . ····································· : 0 8+Jr4l O}U!JU f UftS• ,, : ~NNI IM11ACU~

. .

•..:COO Ol ssarJaMOd sr A.:CBLIO!SS1UI a4,1 •.1a1-1-aq ou aJe asn ur sradeq:::i a41- g-o All1lUI UJOq SeM. ilH a.raqM. 1-se:;r .ieaN aq1- LI! ,(epo,1 ·aallidl!lJ!q e se eaeo JO a1qe1s e ue41 Janaq panJasap

'POD JO LIOS a41- SVW.LSIHH:J ! SVW.LSIHH:J HOd ,3dVH::> ONV S3IHVNOISSIW »no ' i~ '11?.1odwa1, pul? 11?n:i,1.11ds ! - - - 'M.:4:!JOt/T~~I 1 lj:i,oq ~u,ssa1q l..1a11a spuapJ .mo :i.u-e.1~ o:i. poo ,{:i,4~iw1v ii 1~ ~up1s-e ll! ~u,u.1ow s-ew:i.s!J40 uo a:i.,un ll!M UO!Pl!O \ I~ -ossv a4:i, J.O s.1a:>!HO a4:i. pu-e s1adl?40 UO!SS!UI .1!84'.I- U! 'i ~. sap-euo,ss,w .1no ·s-ew:i,sp40 .

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