Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Dec. 8. The new parLh can·ed from Our Lady of the acred Heart, Ea t an Diego, compri es at lea t 100 familie and i in cha1·ge of the Rev. Jo eph A. L. 'llll. BI HOP PRff, DE FOR OLORED THOLI ewe t of the pari he to be formed i that of Ch1i_t the King, the announcement of which thi week rejoice the colored Catholic:: of ~n Diego who have worked to- ward thi- end for manv months. Detail- of it erection and plans for the con~h.'iiction of an entire parochial plant under the direction of the Rev. Daniel B. Leary, called from retirement to work among the •egroe , may be found el.:ewhere in thi i::sue. Plan~ are contemplated for the .formation of three more parishe::.- in the dioce~e: t. Bridget' mi ion. Pa- cific Beach; Our Lady of Guadalupe, ·we tmorlancl, Im- perial Valley, and a complete parochial plant at Indio, where a ..ite has recently been donated for the erection of a church. · Among the pries ' home built under the direction 1 of their re~pectfre pa:: or~ and dedicated in the cour~e of the year are 8t. Agne~, Point Loma, 1arch 8, and Holy I Rosary, San Bernardino, June 7. Dedicated also by His Excellencv wa' the Church of Our Ladv of the Lake at . . Arrowhead, July 10, and under construction at the pres- ent time is the neyi.· Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Calexico, and a new mausoleum at Holy Cross Cemetery, 1 San Diego. Tl\rELVE NE"WLY ORDAINED A.iONG NEW PRIESTS IN DIOCESE Twelve priesL were ordained this year for the ,vork of the apostolate in the diocese. The Mo t Reverend Bishop conferred the sacrament of Holy Orders upon three young men in April. They are the Rev. Kenneth G. Stack, the Rev. Leo Davis and the Rev. George Rice. In October nine young priests arrived from Ireland to receive their first appointments as assistants in San Diego. They are the Rev. James J\lcGinley, Sacred Heart, Coronado; the Rev. Michael R. Donohoe, St. Agnes, Point Loma; the Rev. Thomas O'Toole, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chino; the Rev. Dennis Barry, St. John's, San Diego; the Rev. Michael Day, St. Didacus, San Diego; the Rev. Hugh Gallagher, St. Francis de Sales', River- 1 side; the Rev. Terrence Gillespie, St. John's, San Diego; the Rev. Henry Keane, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, East San Diego, and the Rev. Michael Keone, St. Ber- nardine's, San Bernardino. Added also to the staff of clergy during the year were the Rev. James J. O'Leary, administrator of Mt. 1 Carmel church, San Ysidro; the Rev. E. M. Kelly, S.J., chaplain of Nazareth Home, San Diego; the Rev. William Keaney, St. Joseph's Cathedral, and the Rev. Daniel B. Leary, pastor of the colored Catholics, San Diego. Under diocesan direction and upon diocesan scope several organizations were formed at the behest of His Excellency this year. Units of the Council of Catholic Women were organized in each of the four deaneries in the diocese with the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.G., as diocesan director. Regional units of the Holy Name Society were likewise, formed "\\ith the Rev. Luke Deignan as diocesan director. The Rev. John F. Galla- wher was appointed diocesan chaplain of scouts and in- structed to organize a troop in every parish in the dio- • cese. The Rev. Matthew Thompson, the Rev. William Van Garsse and the Rev. James Gray were appointed regional chaplains to assist Father Gallagher. A lay committee was also selected to aid in the work of organ- ization. The San Diego diocesan praesidia of the Legion of Mary was formally established early in August and the Rev. Owen Hannon was appointed spiritual director. His Excellency unfolded plans for a diocesan association of l Mexican men and boys to be known as the "Knights of Christ the King" in Septembe1; and in November gave formal approval through the Rev. Fl·ancis C. Ott, dio- cesan director of the Catholic Youth Organization, to a plan for formation of a Mexican C.Y.O. Organization of the other diocesan societies such as the St. Vincent de Paul society was completed in the year 1937. P1·iests who celebrated the silver jubilees of their ordination to the priesthood were the Rev. Peter A. Con- nolly on May 16, and the Rev. David P. McAstocker on June 29. Priests who passed to their eternal reward during the past year were the Rev. Francis Burelbach, April 13, the Very Rev. William J. Metz, August 1, and the Rev. Joseph C. Mesny, September 7. SPECIAL ADDRESSES DELIVERED BY THE BISHOP Special addresses were delivered by His Excellency throughout the past year to the graduates of Mercy Col- lege, January 9; at the dedication of the new Federal Post Office, San Diego, January 10; at the :investiture of the Most Rev. John J. Cantwell with the Pallium, Jan. 26; over Station KGB on the Diocesan Financial cam- paign, March 13; to the graduates of Loyola University, June 12; his address at the silver jubilee of the Rev. David McAstocker's ordination, June 29; at the annual convention of the Catholic Youth Organization in San Diego, August 28; to the medical staff of St. Bernardine's hospital, San Bernardino, and at the silver jubilee of Regis College, Denver, Colorado, in October, as well as a number of talks given to social and civic clubs through- out the diocese. Other highlights of the year include the visit of the Archbishop of the Province, the Most Rev. J olm J. Cant- 1 well, D.D., to San Diego where he was the guest of the Most Reverend Bishop and the priests of the diocese;
3, 1 9
Interior of tructur to Be Fini hed in Ala kan • larhle, ltar of arrara. arbl : Great Progr ho" n nder Architect lope and inner. The Admini,tratiYe Council of the dioce e tudied bid Tue day for the marble work, tile roof, terrazo floor, as well as for other equipment and appointment· nece~- ary for the completion of the new chapel-mam:oleum in Holy Cross cemetery. The interior of the new truc- ture ill be finishe_d in Ala.skan*~ompleted, ha-built a number m rble, trimmed Wl th red Jaspe I of like edifices in Cali!omia, par- and golden veined m_arbles. The ticularly in that area around Los altar in the chapel will be of car- I Angeles where they have with- rarn, finished wi th variegated stood the ravngei< of earthquake"!, :;hades of marble. I and the dioces has been forLu-· Considerable progress has been nate to secure: his services. made in construction of th e mau- The cornerstone of the new soleum under the direction of John B. Sinner, contractor, and the widely - known architect, mausoleum will be laid in the near future, the exact date of which will later be announced oy the Most Reverend Bishop. ontractor With
Frank L. Hope, Jr., whose plans for thlS classic edifice will be one of hts greatest architectural trt- umphs. The members of the Adminis- traUve Council, namely, the Most Reverend Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.G., and the Very Rev. John B. Cotter, paid a visit to the mausoleum Tuesday when Mr. Sinner ex- plained in detail the work of con- struction. Mr. Sinner, who will be in charge until the mausoleum l n A En A A r E Of CAN n1Ern ......, U u lJ u GIVEN ~ARl ("'UH 1 I uu u u "u I rn
The new parish is to be known I as the parish of Christ the King.
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inaugui-ated Christmas with High Mass at midnight and a Low Mass at 9:00 a.m. Confessions will be heard on the eve from 4:00 to 6:00 and from 7:30 until all are heard. A recent census taken by mem- bers of the colored population re-
First l\lass to Be Celebrated veals that there are at least five thousand of the race in San At Midnight, Christmas, Diego. Father Leary's plans call B F Learv. Completes for a church sufficient~y spacious y r. · ' l to house the Catholtcs among Bishop's Plans. . them. - ored catholics of San Diego were His life has been in the main de- made this week, when the Most voted to missionary work amongst Reverend Bishop charged the Rev. them and will be given exclusively Daniel B. Leary to make immedi- to the promotion of their spiritual ate plans for the construction of and temporal welfare in San an entire parochial plant - Diego. church, hall, priest's house. With completion of these ar- rangements His Excellency's To these will be adde~ a pians for the religious needs of day nursery as well as recreational I every race in the diocese will have I I grounds for the young colored 1 . y tll been made. members of the Cathe 1c ou Organizations. The new pastor of the colored people has had long experience and varied with the race in dio- ceses 1·n New York and Cleveland. · 1 · ·t l c11l Provisions for t 1e spin ua , - J"ft f tl o _ 1e col tural and social up 1
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