Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940




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Bi "hop Hit Fundamental IConUnaed from 1>&•• I\ of case_ Judged delinquent t dren's Court howed lit le cJ- 'I'he present belief that in< in delinquency is in accord lo1vering economic standar, not based on facts. The cause of delinquency is lac relt !ous training. Today G a myth with many; and if be no God, there is no Divine 1.0 Ten Commandments, no r l:.w, no religious truth, no I after. no Heaven, No Hell. , adolesc~nt boys and girls me I have often the that 11 these children had p;iven an opportunity to I their God; if their training .;uc:h that God had been give rightful place in their hearts their lives they would not b court today. Delinquency car cl~ehkeC: H religion is brought the child's life and made a par it.' LIGHT OF REASON "People of all creeds and of creed must admit that God d because this truth is known f1 the light of reason, from ca and effect, from the created w9 nrnund us. The Supreme Cre~ of this universe and everythin I it clearly reveals, in both spol nnd written word, that man 1 made for the purpose of know God, loving Him and serving H in this life so as to be happy w Him forever in Heaven. The re irnt!on of this truth forms groundwork of a successful Ji Without it no super-structure c rise secure and symmetrical. Bo tht! intellect and the will of m neeo development- The Cornman mer,ts of God, personal respon bility for human acts, the la written on the heart of man d serve the utmost instruction fro the formative period of childho on. "Every intelligent being shoul be taught that religion is the !iv ing union of man with God, !iv ing because made up of vital acts thoughts, words, deeds; that man composed of body and soul anc made to the image and llkenes~ of Ood. has the obligation of wor- shipping his Creator, the Sover- eign God and Chief Benefactor. ThPse age-old truths are not the theories of visionaries, but the die- tates of reason. AUTHORITY QUOTED "Dr. M. J. Adler. noted non- Catholic educator. in addressing

rles F Buddy B op of snn Diego, tadium commuruty Christmns P rty 'attended by 15.000 chUdren t

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By the


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Mo ucation ite J ilure of 'l'ax- upported "" hoot~ to Te ch E.- en- tial ; Quote uthorit · to how eachers e chool for Propa nnda In a hri t m:i m ag broadca t over KF D Tue::-- clay morning, the mo t Rev. harle~ F. Buddy, Bi:hop of a11 Dit1go, deplored the lo ,-ering of . tandard. in tax- ,upported ,;ehool--. Hi Exe Ilene~·, the gue::;t ~Peaker of a lucal civic club, extended mo t cordial Christma~ I greetings to the president and I n

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'E could attend this Christmas i:arty a nd not b happy. To . ee thousands of ch~ldre; ::~ tertained ·o ro) ally, under the ponsorshl~ol f de Junior Chamber of Commerce, . e~ds the u e 1 31 _ pirit tingling into every heart. This a!t~mf~~nta boa Stadium en ·hrine~ the blessed sp1nt o . laus r ecalling a thousand cheri bed memones. · f · · · ded men- 'l'hat an organization o c1v1c-mm . d men of visi n and eourage could ass~mble 1 gi~t~n star::: of movie land and focus comm~ity ta en cit • this delightful affair stamp San Diego as a of quality and progre ~. . tl t the This typical American gathenng re ec . . bel d Co t Just as American greatness of our ove un ry. . h ates harbors welcome people of every chme, so t 1~ g W of this Stadium open wide to young a~d o . hav: came here of our own free will. ,v e did not t to beg leave of a dictator nQr does our g:trm:~ claim to own us soul and body. Thank 0 : t : privilege of being citizens "of the U mt~ S a.e . Thank Him for this glorious land of Amer1ca,;_u~ld- ed by our sturdy forefathers to worship ou~ ~vine Creator as conscience dictates. No w~nder ! _e t~~!! and the Flag have ever walked hand m ban m T United States. They symbolize truth, sacn ice, loyalty and achievement. t .b t of Permit me also, in passing, ~o pay a ri u e bl respect and admiration to the lives of 1;ose _no Dons and rugged pioneers who car".ed Ca 1 onu: ~:e f the wilderness. Somehow this afternOQ 11 f this Southland seem a little more frag- r:~;~:eowarm glow of the sun a little more resplen- dent, the old ties even dearer. f G d for But above all, thank the goodness o o . - sending us the Infant Jesus. Who ~cahm\~J:dw1t~f out ceasing to be God. Chnstmas is t e I ay J ~us Obrist. Withou.. Qhrist ther~ ~ld be no Christmas. Why are we all drawn !rr!81stably ;~ the little Babe who shivered in the m1dmght cold Bethlehem? Because He loves us. And so love c~: ated this festival of love. He wants W: to 10 ;;,~ace and to love one another. He is the Prmce and those who follow Him follow the true Light an: ossess their souls in peace. To be sure, l~bors an_ hardships and trials sti!l endure, but tch:1~ rt~1: sweet and their lives br'lght. May the ns , Wh o belongs to everyone, bless you abun~antlhy. tMHaye

members of the esteemed organi- zation and to the radio audience. He said tn part. "Citizens of the United States, thi beautiful land has harbored the oppressed of the world. Let no one de:;poil or rob yon of It. 1 Beware> of those subversive agi- j tutors - Moscow directed - who work under cover to wreck lhe very foundations on which our government rests. I We have a big work on hand and can't lower our standards. So I big, indeed, that it excludes all forms of bigotry, one-track minds and the destructive isms of hatred and ill-will. "To be sure, Christian education has in the past done much to tear down unsightly monuments o! prejudice and to fill up vales of ignorance. But for the most part modern education is a failure as colossal as it is pretentious. But , what is education? According to one authority, 'Education is in- crease of power and quality of life, the unfolding and upbuilding of life." Does that satisfy you? If ' not. listen to this more compre- 1 hensive definition from the most respected teacher of our age, the late. universally beloved Pope Pius XI. Says he: 'Education is the preparation of man for what he ought to· be and do here below in order to reach his eternal des- tiny.' Tl:.ACHERS RESPONSIBLE "You are witnesses that our present day tax-supported schools realize neither of these defini- tions. Of the 36 million studentt; enrolled in them, under the tui- tion of over one million high-pow- ered professors, who boast of skill never before attained by their pro- fession, how many are qualified to give a correct answer regarding fundamentals such as, for exam- ple. the authot·ship of the uni- verse? The purpose of life,, the necessity of moral virtues? J'o I whom is man responsible for his acts? is there a God? did He speak? what did He say? what is religion? whom does it obligate? Are the teachers entrusted with the education of our children com- petent to enlighten the pupils on these essentials? do they weigh anything else but material val- ues? Does their vaunted scholar- ship include the philosophy of civilization? There is an old ax- iom that no one can give what he does not have. In many class- es the teachers not only fail to implant norms of virtue, but they actually teach and encourage gross immorality. They may agree that religion may not be taught. But how do so many of them justify the teaching of atheism and communism? "Recently Judge Marchisio, sit- ting on New York City's Domestic Relations Board, rejected the opinion of the Joint Legislative Committee which reported 'bad economic conditions' as the ex- planation for the alarming num-· ber of juvenile delinquents. The judge declared there is 'no more delinquency today than before. During the depression the number

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He fill your hearts wit e pe~ce the Teachers' Alliance of New l_~c~a~rn~e~t~o~b~n~·~n~g~t~o_!m~e~n~o~f~g 1 ood::::_W.::,:il::l::.. _______ 1 York City last week, said that our ~-~..-.... 15 • .tv ot! sure, t11ey may teachers, banded into a political suffer all the pangs of want and organization, were a.busing the pain, but still the yoke is sweet schools of the nation to spread and the burden light - made so

their own particular type of prop- by the Divine Presence of Jesus aganda. He said: 'Progressiveism Christ. Now look at the miseries study of the contemporary world of the world's votaries: even in has become so absorbed with the the midst of wealth, they are that it forgets human culture has poor; in dazzling splendor, they traditional roots. It has substitut- are selfish and depressed. Neither ed info:mation for understanding, / the Christ Child-nor the precious and science for wisdom. It has little souls sent by Him-'-find a mistaken license for liberty, for welcome in their homes. Such that is what freedom is when un- worldlings know not Christ. accompanied with discipline. If wonder God rejects the wisdom of the doctors of the nation spent this world- as much time worrying about de- mocracy as do the educators. par- FEAST OF LOVE ticularly those at Teachers' Col- "The worst evil is ignorance of lege, Columbia University, I would Christ- just as the one reality is greatly fear for the health of the the following of Christ. "Which n,atlon. The progressive system, none of the princes of this world wft;h its confusion on authority knew; for if they had known it. and its emphasis on political ques- they would never have crucified tions, has put a false responsibil- the Lord of glory.' (1 Cor. 11-8) . ity on all teachers in attempting "He is our All. Without Him to solve social and economic prob- whom can we follow? It is His 1ems. If our educators have the delight to be with us. Sacraments solution of these problems they and prayers and sacrifice unite ought to leave the educationa-i sys- us in golden links of everlasting ~m and run for public office. In Jove May this joyful Feast quick- any event, they should stop using en our love for Him! May He find the educational system to propa- in every home and in every heart gandize their own particular be- the Jove that He came to foster. liefs. If they would forget those "Christmas, then, is a feast of theories and take care of educa- love and light and life. The Liv- tion, then democracy would take ing God sends His the good teachers to teach our stu- Blesed Virgin Mary. He made us dents to read. write and speak so His sons by adoption as He was that they will be able to under- the Son of God by nature. He en- stand the teachings of great men- I dows our hearts with the life of If we do this, if we confine our- His spirit and then comes to dwell selves solely to education, then we in them- 'and of His Kingdom will create men and women who there shall be no end.' The com- will have a place in our society ing of Jesus Christ to the world I and who will be better equipped marked by the solemn observance to serve and preserve our democ- of Christmas includes His life and racy.' TRUE MEANING death which, in tum, provides the I temporal and eternal welfare of us all. "Rejoice then in Christmas. 1 living Son, care of itself. It is up to us as bom of a living mother,

"But this is a Christmas mes- sage, Alright. Do the students of even our so-called higher schools know the true meaning of Christmas·? Could they tell WHY the Christmas Festival stirs the entire civilized world? Are they taught that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ? And Who is He? Jesus Christ is the Son of God- born of the Virgin Mary- true God and true Man. He lived and suffered and died on the Cross for all mankind. Therefore. Christmas. the anni- versary of His coming is a time of rejoicing. The Divine Babe that Jay in the manger at Bethle- hem outsretched His infant Arms to embrace all people c! all &ieS

May it mean for everyone, includ- ing students or professors, a lively Faith and' Hope and Love for Jesus Christ."

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