Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)




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1 I trlou bi bop of 11lan h "- ho "a and ls for all time the n o el bi hop-t t r ru ner a.rd ,t m- pllfic:ation f h t our pie nt holv fath r ~tom nm• the Lord ,; r. , d !gr s as Catholic ac- o ., an I do be t r, I say, than • t b fore your ex<: I Ch Charle Franc! , by t'te grace of God ard the favor or the apo tC'llc see. con• s er ed tod ,. bishop of U e d ocese of ·an Diego a more fitting m del to follow than ; our lllu r1oua name c, S Ch re Bouomeo?' Special tr1but w-is paid to Bishop B 1ddy by Archtisbop G ernon f-:,r his work along charitable line . whkh the visiting prelate compared to that of s•. Charles Borromeo. H II Ammerfd r; or Poor. "Bishop Buddy has he11rd the poor crying for bread, and he gen- erously answered tltem • the arch• bishop said "ile has C'omfo1·ted the a1•gulshed bean of the many who broke under tho t.urden of economic •depre on, nd helped them to a h tter day. Their tears and their prayers will follow him. "As he looks to hi n w home in the golden \V L he ha.~ much to < onsole him. Som time a diocese l compared to a bride, and the blessi,d ring r ceived in eonseera- t1on by the bi hop connotes it. If natural beauty and ndornme!'t are the UIJUal distinction and equipment of a b1·ide, then surely such are the «ifts of this Far \Vestern diocese, for there proudly wearing the orange blossoms of her own crea· 1ton she sets by the wi1ters of the gi-cat ocean who~e other name is peace. Qurst of Souls. "Such adornments, ho\\ever, the, bi8hop seeks not; his q,1est is the que:st of souls. These he would draw 1 away from worldllness and vanity and sin and death. To nil these he would bi-Ing the beauty of truth, virtue and God. "He is1 going to a land of blessed ltaditions. 'l'o San Diego long a~o came Fra. Junipero Serra. There hP and his companions started on their wa ·, which he m, the high•

-.·ens•lTess Start Photog-raph. was made Bishop Buddy. Shown profile Of Bishop C. H. L<'Blond, on•ignors and priests. On eithPr

One o! the manv- colorful "cenes this morning at St Jo~ph'.s Cathedral where Father C. F. Buddy promine.nlly with Whit·e capp around his shouldPrs st~ Blsho(H'k!ct Buddy. To the right may hP seen th who performed the oonsecratlon ceremony. Seated in the sanctuary are archbishops, biRhops, abbo'B, side o! Bishop Buddy are the eo-c-ons1>crators.

The Oldest and the rmmgest

Vcw Bishop and 1lla11 JV ho Bapti.:::cd /Jim


-Xews-1'rc 0 s !-ta.ff l'hotoi;-raph.

Here are the two PXtremes in years of service in the Roman Catholic hierarchy in th!' United States-the oldest and th<' youngest archbishops in seniority. To the lcfl is Archbishop John J. Glennon o! the province of St. Louis, to the right Arrhbishop John J. Cant- well of the province of Los Angeles. Archbishop Glennon has been an archbishop since 1903, lonirer even than America's three cardinals. Archbishop Cantwell was made an archbishop Dec. 2, last. The St. Louis prelate has been R bishop since 1896, the Los Angeles prelate since 1917,

-Xcws-rress 1-laff Photograph.

Most Rev. C. F. Buddy, Ph. D, D. D. bishop of San Diego, photo- graphed this mo1·ninlj by M. P . .Habecker, News-Press staff photog- rapher. Rtanding with the new bishop is a well-known figure in Catholic circles in northwesl Missouri. He is Father Basil, 0. S. B., from the Benedictine Abbey at Conception, .Mo. Father Basil bap- tized Father Buddy forty-nine years ago.

a guard of honor for the dignitaries of the day. Arch o! Swords.


man of Peoria, III.: Bishop August J. Schwertner of Wichita, and the Most Rev. Christian H. Winkelman, auxiliary bishop of St. Louis. The Rt. Rev. Marlin Veth, 0. S. B., a.bbot of St. Benedict's Abbey at Atchison, Kan., and the Rt. Rev-. Phillip Ruggle, 0. S. B., abbot of Conception Abbey, also were ent. Coat of Arms. The coat or arms of the new bishop, wrought in red, gold and green, was especially designed by Pierre Chaignon La Rose of Cam· den, Mass., one of the best iconog-


or h,· rear. Let him not put light ror rlarkMnes~. nor darkners for Jight; let him ,tot call evil good, nor good evil. ~lay he be a. debtor to the wise and to the (0OilPb, so that he may galher fruit from the progress of all. Grant to him, O Lord, an episcopal chair for ruling Thy church and the people com-


Through their sword-made arch walked foe bishops, also in red, and each accompanied by the two sur- piiced chaplains. Lastly came Archbishop Glennon, Bishop Buddy and Bishop LeBlond. Both Arch bishop Glennon and Bishop Le• Blond wore their ermine caps and trained vestment that befits their station. Mo.·e than 100 representatives of religious orders for women were present in the church. They, wit the majority of those in the procc. sion, occupied more than half of th scats in the church. Parishionc1 and friends of the new bishop o cupied the other pews and crowdc into the hack of the church. man standing through the entire servi which lasted for three hours. Policemen and fi1cmcn assist the church ushers In handlinJ?: t crowd and the whole service mov with becoming order and dignity. Many PTelates Present. Among the hierarchy attendi the consecration were Archbish John J. Cantwell of Los Angel who will be Bishop Buddy's perior in his new field, and Ar bishop James P. Murray of St. Pa The bishops attending includ Bishop Thomas F. Lillis, sen bishop of the United States, w was consecrated as a. bishop ab thirty-five years ago; Bishop liam L. Adrian of Nashville, Ten Bishop Henry Althoff of Bellevi Ill.; Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona Grand Is-land, Neb.: Bishop Ja A. Griffin o( Springfield, Ill; Bis

Contini1ed From Page One.

way of the King. Every day's jam·· mltted to him. Be his authority, be his ney he marked by a mission church 1,ower, be his strength. ~luttiply upon until he had reached the snows of him Thy 1.Jlessing a11u Thr grace, so h that b~· Thy gift he may lJe fitted for t e north. , always obtaining Thy mercy, and by "California fs proud o! these Th~· grace mny he he faithful. saintly men: of the work they did 'l'hrough our Loni Jesus Christ. "'ho for the pooi· Indians·, and o! the ilvelh and rt'!gneth ill the unit)· of one <.iod, world without eml. churches they builded, many of which are still fortunately left for With rrgal pomp the procession our admiration. Bishop Buddy may of several hundrPd clergymPn and well feel gratefuul that San Diego laity moved from the Cathedral rec- cradled , h~ glorious enterprise, and tory to the church. Down the aisle remained tho mother chui-ch of it proceeded, moving in stately tread them 8 11. toward the sanctu,i.ry where the :'\fay Go Forth ,Joyful!~·- coats of arms of Pope Pius and of Bishop Buddy hlazed forth from a ''Thu.s uniting the name 11nd work background of brilliant red from of the great ChRrles: with the zeRI over the wide altars, shall still be with you. We pray and ferns for further decoration. that as you reach your new home, The throne of his excellency, the with the oriflamme of faith before Archbishop Glennon, was placed 011 you, every step of yours may be on the south side of the sanctuary and the highway of the King and in the that of the consecrator Bishop Le- footsteps of the padres." Blond on the north. ' The text of Archbishop Glennon's 1 ' sermon was "Take Heed to Your- I As the worshipers walked up selves, and to the Whole Flock, the aisle the_y followed two Boy Wherein the Holy Ghost Hath Scouts, one ~1th the papa~ flag and Placed You Bishops, to Ruic the the other with the American flag. Church of God Which He Hath They were followed by the graduate Purchased With. His Own Blood.'' nurses of St. Joseph's Hospital, The text of Bishop LeBlond's wearing their uniforms and blue-- prayer !ollows. gr'ly capes thrown back lo reveal · the red lining. and courai?"e of the sons of St Fran- cis, you Charle!'! Francis, may go forth joyfully. The city of St. Jos- Tabernaele In Red, Gold. On the main altar the tabernacle eph ~-ou may have to leave behind, was draped in 1ed and gold and but the protection of St. Joseph there were many poinsettia plants

~Iay th s, O u,rd. fl:>1'" abundantly upon hi:-. h£> d, n a · this run down upon his <"11Pt•k~. maJ this ext 11r1 unto 1 he ·treinitlc!-- r,f hi~ whole body. f:O thn.t 1nw..irdl) h~ 1~"1) 0 he fi!lr!l Wllh tllC pow~r fl( Th:',~ :--piri• nnrl ,)11tw:1rdly mav be dot11ed, with that ~arnD ~pirit. ~rR~· con~tant faith, pure to,e• .!:inccre p!et, ~h'>unrl i11 him. )Tay ht~ fPet l1y Thy gift he hr-autifnl for announcinc- the ~1acl Udh 1 g~ nr peace, for anuounc: in~ the gl'ltl tidiu-:;:~ of Th~· ~oo<.l 1)11ni;~. Grant to him, O. Lord, the 1nfn- istry of reconciliation in word and in deed, in the power o( ~i~ns and of wonrlt"'r~. Let b1~ ~J>eech and his prC'ach- ir.g be not in the persua~•d,·e ,Yords of human wi~do1n, but in the showin~ of the spirit anu or power. Gh·e to him, O Lord, the keys of the kingdom of hes.Yen. so that he may 1nake, not boast, or the power which Thou be• slowest unto edification not unto de- struction. ,Yhatsoe,·er 'be shall bind upon earth, let it be bound likewise In heaven. and whntsoe\'er he shall loose upon earth, let it likewise be loosed in heaven. Whose sins he shall :·etain, let them be retained, and <10 Thou remit the sins of whomsover be shall remit. Let him who shall cnrse him, hhusel! be accur,ed. and let him who shall bless him he filled with hies.sing~. Let him he the faithful an,! prudent ~en·ant whom Thou dost ~('t, O Lorri, ovl'r T'h:r hn11~Phol,1. ~o that he 1nay c:-lve th~m food in clue :,..ea~on, 111el prove hlm-.;elf a r,crff'd nrnn. . \f.-1 y h111 he unt irin~ in his sollciturle fer- ' Pllt in ~pir.lt_. Jrri,· hA rlef P!l;.t 'pride rhl),•i~h hum1lth· anrl t1 ufh, Rnrl TlPYftr

After this group came the grad- Louis B. Kucera of Lincoln, N uating class Qf the Convent of the Bishop Francis M. Kelly of Wino Sacred Heart, in white caps and Bishop Robert E. LUCP~' of A gowns; the g1aduating class of the rillo, Texas; Bishop VVilliam Chrislinn Brothers' High School in o·Brien of Chicngo, president of gi-ay caps and gowns; the semi- Catholic Church Extension Soci narians an? mo~ks in the rn~bcr Bishop Thomas C. O'Reilly garh of their ,:anous orders: pncst~ Scranton, Pn.; Bishop Joseph m then- surpllccs; the mons1gnon, Ritter of Indianapolis: Bis respkndent in the purplc;:r<;d robes I Henry P. Rohlman of Davenp of their rank and the Knights of Iowa; Bishop James H. Rran Columbus, in full uniform, forming Omaha; Bishop Josepil H. Sch

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