Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

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Sermon by '\rchblsho11. In a scholarly sermon, tl,e Mos He,·. John J. Glennon, archbl•hop of st. Louis, declared that Bishop Bnddy could ha\·e no better exam• pie to foll.ow than hi& patron saint, I Charles Borromeo, sixteenth cen- turv bishop of Milan St. Charles Borromeo through four centuries has bC'en regarded as a modC'l bishop, a gr at reformer who would restore nil things in Christ, the St. Louis prelate said The saint was one of three men of the sixteenth century wh_o be- yond all others wrought valiantly for God and the Catholic church. The other two, said the archbish_op, were Ignatius of Loyola and Ph1hp Neri. Stresses Work of 'aint. He stressed in outline the work of St. Charles Bonomeo for the church and then said: "And now, my friends. can I do better than bring- before you the 1 name and fame and work of the illustrious bishop of Milan-he who was nnd is fo1 all time the model bi~hop-the forerunner and exem- plification of what our present holy father. whom may the _Lord con,ierve, designates as Cathollc ac- tion? Can I do better, I say, than set before your excellency, Charles Francis, by the grace o_f God and the favor of the apostollc see, con- secrated today bishop of the diocese of San Diego. a more fitting model to follow than your illustrious namesake, St. Charles Borromeo?" Special tribute was paid lo Bishop Buddy by Archbishop Glennon for his work along chantable lines, which the visiting prelate compared I to that of St. Charles Borromeo. the poo1· crying for bread, and be gen- eroualy answered them," the arch- bishop said. "He has comforted the anguished heart of the many who broke under the burden of economic •depression, and helped them to a better day. Their tears and their prayers will follow him. "As he looks to his new home in the golden \Vest he has much to console him. Sometimes a diocese i,; compared to a bride, and the blessed ring received in consecra- tion by the bishop connotes it. If natural beauty and adornment are the usual distinction and equipment of a bride, then surely such are the gifts of this Far Western diocese, for there proudly wearing the orange blossoms of her own crea- tion she sets by the waters of the great ocean whose other name is peace. Quest of Souls. "Such adornments, however, the bishop seeks not; his quest is the quest of souls. These he would draw away from worldliness and vanity and sin and death. To all these he would bring the beauty of truth, virtue and God. "He is going to a land or blessed traditions. To San Diego long- ago came Fra Junipero Serra. There he and his companions started on their way, which he made the high- Has Answered Cry of Poor. "Bishop Buddy has heard


The Weather Tod

THE FORECAST, ~tond:ll', Dec. %1, 1086.

st. Josoph a.nd \"lcinlty-Ge11era.lly fair to• uight and Tuesday; not much change in tem- pe-rature~ lowest to-

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night aboul 21 degrees Ml,..ourl -Generali) !air tonight and Tues day; colder in extrem1.: southwest portion to- night and in extreme southeast p o r t 1 o n Tuesday, Kansas - Fair in east portion, Jncreas• Jng cloudiness in west porllon tonight; Tues- day partly cloudy to cloudy with rising




J.O.fl.(.6U1~ ,~') 'II q,JM tuJq pa,uasa.rd 'Aauow . JOJ ,tat{ P.rns Bp.ll1 ·isadnpng u1 iswma 0AO'I 10 "l!A'\ O'.J u.1og SI .iaiq.iin~ 'H3HlV.:J S3WO:J38 \f9HV I ·puu1Mo<1 ssar JIJ.Iaqs AQ All{: UOSJ.ld 01 Ualflll S'IIM OSJB 'JillB{ 6A aa.1ql tuaq1 til!M pa.1apua.1.1ns pu-e 'lOO s.raq10 aa.rq1 a41 ql!M pad1?:1 oq1,1. 'o.r.iiaN 2.rnqsnBJd 'a1t1.r. ·a 'lla s.rBaA uaa ·.IJtH JO sa:1ua1aas a,1..1as 01 Al!:) uo -.ranar lB A.IBnua11uad a1-e1S aq, o ua}[1ll a.raM. 'sAoQ swupv aq1 JO .1a ·SJS pa:1.IOA!P 'S(a!UllQ nau.Ill{) ·s.r Jo 1.1uaq1aaA1.s 'aa.1q1•A'.),I!tfl 'nom AO,I puB 'qdasor ·1s Jo s.1al.!lOJ 'A1ua1,q 'suropy Aa1au1s puB 'Pl s.rBaA uaa, 'smupv p.10JJJ!:)- (M-·11: ·:1aa •·ow 'D<1na:s.r.J.V'1d ·2.mqs:J,+l?fd LU0.1.:f h.11?!:J.U8+!U8d O:J. ll8>jl?.L OSfl' .10:i.s,s .. qa4.1 JO +.11?04:i.aaMS l ·saoua1uas JBaA·8L aAJas 01 Si\08 su.repv NOSIHd 01 SH3Hl0H8 -('d'nJ-'tZ ·oaa '.LS:B:dVarn: q:1m.u na1 o, a1q'llun SllM pul? pazup SllM a4s ·pBaq .raq ui puno& B ruo.1J .iiuJ.tanns s1JM aqs., 0 Aa.1qdmnH .IO'.)OOQ PJ1lS ,.'.I1l0 .IJ3t{l U! aonod AQ 'papuur aqs a.1aq,1., ' mw wo.11 ._--


te~r~~:~~~'::_Generally fair rising temperature Jn north-central portion; pa.rtly cl16!ra~Je1~~~il1 1 ;r ti~:sf~:ight and Tues• day· slightly colder tn central and northeast portions tonight, rising temperature in cen• tral and west portions Tuesday. I RIVER STAGE AT ST. .TOBEPH. Tht.. morning, 1, 6; rlatng, t The government weather map CRIMINAL DOCKET WILL BE LIGHT AT NEXT COURT TERM Prosecutor, However, Looks Forward to Exceptionally Busy Time. TWENTY-THREE CASES SEEN ON SCHEDUL Defendant in Almost Case Has Indicated Will Stand Trial. Ever He Al\hough the number of crimina cases on the docket for the Jan uary term of court will be th smallest in years, Prosecuting At torney Hoffman is looking forwar tonight, there will be only twenty-thre cases on the criminal docket. How ever in almost every instance th defe~dants have made it clear tha they Intend to stand trial," Hoff man said. Arvin Trial Jan. 18. "It now appears that we wil have an extra large number o trials during the term." The term opens Jan. 4, but n jury cases will be tried untl Jan. 18. 11 It is likely that the state w start trials in two divisions of th circuit court that day. Hoffma said he will elect to place Joe ~rvi on trial in division No. 2 of c1rcui court Jan. 18 on a charge of. assaul with intent to maim growmg ou of one of the so-called acid hur_Un cases that resulted from ta.-uca office. "Present indications are tha


AH:) .llf1l'I 11ns-sa1a2uv so'l arn 'v "Ullf uoou n:iun a.-1.110ana 'ooo'tS JO p.m1,1.a.r 1l pa.1ano S{B!O!JJO ssa.1dx3: -l!V tl,TalSi11,\ "'pa -1snB4xa &a10 A.ta11a,. .iiu1n1mpv . 'Allp a1.n U! -Tillll[ AlJ:) al{l?'J l!llS 01 UJn1a.1 Ol pauuurd wuu1ne1 "S.l]i'J: ·2u1u.t0w Allp -san.r, lSB! ,.PUP! awos JO qs1J.1:1,. B P.l1l9t{ aq lllIH Al!:1 hill!BII l{Blfi UJa 'lj1llfl UJ Sh'ep uaAas .surssrw ao"Brd ssaid1<3: .tJV Ul8:JS8M a1.n J.OJ l.{OJ118S' aq1 paU!Or ,'\'BpOl Ot{M WVNJ.fid J.

raphers in the country. It is sym- bolic of both Bishop Buddy's name and the diocese to which he ls as- signed. There are six horizontal stripes of the Borromeo court of arms, St. Charles Bortomeo being Bishop Buddy's baptismal patron. A gold lion on a green background repre· sents the arms of the Farrell family, to which the bishop's mother be- longed. The crest also contains an olia, or stewpot, the symbol of San Diego (Saint Didicus) to indicate his boundless charity, and three nails in memory of the Christ. The new bishop's motto is "In Consilio Sancto.rum" (in the Assem- bly of the Saints) and is taken fro:t:1 I the Scripture verse, "God, who 1s glorified in the assembly of the Saints." Born on Feast Day. Bishop Buddy comes from the diocese of St. Joseph, in the prov- ince of St. Louis. He was born on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The diocese of San Diego is in the province of Los Angeles. Hence the appropriateness of the motto. At the close of the consecration service, Bishop Buddy bestowed _his blessing upon the assemblage, first upon the clergy, then upon hill rela- tives and lastly upon the congrega• tion. The consecration was followed by a dinner in the crystal room of Hotel Robidoux, at which Bishop Buddy was host to the visiting clergymen. __ _,. _____

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