Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)



RIVER STAGE AT BT. JO EPH. 'Ibl.l morning-, 1,e. ruing. The government weather ma CRIMINAL DOC ET Will BE LIGHT AT NEXT COURT TERM Prosecutor. However, Looks Forward to Exceptionally Busy Time. TWENTY-THREE CASES SEEN ON SCHEDUL Defendant in Almost Case Has Indicated Will Stand Trial. Ever He Although the number of erimina. cases on the docket for the Jan

One or the many colorful scenes this mornmg- at St. Joseph's prominently with white cape around hi8 :;boulders sit" Bishop-elect Bi who performed thl' consecration ceremon)·. Seated In the i

Hns nswercd Cry of roor. Blshot> Buddy has heard the pol)r crying for bread, and he gen- erouely answered them," the arch- bishop said. "He has comforted the nngul~hed h rt of t'rn many who broke under the. burd n of ec.onon'uc • depression, and helped them to n lJ tter day. Their tears nnd the r prnvers wlll follow him. "As he looks lo his r w 1:lome In the golden We!it he has iruch to , onsole him. Sometime a ulocese i6 compa1ed to a b Ide, and the blessed ring recel\·ed in ccnsccra t1on by the bl.hop connotes it, If natural beau•y and 1dornment are the usual d.:ninction and equipment of a bride, then surely such aro the gifts ot this Far We.tern diocese. :for there proudly wcanng the orange blosso·ns of her own cr<'a· tion she sets by I.he waters of the great ocean whoi:-e other name is i,encl!. Que:;t of Souls, •·such adornments, however, the bishop seeks not; h.s quest 1s the quest of souls. These he would draw away from worldliness and vanity :1nd sin and death. To all these he would bring the beauty of tntth, ,·irtue and God. "He Is going to a land ot blessed trnditions. To San Diego long ago came Fra Junipero Serra. There he and his companions started on their way, which he made the high-


raphers In the country. It le sym• uary term of court will be th bolic of both Bishop Buddy's name smallest In years, Prosecuting At and the dioce11e to which he I~ as- signed. torney Hottman is looking forwar There 11re six horizontal 11tripes to one o! the busiest terms for hf. of tho Borromeo court of arms, St. office. I Charles Borromeo being Bishop "Present I d" ti n• gre tha I ~uddy's baptismal patron. A gold n tea O - hon on a green background repre- there will be only twenly-thre 8ents the arms of the Farrell tamily, cases on the criminal docket. How to which the bishop's mother be- er in almost every !netance th longed. The crest also contains an ~vre' dants have made it clear tha olla, or stewpot, the symbol of San t~ n I t d to stand trial .. Hoff Diego (Saint Didicus) to indicate ey : 1 ;n • his boundless charity, and three man 8 • nails in memory of the Christ. Arvln Trial Jnn, 18. The new bishop's motlo is "In "It now appears that we wil Consilio Sanctorum" (in the Assem· have an extra large number o bly of the Saints) and is taken from tl'ials during the term." the Scripture verse, "God, who is The term opens Jan. t-, but n glorified in the assembly of the jury cases will be tried unti Saints." Jan. 18. Born on Ft>a"'t Day. It is likely that the state wil Bishop Buddy comes from the start trials In two divisions of th diocese of SL Joseph, in the prov• circuit court that day, Hoffma ince of St. Louis. He wa11 born on said he will elect to place Joe Arvi the feast of St. Francis of Assi~i. on trial In division No. 2 or clrcui The diocese of San Diego i~ in the court Jan. 18 on a charge of assaul province o! Los Angeles. Hence the with intent to maim growing ou appropriateness of the motto. of one ot the so-called acid hurlln At the close of the consecration caaes that. resulted from tn:

-:'.;ews-l'rcss i::taff Photograph. Here are the two extremes in years of service in the Roman Catho!ic hierarchy in the United States - the oldest and the youngest archbishop~ in seniority. To the left ls Archbishop John J. Glennon of the province of St. Louis, to the right Archbishop John J. Cant- well of the province of Los AngE>les. Archbishop Glennon haR been an archbishop sinct> 1903, longer even than America's three cardinals. Archbishop Cantwell was made R_n archbi11hop Dec. 2, laRt. The St. Louis prelate has been a bishop s111ce 1896, the Los AngeleR prelate since 1917. or h~· tear. Let him not p11t light ror darkness, nor darknets for light: let him 11ot call ""ll good, nor good e,·lJ. ~lay he b<' a debtor to the wise and to the foolish, so that he mav gather fruit, from the progress of ali. Grant c a to hmt, O Lord. an episcopal chair tor ru_lin;; Thy church and tho people com- 1111tted to him. Be hi• authority, be his Contintf'ed From Page One. ney he marked by a mission church power, be hts strength. ~lultiply upon until he had reached the snows of him Thy blessing and Thy i;racc, so way of the King. Every day's jour- THRONG SEES FATHER BUDDY MADE BISHOP be faithful. saintly men; of the work thev did Through our Lore! Jesus Christ, Who fo1· the poor Indians; and of lhe liveth an,l rcli;neth In the unity o! one churches they builded, many of God, world "' 1th out 011d · With regal pomp the procession our admiration. Bishop Buddy may of several hundr<'d clergymen and which are still fortunately left for the north. "C l'f . . a 1 01·ma ts proud of these 'l'hy i;rac~ mai· h<'

those in which witnesses are misR Ing or have exprE>ssed a desire no to prosecute. Nine Cases Carried Over. He said the general continuance will be in three cases involving ex 1 cessive interest charges again8t F. \Veitlich, a similar case agalns I son, m cases m w Joe Schenecker and Louis McQuee , are charged with felonious assaul g_uor aw v o a on case aga n l C. H . Cobb, and an embezzlemen , case against Donald Hull. Nine cases on the October ter docket are being carried over to th t Only fourteen new cases are no c II I I J ti I term on continuance in view for the term. There is not a murder case on th 1 docket for the approaching ter the majority of those in the procc. sion, occupied more than half of th Bl h G'b · · hi anc e tc'§'ci:tt 'in' the church. 'i:'b.ey, wit

that by Thi· gift he may ue fitted for 1 January always obtainiug Thy mercy, and by

well feel gratefuul that San Diego cradled the glorious enterprise, and

laity moved from the Cathedral rec-

tory to the church. Down the aislr seats in the church. Parishioner anri friends of the n<'w bishop o toward the sanc(uAry where the cupied the other pews ;ind erowdt it proceeded, moving in stately trC'ad

remained them 1111.

the mother church of

;\fay Go Forth Joyfuil). coats of arms of Pope Pius and of '"Thus umting the name and u·ork Bishop Buddy hlazcd forth from a

into the hack of the church, man

standing through the entire servi of the great Charles with the zeal hackgrounri of brilliant red from which la;;ted for three hours. and courage of the sons of St. Fran- over the wide alt:irs. Polic<'men a•1d firemen assist cis, you Charles Francis, may go Tabernacle in Red, Gold. the church ushers in hanrlhng t forth joyfully. The city of st. Jes- On the main altar the tabernacle crowd Bnd the whole service mov eph you may ha~-e to leave behind, 1 was draped in Jed and gold and with becoming- order and dignity, but the_ protect_1on of St. •Joseph there were many poinsettia. plants Many Prelat-e~ Present. shall still be with you. Vie pray and ferns for further deco1·at1·0n. A t t h mong the hierarchy attend! _a as you_ reac your new home, Th.i throne of his excellency the the consecration were Archbish with the onflamme of faith before Archbishop Glennon was plac~d on John J. Cantwell of Los Angel Yti~•hev~ry st epf tohf yKours may _be on the south side of th~ sanctuary and who will be Bishop Buddy's 1g way o e mg and m the th t f th t B' · · footstep of th d ,. a o e consecra or, 1shop Le- penor tn his new field, and Ar s e pa res. Blond on the north b' h J P " f S The text of Archbishop Glennon's • · 18 op ames , ,-.urra.y o t. Pa sermon was "Take Heed to Your- As the worshipers walked up The bishops attending includ selves, and to the Whole Flock, the aisle they followed two Boy Bishop Thomas F. Lillis, sen Wherein the Holy Ghost Hath Scouts, one with the papal flag and bishop of the United States, \\ Placed You Bishops, to Rule the the other with t h e American flag. was consecrated as a bishop ab Church of God, Which He Hath They were followed by the graduate thil'ly-five years ago; Bishop "\ Purchased With His Own Blood." nurses of St. Joseph's Hospital, liam L. Adrian of Nashville, Ten The text of Bishop LeBlond's wearing their uniforms and blue- Bishop_ Hemy Al~hoff of Bellevi prayer follows; gr-ay capes thrown bac'k to reveal Ill.; Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona the red lining. I Grand Island, Neb.; Bishop Ja )fay this, 0 L >rd. no"- nbundantJv A Gr·tt· ( S · f' Id Ill B ' l upon his hea,l. may t>,15 r n down upor After this group came the grad- · . 1 m pring le . • ; is hi" .-1,ec-ks, 111a~ th ' e"lt nd unto the uating class 9f the Convent of the L?u1s B. Kucera of Lmcoln,. N ntr~mities of his who!~ uOdl. so t!tat Sacred Hrart, in white raps and B~shop Francis M. Kelly of Wmo wwal'e filled w th th~ , . . 1 Bishop Robert E. Lucev of A pnwrr of Thy spirit, and ol"lw·irrlly nou_ns_. the g1adu,._tmg clas" of the ril!o, Texas-: Bishop VVilliarn may be dnthed ,,-Ith tl1:1t same spir t Christian Brothers High School 1n O'Bri~n of Chi'c-R . •a t f ~Tay con~tant {aith. pure Irn·e, ~lnce,.e (Yrav caps and O th . ,- go, p1es1 en o plet,- 11houn,1 in liim. J[ay hb feet 1,,• "' • g wns: e semi- Ca holic Church Exten~ion Snci Th,· 1r unnounc•n,; nanans and monks 1l1 the somber Bif'hop ThomaR C O'R ·11 • ~hP cclarl tirlini,s nf neace, for q_nnoune: g_Rrh o_f_thcir_ ,·_ario_us orders; p_ricst_s Scrantotl, Pa.,· Bi'sh.op Jo: 1 ep)h Inf the -:!lad thlin~~ nf Thv .,..ond -~ 111111,;s. Grant to him. O Lord. the ~,In- m th cu sui!>llccs, th e monsignort, Ritter or Indianapolis. Bis fstr,· or reroncllialion in word and in rcsplc~den_ t m the purplc~r~d robes Henry P. Rohlman of Da,·enp r.leed, in the power or ~i;::n, and or of their 1ank and the Knights of Iowa,· Bishop James H. R"an ~vonders. Le.t his speech and his preach- C l b • mg he not 111 th" prrsua,ive words of O um us. in full uniform, forming Omaha; Bishop Joseph H. Sch

human idsdom, but in the showln" of the spirit and of power. Gi\·e to him, 0 Lord, the keys of the kingdom of heaven. so that he mar 1nake use, not boast, of the power which Thou be- stowe~t unto edification, not unto de- struction. ,vhatsoever he shall bind upon earth, let it be bound likewise in heaven, and whatsoever he shnll loose upon earth, let it likewise be loosed in heaYen. Whose sins he shall retain, Jet them be retained, and do Thou remit the sins ot whomsover he shRI\ remit. Let him who shall curse him. h11n•elf be accursed, and let him who shall bless him be filled with bles.slni;s. Let him be (he faithful and nrurlent !lf)rntnt whom Thou dost Pet, 0 Lorri, over Thy hon ·eholrl, so that ho m~~· ~in:! thc-n1 foorl in .-tu~ :-;ra."-Qll, inn proye, _h)m"-e!f a p~rfect man. _:\t;.1.y hP he. unti,n_11g in his sollciturle. fer Yf"'llt lfl tflll'.1t_. .\I ll'.'" h"' ,tetP~t prirlP rhPriJ;;h ht1m1l1t~- o:tn

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