Alcala Yearbook 2006

Evans, Bridget B (Upla1 d. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Evans, Ashley E [Sl. Louis. MO) Sen ior. Communication Studies. Evans , Erin M [Bozeman . MT) Freshman . Undeclared Evans, Jonathon T [Englewood. CO) Sophomore. Undec lared Evavold, Brian L [Brooklyn Park. MN) Sophomore. Political Science NROTC Unit Even, Nicole M (Brea. CA) Senior. Psych ology. Ch emistry University Ministry Everett, Bryn Nicole (Phoeuix. AZ) Freshman. Undeclar ed Associated Students. Alpha Delta Pi Sororily. Good Odds lmprov. lnlen ·a1·sily. AS Con cert Crew Everling, Michelle M (Reno. V) Sophomore. Undeclared Evin, Mariah L [Baldw in . WI) Jun ior. Marin e Scien ce. Biology Ewald, Evan R [Los A ltos Hills. CA) Jun ior. Mech anical Engineering Ewer, Gayle L (Sandy . UT) Junio1 . Communication Studies. Business Administration Business Administ r ation Gamma Phi Bela Sorority

Fallon, Rachel K [Newport. Beach. CA) Junior. Commun ication Studies. Busi ness Admini stration Famalette, Marisa C [Fresn o. CA) Junior. Psychology. A 1·t History Fambrini, Anna M (Martinez. CA) Sophomo1·e. Undeclared Fambrini, Katherine Rose (Martinez. CA) Senior. Business Econom ics. Environmental Studies A lpha Phi Sorority Fannin, Don Akio B [San Diego. CA) Sen ior . Communication Studies. Business Administra tion Farah, Paul A [Joh annesbu1·g. South Afri ca) Senior. Business Administra tion Fargotstein, Kristine N (Tempe. AZ) Sen ior. Communica tion Studies. Political Science Farinacci, Francesca F [San Jose. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared F1·cshman. Biology Farmer, Shane A (Naliona l City. CA) Sophomore. Biology Farmer, Jennifer M S nior. Biology Farnsworth, Amanda K [Etiwanda. CA) Senior. Business Admin istration Farnum, John B [San Diego. CA) Jun ior. Ch emistry Farowich, Whitney K [Bellevue. WA) Junior. Undeclared Farra, Charles R (San Diego. CA) Sen ior . Sociology Farrell, Jennifer L [Leawood. KS) F reshman . Undeclared Farris, Nicholas E [Melrose. MA) Sophomo1·e. Undeclared Farrow, Joseph M [Seaside. CA) Junior. Economics alional Society of Collegiate Scholars. USO Young Dem ocrats Farson, Kyle A (lnrine. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Farukh, Misty F (Alamo. CA) Junior. Business Administration. Media Studies Farley, Blake H (West Linn . OR) [Mercer Island. WA) Junior. Undecla1·ed Farrand, Kerry A

Fass, Robert C [Woodinville. WA) Sophomore. Undeclared Faulkes, Garrett W

Fernandes, Steven T [La Mesa. CA) Senior. Sociology Fernandez, Marie Chris (Concord. CA) Junior. Accountancy Fernandez, Eduardo F (San Diego. CA) Junior. Business Administr ation Fernandez, Jennifer N (Calex ico. CA ) Junior. Political Scien ce. Spanish Fernandez, Nishia R (Simi Valley. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Fernandez, Julia (Laguna Hills. CA) Sophomor e. Commun ication Studies. Business Admin istra tion Ferrari, Mary Frances [San Diego. CA) Junior. Business Administration A lpha Chi Omega Sorori ty

(Westlake V illage. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Faur, Katherine E (Phoen ix. AZ) Sen ior. Psych ology. Biology Congratulation s on an excitingJour years. Kat e! We love you . Mom and Dad Faverman, Jeanne R (Port Orch ard . WA) Junior. Marine Science Fawcett, Jessica L (Darien. CT) Freshman . Undeclared Fay, Andrea J (Redmond. WA) Junior. English. Poli tical Science Fazzio, Nicole A (Ocea n City. NJ) Junior. Business Admini tration. Philosophy Feather, David L Freshman. Unclecla1·ed Fedynyshyn, Andrew J (Walnut Cr eek . CA) Freshman . Business Administration. Economics Feeley, Jennifer L (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Feffer, Edie M (Phoenix. AZ) Senior. Busi n ess Administration. Spanish Fehrman, Shawna M [Monument. CO) Freshman . Undecla1·ed Feidler, Kelly R [Gilbert. AZ) Senior. Environmental Studies. Political Science Felton, Jinna Vail [Mi sion Viejo. CA) Junior. Communication Studies. Visu al Ans Fencil, Erica J [Weaver v ille. CA) Freshman . Business Administration Kappa K appa Gamma So1·orily. Associated Students Fenn, Jennifer A (Poway. CA) [L ewistown . PA) Junior. Biology Federal, William A , III [Tiburon. CA)

Ferreira, Amy L (Scottsda le. AZ)

Freshman. Bu iness Administration Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. The

Vista Newspaper Ferrell, Kyle A [L a Jolla. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Ferrer, Alisha A [Stant on. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Ferris, Lara L [Poway. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared

Ferro, Joseph E (San Diego. CA ) Senior. English. Spanish Ferry, Catherine A (Brookings. OR) Junior. Accounting Resident Adviser Fetterling, Kimberly L [Glendora. CA) Senior. Business Administration. Economics Fettu, Kyle T [San Diego. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Fiaschetti, Frank J (Ketchum. ID) F reshman . Political Scien ce Fiddler, Ryan K (Kailua. 1-11) Junior. Business Administration Fidler, Ian D [Park Ridge. IL) Junior. Business Administration Fiedler, Morgan A (Sandpoint. ID) Sophomore. Undeclared Field, Matthew D [San Diego. CA) Freshman. Uncle lared Fieman, Benjamin R [Honolulu. HI) Senior. Industrial and Systems Engineering

Eyer, Justin C [San Diego. CA ) Junio1. Undeclared Fabila , Hazel E [Hagat na. GU) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Fahey, Liam M [Lake Oswego. OR)

Freshman. Undeclar ed Fairchild, Jeanne M [Albuquerque. M) Freshman. Undeclared Fajkowski, Lauren (Phoeni x. AZ) Junior. History . Political Scien ce Lacro!;se - Women 's. Phi A lpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity. Alph a K appa Psi Hono1· Society Falk, Matthew K [San ,Juan Capistrano. CA)

Freshman. Uncleclarecl Fennessy, Jennifer C (A lladena. CA) Sophomore. Undecla1·ecl Ferguson, Jacquelynn E [Wan tagh. NY) Junior. Liberal Studies

Junio1. Sociology Falkner, Erica L (San Gabri el. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Fallet Brunner, Monika K [Carlsbad. CA) Freshman . Undeclared

A lpha Delta Pi Sorority. USO Young Democrats. Ame1·ica Reads Tutor

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