Alcala Yearbook 2006
Fifita, Aisake F (Hawthorn e. CA) Freshman . Undeclared
Fitzgerald, Brittany A (Lak eside. AZ) Soph omore. V isual Arts. Art History Fitzgerald, Kathleen M (Bellair e. TX) Freshm an . Undecla1·ed Fitzgerald, Ryann (Long Beach . CA) Freshm an. Undeclared Fix, Sara E (Prior Lake. MN) F reshman . Bioch em istry Flatley, Nicole M (Palo A lto. CA) Jun ior. Busi n e s Adm inistr a tion Fleischer, Chad L (San Diego. CA) F'1·eshman . Un declared Fleischmann, Olivia M (Dover . MA) Junior. Bu sin ess Admi nist r ation Fletcher, Matthew N (Poway. CA) Jun ior. Ch em istr y . Physics Flint, Allie N ( 1 ewporl Beach . CA) Junior. Busin ess Adm in istr ation. Span ish Fliss, John E ( 1 aperville, IL) Sophomore. Psychology. Biology Flocken, Katie M (Irv i n e. CA) Senior . Biology. Econ om ics A lpha Delta Pi Sorority . Econ omics Club. O1·der of Omega (San Bern ardin o. CA) F reshman. Un declared Flores, Michelle M (L ak eside. CA) Sen ior . Busi n ess Adm inistr at ion. Accou ntan cy Floresta, Julia (San Diego. CA) Senior. Busin ess Adm in istr ation. Psychology I Fones, Wesley P (Macungie. PA) Sophomore. Undeclared Fong, Lori A (San Fran cisco. CA) Jun ior. Sociology. Psychology Fong, Keegan R (Pasaden a . CA) freshman. Busi n ess Admin istration Lambda Ch i A lpha fraternity. Nation al Society of Collegiate Scholars Fontes, Danielle Marie (Glendora . CA) Freshman . Un declared To1·eros-Women ·s Row i ng Foote, Stephanie L (Castle Rock . CO) Jun ior. Business Adm i n istr a ti on. Span ish Forbes, Joseph D (G len dale. CA) freshm an . Undecla red Ultim ate Frisbee. Football Ford, Monique M (L as Vegas. NV) Sophomore. Biology. Ch em istry Ford, Kristen (Car lsb ad. CA) Sophomore. Psychology. Bu siness Admi n istr ation Studen t A lumni Association . T elefu nding. EMS Pr ogr am Forleo, Sarah G (Over land Pa rl<. I Fox, Michael D (Reading. MA) F reshman. Marin e Scien ce Franceschi, Gina T (Los Gatos. CA) Sophomor e. Undeclar ed Francis, Brian N (San Diego. CA) Sen ior . Communication Studies. Busi n ess Adm in istr ation Franco, Megan E (El Cajon , CA) Senio1· Francois, Chantal M (Westl ak e Vi llage. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Franklin, Emily L (San Diego. CA) Sen ior . Business Adm i n istr ation A lph a Ph i Soror ity Franklin, Analisa M (Dallas. TX) Sophomore. Psychology . Spa nish I<:a ppa A lpha Theta So1·ority Franklin, Justin M (Orange County . CA ) Sen ior . Commun ication Studies. H istor y Dodgeball. J ew ish Studen t Union. T out Fr an c Franscioni, Adam J (Sol edad. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Adam w e are so p roud oJ you and. w e a re o happy you a re having a great yea r at USD. Love Mom and Dad Franyutti, Doris P (Coronado. CA) Junior. Commun ication Studies. Political Scien ce Franz, Michelle A (Scottsdale. AZ) Sophomore. Business Adm inistr ation . Psych ology Franz, Aaron G (Windsor . CA) Sen ior . Econom ics. Busin ess Adm i n istr ation A lcala Club. Associated Studen t s. Sigma Ph i Epsilon f r atern ity. Mortar Board - A lca la Senior Hon or Society Congralu lalions! You 're the best! Wit h Love. Mom . Dad a nd Bob Figliuolo, Alena (SL Auguslin e. FL) Jun ior. Busi n ess Admi ni t ration. Accoun tancy Figone, Kristie A (Sacramento. CA) Freshman. Biology Figueroa, Rebekah A (San Diego. CA) Sen ior. Accoun t ancy Files, Madeleine W (Gran ite Bay. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Filippone, Jared J (Laguna Niguel. CA) Sophomore. Busin ess Economi cs. Accounting Delta T au Delta Frater nity Findley, Allison E (Las Vegas. V) Sophomo1·e. Undeclared Finneran, John J, IV Sophomore. Bioch em ist ry Finney, Brittin (Bonita. CA) Sophomore. Undecl ar ed Firestine, Theresa A (Escondido. CA) Senior . Urban Studies. Econ omics Fischer, Ashley M (San Jose. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Fishauf, Nathan (Bon ita. CA) Junior. Business Adm in istrati on Nathan - Best w ishes . We Love you ' Mom and Dad Fisher, Cynthia A (Corona. CA) Sophomore, Undeclared Fisher, Devon A (l Fisher, Kari A (Enci nitas. CA) Soph omore. Politica l Scien ce. Spanish Fisher, Ryan D (L aguna Hi lls. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Fisher, Sarah M (Sa n Diego. CA) Senior. Accoun tan cy Fraser, Duncan A (Long Beach. Y) Fr eshman . Undeclared Fraser, Amanda L (Santa Yn ez. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Frazer, Monica R (San Diego. CA) Junior. Undeclared Frederick, Benjamin K (Underh ill. VT) Sen ior . Histor y Frederick, Christopher (Under hill. VT) Sophomor e. Undeclared Fisk, Amanda (San Diego. CA) Freshm an . Polit ical Scien ce. Fren ch Fitch, Shane E (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. Econ om ics. Mathematics Fitial, Christine P (Saipan. MP) Sophomor e. Biology. English Fitzer, Kristen N (Monmouth Beach . NJ ) F reshm an. Undeclared Directory • 275
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