Alcala Yearbook 2006

Echer, Ryan P (Littleton. CO) Sophomore. Engineering Football Echolds, Lisa M (M ission Viejo. CA) Sen ior. Psychology. Business

Ehren, Melinda C (Lake Oswego. OR)

Encinas, Danielle E (Arcadia. CA) Freshman. Undecla r ed W ater sk i Endo, Osamu T (Chula Vista. CA) Sophomor e. Psychology

Erlandson, Rachel M (Sammamish. WA) Senior. English. Spanish Toreros-Women's Cross Country. Gamma Phi Bela Sorority

Freshman . Undeclared Ehrenkrook, Jessie V (Ketchum. IO) Freshman. Undeclar ed Ehrgott, Jenny S (Placer v ille. CA) Sen ior. Business Administration Eichelberger, Elizabeth M (Denver . CO) Sen ior. Environmental Studies. Political Science Kappa I

Ernst, Dustin C (San Diego. CA) Junior . Biology. Ch em istry

Administration Eckel, Tyson C (Chu la Vista. CA) Junior. Business Administration Eckhart, Charles B (Chula V ista. CA) Sen ior . Interdisciplinary Humanities. Spanish Eddings, Kayla L (Aromas. CA) Junior. Undeclared Eddings, Mackenzi R (Aromas. CA) Freshman. Business Adm inistration Eden, Trevor S (San C lem ente. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Eder, Daniel (San D iego. CA) Fr eshma n. Undeclared Edirmanasinghe, Natalie A (Palm Springs. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Edmondson, Susan M (V ista. CA) Senior . Communica tion Studies. Sociology Edwards, William J (Newport Beach. CA) Jun ior. Busi ness Adm inistration. Spanish Edwards, Jessie K (l\ingwood. TX) Freshman. Undeclar ed Edwards, Krystal K (Burbank. CA) Freshman. Undeclared UC Ops! Edwards, Jennifer L (Las Vegas. NV) Sophomore. Communication Studies. Eng lish Edwards, Joey T (Spokane. WA) Edrington, Christianna (Ran cho Bernardo. CA) Sophomore. Psychology Edwards, Michael C (Arlington. TX) Freshman. Undeclared

Eng, Patricia M (Ch u la Vista. CA) Freshman. Political Science Engebrecht, Cheryn P (Portland. OR) Junior. Mechanical Engineering. Spanish PRIDE. Society of Women Engineers. IEEE (Engineering). Dance T eam. ASMt Engelhardt, Marie (Oakland. CA)

Erreca, Katie C (San Diego. CA)

Senior. Psychology Erskine, James M (Coron ado. CA) Sophomore. Accountancy

Erwin, Geraldine L (Castro Va lley. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Esbensen, Dana K (Fallbrook . CA) Junior. Business Administration Escobar, Adriana (San Diego. CA) Sen ior. Communication Stud ies. Visua l Arts Escobar, Monica (San Jose. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Escobedo, Gricel (Escondido. CA) Senior. Politica l Science. Spanish Esparza, Alexandria A (Corona. CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Espinosa, Pamela A (Chula V ista. CA) Senior. Interdisciplinary Humanities Espinoza, Eduardo (Denver. CO) Jun ior. Communication Studies. Spanish PR IDE. Association o f Chica n a Activists Esposita, Jamie Lynn (Somer set. PA) Senior. Liber al Studies. Cr edentia l Program Espy, Brandon J (Diamond Bar. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Football Estrada, Brittany E (Temecula. CA) Sophomore. Biology. Ch em isu·y Estrada, Andrea M (Chula V ista. CA) Junior. Psychology. English A lpha J< appa Psi Honor Society Estrada, Veronica (Santa Paula. CA) Senior Ettlin, Steven J (San Juan Capistrano. CA) Sen ior. An History Evangelista, Meriel J (Bonita. CA) Junior. Business Adm inistra tion

Freshman. Undeclared England, Mitchell C (While Salmon. WA) Sophomore. Undeclared Engler, Christina M (Los Ange les. CA) Sophomore. Engl ish A l pha Pili Sorori ty English, Amy A (Chico. CA)

Sophomore. Politica l Science. Fren ch Resident Ad,·iser. Alpha Ch i Omega Sorority. The V ista Newspaper Englund, Portia P (Ma libu. CA) Junior. I::nglish. Business Administration Engstrand, Taylor A (La Mesa. CA) Junior. Communication Studies. Business Administration Enriquez, Ashlee D (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Eppel, Collyn L (Poway. CA) Junior . Business Administration. Sociology Eppig, Stephanie A (Arnold. MD) Senior. Business Administration. Spanish Delta Sigma Pi

Epps, Dolores C (San Diego. CA) Jun ior . Psychology

Sophomo1·e. Biology Ellison, Kelleigh A (Long Beach. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Ellsworth, Lacey M (Lemoore. CA) Sophomore. Liberal Studies Elmore, Dudley G

Epsten, Amy R (San D iego. CA)

Freshman. Undeclared Erdman, Emerald N (Brookfield. CT) Freshman. Biology. Asia n Studies Ergueta, Camila A (San Jose. CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Erin, Nicholas D

Sophomore. Psychology Rugby. Rugby. Rugby Efstathiou, Natalie P (San Juan Capistrano. CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed

(Encinitas. CA) Senior. Nursing Elshire, Cortlyn J (Ran cho Santa Fe. CA) Junior. Biology Emsiek, Kelly J (Coto De Caza. CA) Sophomore. Communication Studi es. Business Adm inistration

Egan, John C (Lafayette. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Eggleston, Lauren D (San Diego. CA) Junior. Communica tion Studies. An History

[Woodl and Hills. CA) Sophomore. Business Administration

Evans, Thomas A (Wilk es-Barre. PA) Sophomore. English

Directory • 273

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