Alcala Yearbook 2006

Collins, Cynthia M (San Diego. CA) Senior

Contreras, Alexa (Sa n Fran cisco. CA) Freshma n. Business Admini stration . Spanish Conway, Timothy J (Anaheim Hills, CA ) Junior, Business Adm inistration. Account an cy Conway, Samuel M (Waseca. MN) Senior. Communi cation Studie Psyc hology Basketball, Inter national SLUdent Organization. lnten·arsity Christian Fellowship. Un iversity Mini Conway, Kendyl R

Cordes, Pamela S [G len s Falls. NY) Fr eshma n. lnternalion al Relations. llalian Running . Wednesday ighl Dinner s Cordova, Allison P [Las Vegas. NV) Junior. Communicalion Studies. Spanish A lpha Chi Omega Sorority. Associated Students. The V ista Newspaper. L ambda Pi Eta (Commun ication Honor Society) Corley, Davis A (Laguna Hills. CA) Sophomore. Undec lared Cornejo, Joann [ ation a l City . CA) Senior. Spanish. c ,·edemial Program Cornelio, Lorena P (Fr emon t. CA) Junior. Political Science. Spanish Cornell, Casey D (San Diego. CA) ophomore. Commun ication Studie Business Administration Cornsweet, Daniel J (En cinitas. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Corona, Stephanie L (San Diego. CA) Jun ior . Business Admi nistration Corona, Arianna P (San Jose. CA) Freshman. Biology . Bu siness Adm ini tration Kappa Alph a Thet a Sorority Corrao, Kristen M (San Diego. CA) Senior. Business Administration Correa, Carlos L (Milpitas. CA ) Sophomore. Mechanica l Engineering. Mathem alics Correia, Michael A (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Mech anical Engineer ing Correll, Emily F [Summerville. OR) Junior. Biology Corrigan, Ashley L (Foley. Mn . MN) Sophomore. Ch emistry. Bioch emistry Corrigan, Stephanie (La Jolla. CA) Senior. Psychology

Costales, Ria S (San DieCJ'o. CA) Junior. Biology Costanzo, Stephanie [Denve r. CO) F reshman. Mathematics Costello, Colleen C (San Francisco. CA) Sen ior. Engl ish. Bu siness Admini stration

Collins, Ryan P (San Diego. CA) Junior. Bu siness Administralion Colonna, Bruno J (Chula Vista . CA) Senior. Business Adminislralion Colton, Nicholas J (San Diego. CA) Junior. Business Adm inistration Junior. Politica l Science. Envir on mental Studies Combs, Hunter C (Del Mar. CA) Junior. Business Administra tion Sophomore. Psychology. Span ish Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity. Men 's Basketba ll Man ager Comeaux, Nicole M (Tr uckee. CA) Sen ior. Psychology. Biology Compton, Stacy L (Pleasanlon . CA) Sophomore. Business Administration Toreros-Women 's Softball Conaway, Miranda E (Ventura. CA) Junio,·. Politica l Scien ce Conedy, Gerald D (Crestline. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Conlan, Natalie E (Mendota Heights. MN) Freshman. Undeclared Conlan, Chris P (Austi n . TX) Senior, Business Administr ation Connally, Samantha H (Honolulu. H I) Junior. Accountancy. Business Administration Connell, Caroline E (Omaha. NE) Junior. Communicati on Studies. Fren ch Connolly, Edward (Mill Va lley. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Colvin, Matthew A (Redondo Beach. CA) Combs, Tyler C (T emecula. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Combs, Brandye L (R i ver side. CA)

Cotton, Andrew B (San Clem ente. CA) Sophomore. Business Admini stration. Phi losophy Delta Tau Delta frat ernity. Toreros– Men's Cross Country Couch, Matthew J [Gold River. CA) fre hman. Undeclared Coughlin, Amanda M (San Diego. CA) freshman . Undeclar ed Council, Timothy I [San Diego. CA) Senior. Politica l Scien ce. Leadership Pi Sigma A lpha (Government). Ameri can Humanics. Roller lloc k ey. Sigma Chi Fraternity Coury, Natalie P [Tul sa . 01<) Junior. Business Administration Covarrubias, Irma M (Fallbrook. CA) Senior . Business Administration . Communication Studi es Assoc iation of Chica n a Acti v ists. Black Student Union Cowan, Laurren D [Morgan Hill. CA) Senior. Communication Studies. F:nglish Cowan, Deanna J (El Cajon , CA) Sen ior. Communication Studies. Leader ship Coward, Caroline P [Sacram ento. CA) freshman. Undeclared Cox, Stephanie J (Redlands. CA) Sen ior. Psychology. Phi losophy Cox, Benjamin (San Diego. CA) Sen ior. Business Admini stration Coxhead, Sarah L [Denver. CO) freshman . Undeclared Toreros-Women 's Cro s Country Coyle, Jeffrey W (Aquebogue. NY) Jun ior. Political Science. Spanish

(San Diego. CA) Junior. Histor y Cook, Nicole A (Lader a Ran ch . CA) Sophomore. Undecla,·ed Cook, David Carson (Lake Osw ego. OR) Fresh rna n. Undeclared

Nationa l Society of Collegiat e Scholars. L ambda Ch i Alph a Fraternity . Basketba ll . Honors Carson . You did not need lliat appendix anyway! Wa y 10 perse– vere! We love you . Mom and Dad Cook, Juliane K (Carlsbad. CA) Senior. English Cook, Karen L (San Jose. CA) Jun ior. Psychology. Spanish Cook, Anastasia (Poway. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Cooper, Vaughn B (Unive,·sily Place. WA) Senior. Business Administration Cooper, Scott D (Pleasanton. CA ) Junior. Busi n ess Administra tion Coopersmith, Jordan H (Encinitas. CA) Senior. Business Administralion Cope, Jason R (Huntington Beach. CA) Freshman. Business Administration Soccer . Speed Soccer Coppedge, Nicholas K (San tee. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Corbi, Kathryn A [Santa Cla rita . CA) Senior. Poli ti ca l Science. H istory Corcoran, Mark D (San Diego. CA) Senior. Politi ca l Scien ce Corder, Austin W (San Diego. CA) Sen ior . Communication Stud ie ·. I listory Cordero, Marcus A (Redding. CA)

Corse, Daniel R (Kimbenon. PA) Freshman . Undeclared

Connors, James W (Bern ardsville, NJ) Sophomore. Undeclared Conrad, Kelly A (Downe1·s Grove. IL) Freshman. Undeclar ed Conrique, Nicole M (Ramona, CA) Sophomore. History Contreras, Marco A (San Ysidro, CA) Sophomore, Econ omics

Ultimate Frisbee Cortez, Monica R (Palm Springs. CA) Freshman. BioloCJ' ' · Undec lared Coseo, Lydia (I::scondido. A) Sophomore. Undeclared Cossel, Stacie E (Tucson. AZ) Sen ior. Biology. Ch emistry

Crahan, Catherine G (Corona Del Mar. CA) Sen ior . Polilica l Science Craig, Jamie L (I !ender son. NV) Sophomort>. Undeclared Craig, Anthony R (San Diego. CA) freshman. Undeclared

Freshman. Political Scien ce. Theology and Religious Stud ie

268 • Directory

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