Alcala Yearbook 2006

Chodakowska, Anna M (Thousand Oaks. CA ) Junior. PoliLica l Science. Fren c h Chodzko, Adam (Diamond Bar . CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Chong Kee , Lacy C (\Vailuku. 111) Senior. Nursing Chouza, Ana Cristina [Mexico City) Senior. Communication Studies. Business Administ r ation Chowen, Ashlee L [Ply mouLh. Ml) Senior. History. Theology and Religious Studies Choy, Jessica C (Las Vegas. NV) Jun ior . Business Admin isLr ation Chrisman, Sara F (W il liams. CA) Sen ior . Busine s AdminisLralion Christensen, Michael J (Oak Park. CA) Sophomore. Undec lar ed Christenson, Kate A (Rosebur ,. OR) Senior. Psychology. Sociology Christian, Matthew D (Los Angeles. CA) Sen ior. Business Administration. Spanish Christian, Allison S (Poway. CA) Freshman . Undeclar ed Christianson, Mallory D (Sa n D iego. CA) Chua, Joyce A (Foster City. CA) Freshm an. Undecla,·ed Chung, Ji In (San Diego. CA) Senior. Business Admin isLralion Chung, Justin W [San Fran cisco. CA) Soph omore. Communicalion Stud ies. Music Cianciulli, Mark A [Mission V iejo. CA) Jun ior. Busin ess Administralio11 . Econom ics Cid, Megan L [Sa n Carlos. CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Cimino, Elise M [Downey . CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Cimmarusti, Paula A (L a Ca n ada. CA) Senior. Communication Studies. Leader ship Cindric, Emily C Freshman. U1-ban SLudies Christopher, Kenneth R (Gilroy . CA) Jun ior . Poli lica l Scien ce

Cisneros, Trinidad C [Sa n Ma,·cos. CA) Junior. Psychology. Spanish Cisse, Mohamed L (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Biology Clark, Florie A (Mystic. CT) Sophomore. English Clark, Matthew J (Seal Beach. CA) Senior. H istory Clark, Cheryl L [Rancho Cucamonga. CA ) Sen ior. Sociology. Theology and Religious Studies Clarke, Hilary E (Cor onado. CA) Jun io,·. Sociology. Communication Studies Clarke, Emily L [Scarsdale. NY) Freshman . Undecla,·ed Clarke, Brian M (San Luis Obispo. CA) Fre. hman. Undeclar ed Clarke, Rachelle S (San Di ego. CA) Sophomor e. Commu n ication Stud ies. Busi n ess Admi n istr ation Clasgens, Michael S (Lakewood. CO) Sophomo,-e. U11declar ed Clawson, Emily D (Moli n e. IL ) Jun ior. Psychology. Communication SLudies Senior. Business Adm i nistr a tion Lambda Chi Alpha Fratern ity Congra./ ul.a.tions. Nic k l We so proud of you! Love. . Mom. Kim a.nd Chri.s Clements, Elizabeth J (At chison. KS) Junior . Commu nica lion Studies. English Cleveland, Mallory J (Denver. CO) Fr eshman . U ndeclar ed Lacrosse - \.Vomen's Clifford, Brent K (Por Lla11d. OR) Sophomore. Philosophy. Political Scien ce Clift, Megan K (Lakewood. WA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Toreros-Women 's Cross Country Cloak, Chelsea E (Al buquerque. M) Jun ior . Accou n ta n cy l

Clogher, Amy M (Lafayet t e. CA ) Junior. Commun ication Studies.

Colabianchi, Elisabetta M (Petal uma. CA) F1·eshman. Biology. Spanish Bio-Ocea n s Club. Basketbal l. XALT. Un iver sity Ministry Colabianchi, Mauro Pietro, Jr (Petaluma. CA) Junior. History. Theology and Religious Studies Colantino, Maria L (~nglewood. CO) F r eshman . Undeclar ed Su r fing Cole, Joanna M (San Di ego. CA ) Jun ior. Ch emist ry Ch emistry Club Cole, Marshall R (Shc,-man Oak s. CA) Senior . PoliLical Science. Busin ess Administration Coleman, Vanessa L (Albuquerque. NM) Senior. A ccount:an cy. Span ish Coles, Natalie M I ew Braunrels. TX) Sophomor <>. Undeclar ed Coley, Jennifer L (San Diego. CA) Junior. Busin ess Administ r ation. A ccounting Colker, Amy L (San Diego. CA) Senior . Business Admin isl r alion Collard, Michael D (Burbank . CA) Senior. Business Adm i nistration. Biology Collier, Alison E (Denver. CO) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Collin, Jenna [Aspen . CO) Sophomore. Undecla red Collings, Katelyn K [Pa lm Desen. CA) Fr eshman . Undecla1·ed Vo lleyba ll. Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority. Psychology Club. Campus Rec,-eation . Honor Program. Students for Lire We love Kales! /-lo/cl tight. lo Gods h a.ncls. · Prover bs 3: 5 -6· Mwn sy. Da.clcly . Court & Joe Collins, Carly A [Eugen e. OR) Freshman . Undeclared Collins, Nicole E (Stockton . CA) Sen ior. Pol itical Science. H istory Collins, Stefanie E (Alexandr ia. VA) Junior. Communication Studies. Biology A lpha l

Business Adm inislraLion Alpha Delta Pi SororiLy Clouser, Bradley T (Wayzata. M ) Sophomor e. Undeclar ed

Cloyd, Noneka M [Fort Collins. CO) Junior. Communicalion Studies. Business AdminisLration Coady, Jessica R [San Diego. CA) Senior . Business Adm i nisLraLion . Fren ch Cobourn, Kelly A [P lano. TX) Sen ior. Communication Studies. Leadership Toreros-Women 's Swimm i ng Cochrane, Anthony L (Saratoga. CA) ophomo,·e. Business Admin isLration 11. wa.sJun! (Pretori a South Africa) Freshman. Undecla r ed Coffman, Robert A (Temecula. CA) enio,·. l nLe1·n aLiona l Rela tion s Pi Sigma Alpha (Government). Naval Reser ve Officer Tra i nin" Corps You did Congra. lu la.Uons! Fly! Love Morn. & Sam Coffman, Ian [San D iego. CA) Fre hman. Undeclar ed Cogger, Michele H (Puyallup. WA ) Senior. Communication Studies. Business Administr a tion Cohen, Joseph B Cohen, Esther S (San Diego. CA ) ,Ju nior. Commun ica lion Studies. F:nglish Cohen, Nir (Woodland H il ls. CA) Jun ior. Business Administration Cohrs, Jennifer E (WesL Covina. CA) Senior. ~ ngli h . Bu ine s Aclminist r ation Cohrs, Jocelyn N [Bent.on . ldford. MA) Junior. Undeclar ed Coetzee, George W [Colorado Spr ings. CO) Jun ior. Biology. Span is h Cohen, Dylan C (M arin a Del Rey. CA) Fr eshman . Undeclar ed

(WesLlak e V illage. CA) Sophomor e. ndeclar ed

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