Alcala Yearbook 2006
Casey, Julie E (San Mal eo. CA) Senior. Business AdminisLralion. Spanish Cashman, Owen J (San Diego. CA ) Sen ior. Business Administrat ion SP. Undeclared Caso, Michael J ( ewh all. CA) Junior. Sociology. Business Administration Caso, Grant T (Fallbrook. CA) Senior. Communication Studies. Business Admin islralion Cassano, Travis R (El Dorado Hi ll . A) Sophomore. Undeclared Cassidy, Carter R (Carlsbad. CA) Sophomore. Politica l Science Cassin, William Q (Sl. Louis. MO) Senior. Busi11ess Adm inistration Castagna, Ryan P (San Jo e. CA) Sen ior. Accountancy. It alian Castelhano, Jason M Caskey, Christina (Albuquerque. 1 M)
Cate, Christopher (Carlsbad . CA ) Senior. Political Science. Business AclminisLration Basketball Caterine, Caroline B (Wellesley . MA) Freshman. Uncleclarccl Cathey, Thomas C (San Diego. CA) Senior . Business Adm inistration Caughlin, Diana N (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Causee, Kathryn N [Oceanside. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Cauzza, Ryan A (Sant a Y abel. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Cavanagh, Jessica M (Cardiff. CA) Junior. Mathem atics Cavatorta, Marc E (San Diego. CA ) Junior. Busines AdminisLration Caya, Nicole A (A lpine. CA) Sophomor . Psychology. Euglish Psychology Cl ub Cayabyab, Erin T (San Diego. CA) Senior. Business AdminisLration. Music Cederstrom, Brittany L (San Diego. CA) Junior. Biology Cekala, Erin C (Rossmoor. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Celaya, Verenise J (Chu la V isla. CA) Senior. Business Admini stration Cepeda, Michelle C Freshman. Undeclared Cervantes, Patricia N (Chu la Vista . CA) Sophomore. Sociology. Spanish Cervenka, Christine L (Sea tlle. WA ) Senior. Psychology. Sociology Cervenka, Brian P (Seaule. w A ) Freshman. Undeclared Cesena, Veronica R ( ardiff By The Sea. CA) Senior. Communication Studies. Bu iness AdminisLralion Cetto, Claudia (L a Jolla. CA) Senior. Communication Studie Business Adm inistraLion (San Diego. CA) Senior. English Cepeda, Jessica N (Los Angeles. CA) Senior. Psychology. English Cervantes, David A (Lemon Grove. CA)
Cezar, Stewart J (T u dock. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Chala, Samir [San Di e<10. CA) Junior. French. Business Administrat ion Chalmers, Nicholas E (Boulder. CO) Freshman . Undeclared Chamberlain, Caitlin M (San Diego. CA)
Che, Jacqueline P (Saipan. MP) Freshman. Biology. Ethnic Studies FUSO. Volleyball - Women 's Chen, Penny ( arlsbad . CA) Freshman. intern ation al Relarions. Asian Studi es Cheng, April B [Hon olulu. HI ) Junior. Communication Studies. Psy chology Chernitzky, Janice I an Diego. CA) Junior. Comm u nication Studies. Psychology Chesrown, Scott M (WestminsLer. CO) Sophomore. Spanish. Business Admi n islr ati o11 Chestnut, Shane T (Woodbridge. VA) Senior . Psychology . Bu incss Administration Chew, Wesley C (La Can ada. CA) enior . Engli h Chicotka, Brett J ( an Jo e. CA) Sen ior. Electrical I-:ngineerin<1. Malh m ati s Chieng, Gin-Long (T aipei T aiwan) Childress, Sarah L (Anaheim I tills. CA) Junior. Busine s AdminisLralio11 Childs, Cameron G [Corbell . OR) Jun ior . Ps~,c hotogy. Business Admini stration Psychology Club. USO Young Democr ats. Orientation Board Chinos, Sergio M (Baldw in Park. CA) Junior. History. Poli tica l Science Chiriboga, Daniel S (Brea. CA) Sophomore. Phys ics. Mathematics Chivaroli, Kiera M (Westlake Village. CA) Senior. Communication Sluclies. Business Admin istration We love you Kiera congratulation s . love Mom and Dad! Cheshire, Ericka L [A lbuquerque. 1 M) Freshma n . Undeclared Yoga Freshman . Uncle ' lared Childers, Kendall R (Dallas. TX) fresh m an. Undeclar ed
Junior. Undeclared Chambers, Nicole D (Henderson. VJ
Sophomore. Undeclar ed Chambers, Michelle L (Santa Barbara. CA) Senior. Business Administra ti on Chan, Yi Ju J (San Diego. CA) Junior. Communication Studies. Political Science Chandler, Bailee D (Lee'S Summit. MO) Junior. En<11i h Chang, Ting-Yu C (San Die<10. CA) Fr eshman . Undecla red Chang, Cara M (Aiea. HI) Senior. En<11ish. Sociology Chang, Stephanie (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Undeclar cl Chapman, Alexander L (San Rafael. CA ) Junior. History Charles, Caroline G (hTine. Cf\) Freshman. Undeclared Charlton, Shannon M (Ketchikan. AK) Sophomore. Political Scien ce. Business Adm ini tration Alpha Chi Omega Sorority. Volleyball. Resident Advi er. Choir Charter, Amberly G (Houslon. TX) Junior Chavez, Jessica A (Paso Robles. CA) Sen ior. Business Adrninistration. Biology Chavez, Nicholas J (Placentia. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Chavez, Donna M (Santa Fe. "M ) Senior. Industrial and System s Engineering Chavez, Pilar M (Rose\·ille. CA) Sen ior. Communication Studie 1u ic Chaykowski, Kyle J
(San Diego. CA) Senior. Sociology Castellanos, Virginia A (Chula Vista. CA) Junior. Biology Castellanos, Andrea V (Chula V ista. CA) Sophomore. Psychology
Castillo, Agnes A (West Covi n a. CA ) Sophomore. Industrial and Sy. tem s Engineering Castillo, Lorenzo S (Houston . TX) Freshman. Uncleclarecl Castro, Daniel A (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Business Administration Castro, Rochelle D (San Diego. CA) Sen ior. Psychology. Ch emistry Castro, Jonathan F
(Ran cho Cucamonga. CA) Junior. Biology. Ch emistry Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraterni ty. Surfing. Running. NROTC
Castro, Jasmine V (Scotts Valley. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Castro, Jessica (Lak eside. CA) Senio1·. Uncleclar ccl Catalan, Hugo E (G lendale. CA) Sophomor e. U nclecla recl
Chlebeck, Lawrence J (Mendota HeighLs. M ) Sophomore. Mar in e Scic11ce
Cho, Albert G (Millsboro. OR)
Catalan, Crystal G (Laguna Ni 1u el. CA ) Junior. Communication Studies. Busines Admin istr ation
(Ma nhaLtan Beach. CA) Soph omort>. Undeclared
Freshm an. Undeclared Chock, Alexander M (I lonolulu. I II) Sophomore. Elect rical Engineering
266 • Directory
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