Alcala Yearbook 2006
Cabugao, Maile Q (Honolulu. HI) Freshman. Undeclared Cabusao, Reggie F [San D iego. CA) Junior. Economics. Accounlancy Cadei, Gina F [San Fran cisco. CA) Sen ior. Business Administr ation. Span ish Cadger, Kathryn L (Aspen . CO) Sophomore, Undeclared Caffey, Matthew P [Escondido. CA) Jun ior . Psychology. English Cajacob, Brianna Clare (Fari bault. Ml'\) Sen ior. En vironmental Stud ies. Political Scien ce ROTC Your d egreefrom USO is another of the many mountains you have climbed. Love A lways. Mom a.nd. Dad Calamunci, Christine M (Tinton Falls. NJ) Sophomore. Undeclared Calantas, Nicole E (Sil verdale. WA) Junior. Ethnic SLUdies. Biology Caldwell, Brittany L (Bloomingwn. CA) Jun ior. Psychology A lp h a Della Pi Sorority. Univer sity M inistr y RLC Cale, Walter G (Los Angeles. CA)
Camero, Danielle C (I lon ol ulu. HI) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Cameron, Katherine E [San Diego. CA) Sophomor e. Undeclared
Capurro, Frank A (Corralitos. CA)
Carrade, Melissa M (Novato. CA) Freshman . Business Economics Kappa Alpha Thela Sorority Carranza,Suzanne (San Diego. CA) Sen ior Carrasco, David Robert (Arcata. CA) Sen io1·. Political Science. Spanish Student Al umni Association Carreno, Luis Angel (Oceanside. CA) Freshman. Psychology. Business Admi n isLration Carrera, Briana D (Sacr amen to. CA) Junior. Communication Studies. Intern ational Relation s Carriaga, Christina N (WalnuL. CA) Fr eshman. Undeclar ed Carrillo, Cynthia (San Diego. CA) Jun ior. Span ish. Cr edential Pro 1ram Carrillo, Sandra (Car son. CA) Senior. Accou n ti ng National Society of Collegiale Scholars Congratulations/ We are very proud qf you . We love you. Your Fam ily...Mom. Dad . Marlin. & Adriana Carroll, Jennifer L
Sophomore. Undecla1·ed Caputo, Cassandra M (Laguna Beach. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Capuzi, Louis F (Cary. IL) Sophomore. Undeclared Carasali, Antonio W (San Diego. CA) Sen ior. Undeclar ed Cardasis, Charisse A [New Canaan. CT) Sophomore. Undeclared Cardenas, Maria D [Chula Vista. CA) Jun ior. Business Administration . Philosophy Cardenas Fuentes, Luis A (Valley Center. CA) F reshman. Ethn ic Studies Cardiel, Luis M Senior. Sociology. Spanish Cardoso, Magda V (San Diego. CA) Junior . Politica l Scien ce Carey, Patrick K (San Marino. CA) Junior . Business Administration Carlesimo, Chris R [Sea Girt. NJ) Senior. Business Administration Carlson, Nicole E [Athenon . CA) Freshman. Undeclared Carlson, Kristen M [Purcellville. VA) Junior. History Toreros-Women's Volleyball Carlson, Laura M [Phoenix . AZ) Senior . History. Anthropology Associated Students. Ph i Alph a Theta. National Society of Collegiate Scholars Carlton, Aaron R (Both ell. WA) Senior. CompuLer Scien ce. Business Adm in istration Carpenter, Ada D (T em ecula. CA) Junior. Undeclared Carpenter, Bryan D (T eton Vi llage. WY) Senior . Accountan cy. Business Carey, Katherine F (South Easton . MA) Senior. Psychology. Biology Carey, Jeffrey G (Santa Rosa. CA) Freshman. Undeclared
Cameron, Brett S (Pinon Hills. CA) Sen ior. lnduslri al and Systems F:ngineering Cameron, Brittany T (Dublin. CA) Fr eshman . Undeclared Cammarata, Stephanie M (Coeur D'Alene. ID) Junior. Psychology. Ch emistr y Psychology Club Freshm an. Undecla1·ed Campbell, Jessica E (Las Vegas. NV) Senior. Psychology. Spanish Campbell, Elizabeth P (Malibu. CA) Sophomore. Psychology Campos, Gabriela R (Sao Pau lo. Br azil) f r eshman . Intern ational Relations Cancellare, Vito G [E l Paso. TX) Freshman. Anthropology. Biology Cancellier, Amber L [Cad sbad. CA) Junior. Business Adm inistration Canepa, Kyle W (Solana Beach. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Cannady, Timothy A (La Jolla. CA) Sophomore. Business Admin istr ation Cannizzaro, Michael A (Los Gatos. CA) Sophomore. Undecla1·ed Cano, Kurt A (San Marcos. CA) Junior. Sociology. Busi ness Administration Cantacessi, Christine M (Laguna Niguel. CA) Sen ior. Environmental Studies. Political Scien ce Mor tar Board-A lca la Senior Honor Society. Orientation Team Capisani, Simona M (Reseda. CA) Freshm an. Undeclared Tor eros-Women 's Soccer Cappalonga, Veronica R (Los Angeles. CA) Junior. Commun ication Studies. L eader ship Cappel, Corina R (Sou t h Lak e Tahoe. CA) Jun ior. Commun ication Studies. Spanish Cappello, Cecily L (Bak er sfield. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Campagna, Julia M (West Hartford. CT)
(Pine Valley. CA) Jun ior. English Carson, Jessa A (Long Lake. MN) Jun ior. Spanish. Business
Junior . Biology Calfas, Amy A (Danville. CA) Sophomo1·e. Undeclar ed A lpha Phi Sorority Callahan, Sean D (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. Psychology Callahan, Patrick M (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. Busine s Adm inistr ation Callas, Christina (Ml. Shasta. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Callero, Frank J
Administration Cartaya, Erin C [Tem ecula. CA) Senior. English . Biology To1·er os-Women's Cross Country.
College Repub lica n s Carter, Andrew A (Denver . CO) Freshman . Undeclared Carter, Kristin J (Rancho Palos Verdes. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Carter, Jennine M (Quincy. CA) Junior. Liber al Studies Carter, Katherine N (Del Mar . CA ) Freshm an. Undeclared
(Arli ngton Heigh ts. IL) Sophomo1·e. Business Administration . Political Science Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Cam, Ngan K (El Cajon . CA) Junior. Psychology. Spanish Camacho, Michelle T [Pacifica. CA) Senior . Accountancy Camacho-Padilla, Miguel A [San Ys idro. CA) Sophomore. Music. Visual Arts Camera, Andrew M [Concord. CA) freshm an . Undeclared
Carty, Abigail J (Santa Ana. CA)
Freshman. Undeclared Carucci, Dominic M (Thousand Oak s. CA) Freshman. Business Admini Lralion Casassa, Nicholas E (Irvine. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Casciato, Allison N (Portland. OR) F1·eshman. Biology Surfing and Running
Administration Carr, Shawn C (Colorado Springs. CO)
Sen ior. Ch mistry . Mathematics A lcala Club. Resident Advise1·. Cycling We 're so proud qf you ancl a ll you have accompl.ished. We love you! Morn and Sara
Directory • 265
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