Alcala Yearbook 2006

Burke, Kathleen B [San Di ego. CA) Fr eshman. Undeclared Burke, Andrew J [Sam ee. CA) Junior.. l ech anica l Engineering Burke, Adam M [Fa llbrook. A) Junior . Business Administr ation Burke, Robert P (Simi Va lley. CA) Senior. Communication Stud ies. Pol itica l Scien ce Burke, Thomas P (San Di ego. CA) F1·eshman. Un decla,·ed Burke, Christopher (Cold Brook. NY) Jun ior. Histo ry Burke, Sheena [Old T appan. L J) Junio1·. Communica1ion SI udies. English Burkett, Daniel L, III [Torran ce. CA) Sen ior. Business r-:conomics. Information Systems Delta T au Delta Frat ern ity Burks, Danielle E (Los Gato . CA) Fr eshma n . Biology. Spanish Speed Soccer. Runnin o". Wak eboardino" Burnett, Melanie L (Burbank. CA) Fr eshman . Politi ca l Scien ce. Inter n ation a l Relation s Gen11an Cl ub. Social Change RLC. Tutor at Roosevelt Middle School Burnham, Hadley [l\ewport Beach . CA ) Fres!t m an. Undeclar ed Burns, Nicole A [Lvnnwood . WA) Fre hman. Undeclar ed Burns, Bridget B [Scottsd ale. AZ ) Junior. Polili ca l Scie11ce Burns, Coryna E (San Di ego. CA) Sen ior. Mathem atics. Psychology Burns, Andrew J (Powa;. CA) Soph omor e. Business Adm inist r at.ion Burke, Elliott M (Santa Crnz. CA) SophomorP . Undeclar ed

Burton, Katherine E [Pleasanton. CA)

Buckley, Mark L (Jam estown. RI ) Junior. M arin e Scien cP. Physics Buckley, Summer L (Tucso n . AZ )

Brown, Erin R (Par adise Va lley. AZ) Senior. Psyc h ology. Sociology Brown, Jacob R (Phoeni x . AZ) Sophomore. Busi ness A dmin istration. economics Brown, Alex S (encinitas. CA) Jun ior. Busi n e. s Administration. Ita lian Brown, Timothy S (escond ido. CA) Senior . Business Administration Brumbaugh, Abbey R [Fa ir Oak s. CA) Sophomore. U ndeclar ed Senior. Business Adm inistration We believe in you and Love you ! Love. l'v/orn . Dad and Nicole Brunelle, Lauren J (Solana Beach. CA) Senioi-. e n,ilish Bruner, Lindsey M (Orange. CA) Sophomore. Biology. Ch emistry Brunolli, Sara A (I·: condido. CA) Seni01·. Psychology. Business Administr ation Bruun , Suzanne K (Davis. CA) Sophomor e. Sociology A lpha Delta Pi Soror ity. Community Ser v ice Learni ng Student L eader Bryan, Sara J (Irvine. CA) Senior. A ccountan cy. Business Administration Bryan, Stefanie N (Braw ley. CA) Sophomor e. Business Admini stralion A lpha Phi Sorority Bryan, Beau S (Los A ltos. CA) Junior. Busi n ess Admin istration Buchanan, Madeline M (Clayton. CA ) F r eshman. Un declar ed Buchholz, Emily A Junior. Undeclar ed Buckel, Megan A ( orthpon. "Y) Junior. Psych ology Buckley, Elizabeth A (Por tland. OR) Freshman. Un declar ed Run n ing. A lpha Della Pi Sor ori ty Buckley, Landen K (l<:aneohe. I fl ) Sophomore. ·ndeclared Bruno, Leah M [San Diego. CA) Sen ior. Psychology. Engl i. h [Trabuco Can yon. CA) Fr eshman. Undeclar ed Buckalew, Benjamin D (Huntington Beach . CA) Brundage, Alexa C ( an Antonio. T X)

Junior. Busin es Adm ini t r ation Gamm a Phi Beta Soro1·ity. S IBC Burton-Feeney, Rory T (St. Paul. M:--J) Sophom o,·e. Sociology Busby, Meghan S Busch, Erica C (San Diego. CA) Junior . Biology. Ch emistry Buschini, Shane P (San Ram on . CA) Sophomore. Business Adm inist r ati on Buser, Nicholas C (Lak ewood . WA) Sen ior. Busi11 ess Aclrnini slr alion Bustamante, Maribel (Ri o Ri co. A7..) Freshman . Undeclar ed Buster, David J (Anaheim. CA) Sophom o,·e. Communication Studies Butcher, Emily M (Santa Barbara. CA ) Sen ior. Accountancy

Fr eshman. Undeclar ed Buckley, Lindsay M (A naheim Hi lls. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed

Budde, Andrew (Sa n Di ego. CA ) Sophomor e. Pol itical Sci nee. Ph ilosophy Soccer Budny, Lindsey M (Thousa nd Oak s. CA) Sen ior. Phi losophy. Political Science Buelsing, Michael T (Hon olul u. 1-11) F1·eshm an . Mech anica l Engineering A i k an e O'Hawaii. Cycling. Surfing Buenrostro, Jennifer A (Indio. CA) Freshm an. Psychology Association or Chican a Activists J en n /fer . keep up th e good worlc! We love you.! Pa renl.s and Rudy Buenrostro, Alexa (Chu la V ista. CA) Sen ior. Psyc hology. Sociology Bufkin, Jamie E (Pl easan ton. CA) Sophomore. Sociology. History Bugielski, Kate T (Ocea n side. CA) J u nior. Undeclar ed Bullock, Melanie K (Ran cho San ta Fe. CA) Sen ior. Psychology. Theology and Religious Stud ies Bunchman, Meghan A (G ,·and Rapids. M I) Fr eshman. Undeclared Buongiorno, Katie E (L adera Ran ch. CA) Sen ior. Politica l Science. Italian A lpha Delta Pi Sorori ty Buonviri, Nicole P (Win slow. AZ) Fr eshman. Undeclared Torero -Ch eerleader Burchfiel, Catherine D (Coron a. CA) Sophomo,·e. U ndeclar ed

(J ackso11. WY) Senior . English

Butkys, Kristofer P ( ewbu ry Parle CA) Fr eshman. U ndeclar ed

Butler, Jennifer C (Flower Mound . TX) Sophomor e. Psych ology. Spani sh

Butler, Adam D (San D iego. CA) Sen ior. Cnglish Butler, Joshua J (Danvi lle. CA ) Sophomore. Business Adrn i n ist1·ation Butler, Brianne M ( l uk il teo. WA) Sophomore. ·ncteclar ecl Butt, Hillary E (San A nton io. T X) Fr eshman. Undecla,·ed

Buttle, Rhett A (San Di ego. CA) Junior. Politica l Science. Sociology Butts, Kerry A (Brook ly n. 1 Y) Jun ior. Business econ om ics .

Burg, Lynsie D (T em ecu la. CA) Freshman. Psychology

Politica l Scien ce Byrd, Tiffany M (Tt>mecula. CA) Jun ior. Cngl ish Byrne, Peter G (Carmel Valley. CA )

Speed So cer . Psych ology Club. XALT. lmer \/a r si ty . Best Buddies

Burns, Tristan L (Bell Ca nyon. CA) Junior. Accountancy Burns, Ryan R (Sar atoga. CA ) Freshman. nclPclar Pd

Burga, Irene (Whittier. CA) Fr eshman. Undeclared

Fr eshman. Commun ica t ion Studies The V ista New spaper . Intramural

Burger, Laura J (Palm Deser t. CA) Junior . Busi n es · Admin istra tion

basketball & tenn i Byrne, Lauren M (Tem ecula. CA) Freshman . Undeclar ecl Cabanas, Rodolfo T (Mexica li. BC) Sophom or e. Business Aclmi nisira!ion. Arrounti ng T ennis

Burns, Joseph (T acom a . WA) Senior. Industri al and Systems Enaineering. Physics Burruss, Jamal K ( an Di ego. CA) Senior. Business Admi nist.ralion

Burk, Katie A (Antioch. CA) Fr eshman. Undeclar ed

/(alie Girl! Congrawlarions 011)111 - ishing yourjreshnwn year! We love 01.1.r Liit le Quack . Mom & Dad

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