Alcala Yearbook 2006
Brosnan, Kathleen E (1 aper ville. IL) Senior. Busi n ess Admin istrau, n. English l Brevoort, Chase W (Danville. CA ) Fr eshman. 'ndeclar ed Brewer, Erika M (Billings. MT) Junior. Biology. Chemi try Bragg, Kimberly A ( an Diego. CA) Sen ior. Communica tion Studies. U rban Studies Brake, Stacey M (Bellon. MO) Sophomor e. Undeclar ed Branca, Amanda E (Encini LaS. CA) Senior. Psyc hology. Ph i losophy Brand, Lauren E (La M esa. CA ) Fre hman . Undeclar ed Brand, Shealyn S (El CenLro. CA) Junior. Sociology. Business AdminisLration The Wom en ' Cent er Brandt, Amy Kelly (Bozeman . MT) Soph omo1·c. Biology A l ·ala Yea rbook Branscomb, Celeste M (T acoma . WA) Junior. AccounLancy Brant, Jordan C (Pacilk Beach. CA ) Sen ior. Commun ication Studie Busi n ess Admini str ation Bratton, Valerie E (Albuquerque. NM ) Freshman. ndeclar ecl Bratton-Kearns, Maria W (Pleasan ton. CA) ,Jun ior . Liber al SLudies Brauer, Nicole E (Wailuku . I ll) Sophomor e. Undeclared Brauner, Noah (A n ch orage . A l<) Sophomor e. Undeclared Braunreuther, Nickolas R (Rock lin . CA) Jun ior . Econom ics. HisLOry Brawner, Janelle K (Ran cho San Di ego. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Bray, Dalton (Monter ey. CA) Sen io1·. Business Admini str ation. A ccou n Lan cy Breecker, Spencer A (Studio Ci Ly . CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Brehm, Ashley J ( 1 ewport Beach . CA ) Freshman . Undeclar ed Breseno, Julianne M (Yorba L inda. CA) F1·eshman. Bu ine s Admin istration f•USO Bretsch, Philip L (Fallbrook . CA) ' enior . Busi n ess Administr ation Yo11 /Jave mClde LIS Cl/I so proud qj' w lwt !JOU hCl ve ClCcomplis/J ed in !JOLl.r lij'e sofCl r . Go get em ! Love Monr Sen ior . Chemistr y Brennan, Ryan P (Wanta >h. :-JY) Bovard , Elizabeth A (Pasad ena. CA) Sophomore. Business AdminisLration . Spa nish Bower, Elizabeth A (Atch ison. l Brice, Vanessa C (Bak er neid. CA) Sen ior. Biology. En v ironmental Studit>s Black Studen t Union . Plti A lpha Della Pre-Law Fr aternity Briggs, Rebecca S (San Di ego. CA ) Junior. Psychology. Sociology Bright, Ashlee E (l':ugen e. OR) Freshman. Communication Studies Alpha Phi Soror iry. Soccer Brinitzer, Erica L (La trobe. CA ) Fr eshman . Undeclar ed Briones, Kelin K (Chino. CA) Freshman. U ndeclared Brisco, Josh C (Tucson . AZ) Senior. Communication Studies. Sophomore. Undeclar ed Bowlen, Stephanie R (Edmomon. Ca n ada. AB) Sophomor e. Undecla1·ed U llimat<" Fri sbt>e. Surfing . Soccer. Hock ey Bowman , Marissa M (San Di ego. CA) Junior. V isua l Arts Box, Baxter M (San Di ego. CA) Sen ior. E lectri ca l Engi n eering. Mathem atics Boyd, Ashley M (Bonita. A) Junior. Psych ology. Music Running. Work at Sea Wo1·Id Boyd, Jacqueline M (Del M ar. CA) Sen ior . Business Administration Boylan, Andrew J (Bak er s field. CA) Sen ior . Polit i<'a l S<'it> n ce. Span ish Lambda Chi A lpha Fr aLern ity. USO Writing CenLer Boyle, Julie H (South Pasaden a. CA) Fr eshman. Psvchology. Spanish Boyle, Erin K (Leawood. ! Spanish Football Briscoe, Katie E (Sacram ento. CA) Freshman . Unde<'lar ed Briseno, Lourdes V (Sa n Diego. CA ) Soph om o1·e. Busi n ess Adm inistration . Spani h Britt, Stephen D (M ission Viejo. CA) Junior. Poli tica l Science. Psychology igma Phi Epsilon Fr aternity. USO Younc:1 Democrats. Phi A l pha Delta Pre-Law Frater n ity. Vi la School Paper Brittingham, Katherine A (Salisbury . MD) Junior. Undeclar ed Brletic, Christina N (Hender son . V) Sophomor e. Undeclart>cl Broe , Sean P (Denver . CO) Sophomo1·e. En v ironmen tal Studies Brooks, Kirby E (i\ewpor t Beach. CA) Sophomore. Undecla1·ed Brooks, Kelly L (Tempe. AZ) Sen ior. A ccounLan cy. Span ish Accoun ting Society. Beta Alpha Psi. Second Minor in Mathem atics Brooks, Emley M (Mi ion V iejo. CA ) Fre hman . Engineerin Brosamer, Kellie C (Moren o V alley. CA) DemocraLs. Baseball Braganza, Raphael S (San Bru n o. CA) Frf' hman . Undeclar ed Fr eshman. Undeclar ed Brosamer, Lauren E (Moreno V alley. CA) Sophomo1-c. nclecla1·ecl Directory • 263
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