Alcala Yearbook 2006
Cramer. Adam C (l!npe1·ial Beach. CA) Junior. Accoum an cy. Spanish Cramer, Brittany C (Sonoma. CA) Freshm an . Undeclared Cramer, Brittany L [Sonoma. CA) Jun ior. Accoun ta ncy Cramer, Kent S (Capitola. CA)
Crocker, Rachel A (Salem . OR) Junior. L iberal Studies. Span ish Nation al SocieLy of Collegiate Scholar s. Running. ln lern ational Student Organ ization. Choir Cronin, Michael A (Hillsborough. CA) Jun ior. Business Econom ics Cronin, Chelsea M (Valley Village. CA) f reshman. Undeclared Love. Morn & Dad Crookston, Benjamin R (Glen E lly n . IL) freshman. Undeclared. TheaLre Arts Bl ack SLudent Union . Aikane O'Hawaii Cropper, Brandi L (San Diego. CA) Sen ior. Business Admin istration Crosetto, Gina M (Bellevue. WA) Senio,·. An I lislory. Busines Adm in istrati on Gamma Phi Beta Soror ity. lnter var sily Christian f el lowship. Greek ln Lervar sity Cross, Tiffanie A (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. English . Busi n ess Admin islralion Phi A lpha Della Pre-Law fraternily. Black Studen t Un ion Croutch, Aaron S [Encino. CA) Senior . Communication Studies. Busin ess Adminisu·atiott Crow, Elijah R (La Mesa. CA) Sophomore. Engineering Crown, Victoria K (El Cajon . CA) Senior. Political Science. Business Administration Cruikshank, Kimberly A (San Deigo. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Community Service Learning. Honors Cruz, Erika D (Sacramento. CA) F1·eshman. Undeclared Cruz, Adrian P (San Diego. CA) Junior. Psychology. Psychology Cruz, Monica (San Diego. CA) Freshman . ndeclared Csiki, Katherine J (Toluca Lake. CA) Sophomore. Business Administration Cubero, Maricarmen (Palm Deserl. CA) Jun ior . Business Economics. Fren ch Toreros-Women 's Cross Country. Alpha l Cuevas, Christopher (Puerlo Vallarta J a M) Freshman. Undeclared Cuevas, Natalia (Los Angeles. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Cuzner, Scott N (San Jose. CA) Sophomore. Engi n eer ing Cyr, Christine A (San Diego. CA ) Senior. Anthropology. T h eology and Religious Studies Czajkowskyj, Theodor D (Sh erman Oaks. CA) Cuffaro, Todd (Coron ado. CA) Junior . Business Adm i n istration Cullen, Erin E (Melrose. MA) Freshman. Communication Studies Culligan, Michael D (Troy. NY) Junior. Politica l Scien ce Cullina, Sean T (BoniLa. CA) Freshman . Undeclar ed Dague, Kassandra R (Lak eside. CA) Junior. Biology Cramer, Chanel (Los Gatos. CA ) Freshman. Undeclared Crampton, Scott C (Poway. CA) Sophomore. Business Administration Crandlemire, John S (Eagle, ID) Fre hman. Business AdminisLralion Lambda Chi Alph a f ratern ity Crane, Devin C (Paradise Va lley. AZ) Soph omor e. Biology. Polilica l Scien ce Cranmer, Nicholas D (Solan a Beach . CA) Junior. Economics Cranmer, Thomas V [Los Angeles. A) Senior . Psychology. Political Scien ce Crary, Margot W (Blue H i ll. MF:) Sophomor e. E ngli h Crawford, Michael A (Baker sfi eld . CA) Jun ior. Sociology. Psychology Crawford, Lauren E (Woodinville. WA) Senior. Political Science. Communication SLudies Crawford, Michael H (Coronado. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Creech, Kenneth B (San Diego. CA) Jun ior . Sociology. Gender Stud ies Creedon, Rebecca (Clayton . CA ) pan ish we love you Allie! Good luck! Mom . Dad . Julia & Will Cresap, Alicia C (San Diego. CA) Sen io1·. Communication Studies. Anthropology Toreros-Women 's Row ing. L ambda Pi Eta [Communicalion I lonor Society) Sophomore. Undeclared Creekmore, Allison M (Tu lsa. OK) Sen ior. Psychology. Junior. Undeclared Dahl, Cameron J (Ferndale. WA) Sophomore. Undeclared Daley, Matthew (Tucson . AZ) Sophomo,·e. Psychology. Busi n ess Admin istr alion Lambda Chi A lpha f raternity Dalio, Michael C (Jamul. CA) enior. Accountancy. Business Freshman. Undeclared Toreros-Men's Football Cumbo, Rachael L [Sama Rosa. CA) freshman. Undeclared Cummings, Christopher (COLO De Caza. CA) Sophomore. Sociology Cummins, Thomas J [Saratocra. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Cunningham, Allison R Admin istration Dally, Leia M (Phoenix. AZ) Junior. Ch emistry Dalton, Kenneth C (Ramona. CA) Sen ior . Accoun tan cy Daly, Rowena C (Phoenix. AZ) [Santa Maria. CA) Junior. Undeclared Cunningham, Jacqueline T (Lagun a Hills. CA) Senior. Busi n ess Administration Curiale, Samantha J (Mill Valley. CA) Freshman. Liber al Studies Alpha Phi Sorority Curran, Caroline M (San Francisco. CA) Junior. Commun ication Studies. Art History Currie, Amanda M [An ah eim. CA) Sen ior . Accountancy. Business AdminisLralion Curry, Patrick D (Los Angeles. CA) Freshman . Undeclar ed A ll ihe Frosts are prolld of you. Love Mom. Colleen & Jan e! Curtis, Randy H (Calabasas. CA) Senior. Sociology Curtis, Mary Katheri (Phoenix. AZ) Senior. Biology Curtis, Jessica L [Whittier. CA) Sophomore. Psychology Curtius, Timothy T (Carlsbad. CA) Senior. Busin ess AdminisLralion Cuthbert, John C (Lo Gatos. CA) f1·eshman. Ch emistry. English Phi.D.E.. Good Odds lmprov. AS Con cert Crew Damassa, Eric C [WestporL. CT) Senior. Business Administration . Politica l Scien ce Student International Business Counci l D'Amico, Emily F (Monrov ia. CA) Freshm an . Undeclar ed l Cresto, Amie D (Oak View. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Creutzburg, Kalani C (North I lolly wood. CA) Senior . Accouni an cy Beta Thela Pi fral crnily Freshman. Undeclared Cutrufelli, Christine M (L afayette. CA) Freshman . Undeclar ed Cudahy, William (Englewood. CO) Freshman. Undeclared Directory • 269
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