Alcala Yearbook 2006
Student Directory
Aase, Sarah D (Portland . OR) Frf' hman. 'ndeclared l Abud, Manuelita S (San Jose. CA) e11ior. f.thnic Studies. Sociology Ethn ic Studif'S tuden I Organization Ackerman, Ivonne (Sa n Y idro. CA) F1·cshman . ndcc larcd Acuna, Mayer M (J\:ational City. CA) Sen ior. Busine s Administration . Spanish Adamany, Jennifer L (Lagun a J\:iguel. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Adame, Eduardo S (Sama Barbara. CA) Sophomore. Busi nes Administration . Spanish Delta T au Delta Fraternity. Delta Sigma Pi. Associated ' 1udenL. Adams , Zachary A (Las Vegas. J\:V) Junior. Business Admini tratio11 Adams, Alexandra E (PcLa luma. CA) Freshman . Busi n ess 1\ dmini Lration. Sociology Torer os-Wom f'n's Rowin •• Adams, Andrew G (V i lla Parle CA) Freshman. Undeclared Adams, Kimberly S (Santa Cru,:. CA) Senior. CommunicaLion Studies. Psychology J< appa Alpha Theta Soro1·ity. P ychology Club Ades, Joshua C (f,ver ,reen. CO) J u n ior . English. Philo ophy Adler, Alan (Mex ico City . i\llX ) Junior. Busines Admini tralion. Informa tion Sys1ems Jewi h Student Union Aeschleman , Tristan R (I:: condido. CA) Junior. Economics Agostinelli , Kathryn M (1 aperv illf'. IL) Sen ior. I listo1·~·- Accounta n cy A count incr Society. Mortar Board– Alca la ·cn io1· Hono1· Sorif'I)'. Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity. Aguiluz, Erline A (Los An ·eies. CA) Sophomore. English Aiello, Christopher (\~ imhrop. MA) Junior. Busine s Admini st.ralion Akers, Jessie E (Larfuna Niguel. CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Akin, Rachel E (Dalla . TX) Aldo, James G (Newt.on. MAJ Junior. Compu ter Science. Business Administ.ralion Aleshire, Brett M (San Diego. CA) Senior . Politi a l S ie11ce Alessi, Lauren N (Mariella . CA) Freshman . Undeclared Alex, Aea C (Phoenix. AZ) Sophomore. Sophomore. Undeclared Akinfosile , Martinque (San Diego. CA) SP. ndeclared Akiu, Chelsie Mari (I lonolulu. HI) ndeC'lared Alhamad, Nasser F (Coron a Del Mar. CA) Freshman . Uncleclar cl Sophomorf'. Biology. \1arinf' Scif'n<'f' Aikan c O'llawaii. Bio-Oceans Club. 1 alional So<'iety of CollegiaIe Scholar Abcede , Mark Andrew (West I lill . A ) Sophomore. Biology. Music F SO. Si Al-Hamad, Imad R (Ch esiere - Vi llars) Fre hman . Undeclar ed Al Abbar, Rashid M (San Diego. CA) Sophomorf'. ndeclared Al Matrouk, Ali A (Ku\\'aiL) Junio1·. Electrical Engineerin ,r. Mmhcma tics IEEE (Ettdine ring). Et a l Freshman. Undeclared Alkhamis, Abdulla J (Surra KLtwaiL) Fre hman. ndeclared Al-Khayyal, Nadia Senior. Busin ess Admini tralion Allaire , Nicole M (Solan a Beach . CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Allard, Lisa M (Walnut Creek . CA) Senior Allen, Dominic A (r.:JCajon. CA ) Freshman . 11declared Allen, Lindsay D (Sa n Diego. CA) Junior. Business Adm inist ration Allen , Barek J (lndia11apolis. I ) Freshman. Undeclared Allen, Elisa M (San Diego. CA) Junior. Undeclared Allen , Melissa R (Tustin . CA) Senior . Business Admini str ation. PsyC'hology Allera, Nathaniel J (CaiLhcr sburg. MD) Junior. Engineeri ng FooLball. Lacrosse - !Vien ' . Della T au Delta Frat ernity. Ice I lock ey Allen, David J (Fullcrlo11. CA) Fre. hman. ndeclared Abe, Tolulope K (Vancouver . WA ) Senior. lndu ·Lr ial and Sy Lem J.:.:ndinecrin ' Aberg, Brant T (Cai-I b ad . ' A) Senior. Bu ines Administration Dodgeball. Bocce. Bull Pit. SpiriL Club. Ex- Sigma Ch i Abi Hamad, Jenifer A (WalnuL. CA ) Scn io1·. Economics. Political Scien ce Economics Club. Phi A lpha Della Pre-Law FraLcrniLy Abraham, Joseph V (I lespf' ri a. CJ\ ) Senior. Accountancy Abraham, Jonathan (Chula Vist a. A) Senior. PolitiC'a l Scien ce. Gennan Abrahamson, Laurel A (Bloomington. MN) Freshman. PsyC' hology Toreros-Womcn 's Volleybal l Abravanel, Leon D (South Lak e Tahoe. CA) Sophomore. Bu ine s Administration. lnfo1·m aIion SysLems Soccer. Torcro ·-. l en·s Soccer. at iona l So<'icLy of Collediate Scholars Abrille, Erika K (Palm Spr in•,. . Ci\ ) Senior . Busine s Adt11i 11i l r ation . Economics Abruzzo, Jordan T (El Cajon. CA) Sophomore. Sociology. Leader ship USO Writing CenLet· Aguilar, Maxine A (San Diego. CA) Junior. J.:.:nci)ish Aguilar, Jessica M (San Diego. CA) Fre hman. Undeclared Ally, Alyea N (San Diego. CA) Fre hman. Undeclared Alm, Lucas D (El Cajon . CA) ophomore. Business Admini tra lion Alm, Robert N (J.:.:I Cajon . CA) Sophomorf'. Businc Admin i tralion Alonso, Amilkar M (Santa Paula. A) Frc hman. Undeclar ed Aguilar, Esther (l·:srnndido. CA) nior. Politica l Scien ce. Hi wry AIC'ala Club. Pi Sigma Alpha (Government ) D i r ector y • 257
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