Alcala Yearbook 2006
Editor's Letter (long exhale) Well, the academic year has finally come to a close. As I sit working here in the yearbook office for the last time (on the night before I leave, of course) I can't help but think that it went by too fast. This semester literally went by in the blink of an eye. My roommate and I would often sit around and exclaim to each other "why is the semester over and how did we let this happen??" With the end of the academic year comes the end of the yearbook. All the hours I spent in this small, cluttered office have finally paid off. Somehow or another, I managed to finish the yearbook. This is probably due in large part to the fact that I don't get cell phone service in the office. Well, that and extensive hours I devoted to putting the book together. I can't say that I enjoyed being editor of the yearbook every step of the way but I real– ize now that it was a major aspect of this past year. While I was piecing The Alcala together I got to see the University of San Diego from another perspec– tive. I am familiar with a few clubs and activities because of my involvement in them, but there is so much more to the University that I never even knew about. The yearbook has shown me exactly how diverse, dynamic and excit– ing my school is. If I had never been editor, I never would have fully known about all the aspects of USO. I would like to thank all those that made this yearbook possible. I couldn't have done it myself. Brock Scott provided me with many great photos of USO athletics. Also, Haley Skousen captured the student life with her photos. Last but not least I would like to thank my friend and roommate Anne Mankiewicz for composing the divider paragraphs and providing moral support along the way.
As I leave for summer, I will submit my final pages for the yearbook and close the door to the year– book office for the last time. This past year has been interesting and I look forward to returning in the fall for my second year at USO.
Amy Brandt Editor-in-Chief
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