Alcala Yearbook 2006
Alsaeed , Mohammed S (Arlington. VA) Junia,. Business Administralion. l1 1rorn .ation Systems 1111.ern .at.iona l S t udent. Organiza tion. Torer s-M en·s Soccer . A lcala Club Alsahli , Khalid A (San D iego. CA ) Senio1 . Busin ess Adm inistration Alsedais, Naif A (San D iego. CA) Sen io1. Busi n es Admin istralion Alsharyani, Khalid A (San Diego. CA) 'enio1. Busin es Economics. Admin istralion Alt, C ristopher (Oshk osh. WI) Sophomor e. "ndcclared Altenau, Claire E (Escor dido. CA) Fresh1nan. Undeclared Al-Toukhi, Jihad A (San D iego. CA) Sen io1. Busine s Adm ini siralion Altur· iji, Abdul Aziz B (Sa n D iego. CA) Junio1. Busi n e s Administ r ation Alvarado, Moises, III ( hula Vista . A ) Senio1 . Business Adm i nistr alion Alvar z, Briana C ( ·an iego. CA) Jun io1, Psyc hology Alvar z, Karla E (San Jose. CA) Jun io1. Politi ·al Scien ce. Spani h Alvarez, Bianca Y (Grover Beach. CA) Soph omore. Communication St udies. Fren cl1 Alvarez, Diana (Coro1 ,a. CA) Soph o,nor e. E nglish Alvidera, Roze (Frem ont. CA) Freshman . Undeclar ed Amac er, Jessica L (Las V egas. NV) Fresh, nan. Undeclar ed Amador, Charles A (Oran!:e. CA) Fr esh1 nan. Undeclar ed Aman . Ian Joel G (Fallb1 ook / l un-ieLa . CA) Senior . Libera l Studies Filipi no. Associalion of Chican a Ac ti v ists. United Front. Community er v ic~ Learning an d Center for Awar eness Amarl!o, Jessica E (Las V gas. NV) Junior. Psyc h ology Ambayec, Kimberly Ann (Redwood City . CA) F'reshman. Undeclared
Ambriz, Manuel A (Covina. CA) Fr eshman. Business Admi nistration Footba ll. SIBC. Rotaract C lub Amedia, Michal E (M iami . FL ) Sophom ore. Undeclar ed Amely, Danielle R (Vista. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Amey, Damien J (San Diego. CA) Junior. Politica l Scien ce. Business Admini st r ation Amoroso, Ma Sabrina N (San Diego. CA) Junior. Busi ness Adm inistration Ampolos, Lauren E (La M esa . CA) Jun ior. Politica l Scien ce. panish Anabtawi, Cara D (Dana Point. CA) F1·eshman. Undeclar ed Ancheta, Eric R (Honolu lu. HI) Sen ior . Psychology. Biology FUSO. Psych ology C lub Andersen, Ashley C (l~elllfield . CA) Sophomore. Business Admini str ation Alpl1 a Chi Omega Sororit y Andersen, Melissa J ( ki ah. CA) Junior . F:nglish . Theology and Religiou Studies Nation al Society of Col legiaLe Scholar s. lnter va r sity Christian Fellowship
Anderson, Mark J (A lbuquer que. i\M) Sophomor e. ndeclared Anderson, Jenna L (Paradise Valley. AZ)
Antinucci, Christopher (Rome) Jun ior. Busine s Aclm in istralion. Ita lian Antone, Alexander M (Laguna Hills. CA ) Sophomore. Unded ared Antonelli, Luke P (Sill. CO) Junior. Busi n ess Admin ist ratio n Aparicio, Carmen Julia (A n ah eim. CA ) Sophomore. Business Administration. Spanish Apostle, Matthew J (Cypress. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Appleyard, Geoffrey W (Phoeni x. AZ) Jun ior. Business Admin istr alion. A ccountan cy Aragon, Monica (River side. CA ) Freshman. Undeclar ed Co11grat11/alions! We are so proud q/" yo11 on your.}1.rst y ea r! Love. Mom & Dad Araiza, Juan Carlos (San Ysidro. CA ) Jun ior . Business Administration
Junior. Account an cy. Span ish Accounting Society. Tor eros– Women 's T ennis Anderson, Jessica L (Paci fic Grove. CA) Senior. Sociology. Politica l Scien ce Anderson, Riley M (Los AILOS I )ills. CA ) Freshman . Business Administ r ation Anderson, Kyle R (8 lv ider c. IL) Freshman . Music Surfing. i\ROTC Marine-Option Anderson, Shelby Rhys (We t Lin n . OR) Sophomore. Biology. Environmen ta l Scien ce l Araiza, Rejina E (Sa11La Pau la. CA ) ,Jun ior . Accounlaiwy Arakaki, Krislen M (Waipah u. I II) Soph omort". Psych ology Arce, Elizabeth A (Tiburon. CA) Soph om or e. Business A dmin ist r ation. Spanish A lpha Phi Sorority Arce, Karen C (Chula V i ta. CA) Andersen , Jessica K (N. V an couver Can ada) Fr eshman . ndeclar ed Andersen, Ken K (Cope11hagen ) F reshma n . Econom ics Socce r Anderson , Jeffrey A (Fon Worth. TX) Freshman . Undeclared Arcidiacono, James (Hou ton. TX) Fre. hman . Undeclared . Undeclar ed Lambda Chi A lp h a Fraternity. U ltimat e F ri sbee Areepong, Daniel P (\\ alnut.. CA ) Fr eshman . Biology Areval, Carolina (La ·una iguel. CA) Sophomore. Politica l c ien ce. Psych ology Argier. Aaron A (Las Vegas. NV) Jun ior . Business Adm in istrat ion Bu ll Pit Spirit Club. Bocce Argier, Michael V (Las Vegas. NV) Jun ior. Business Adm in istration Argote, Carolina R ( all Diego. CA) ,Ju nior. Psy hology. Fren ch Argyros, Argyroula (Palm De en. CA) Fre h m an . Undeclar ed Freshman. Undeclared Anderson, Michael C (Carm el. CA) J unior. Business Admini strati on Anderson, Spencer C (San Diego. CA ) Freshman. Undeclared Anderson , Marquise D (San Diego. CA ) Sophomor e. Psychology. Sociology Anderson , Iroquois E (Sh or eview . MN) Junior . Biology. S pan ish Softba ll. National Society or Collegiate Sch olar s. USO Youn d Dem ocr ats Anderson, Kathryn E (Yorba L inda. CA) Freshman. Undec lared Anglo, Renallie R (Los Angeles. CA ) Freshman. Liber al Studies Ansert, Katrina A (Mount Pleasant. SC) Freshman. Un declar cd Anthony, Alexander J (V i t . CA) Sophomore. Busines Adm i11istralion Antieri, Kristin (Shon I !ill . . J) Sophomore. Libera l Stuclie Ambort, Veronica J (Fouma in Valley. CA) Sophomore. Busi ness Adm in istration Anderson, Chase J (Parad ise Va lley. AZ) Freshman . Undeclar ed 258 • Dir ctory
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