Alcala Yearbook 1997

Movimiento fstudiantil Chicano de Aztfan

M.E.ChA, Movimienlo Esludianlis Chicano de Azllan. al t.he Univer"'ily of 6an Die8o focuses on recruili1-is. edurnlin8, and relainin8 Qaza sludenls for Lhe bellermenl of the communily by arisif18 social and political awarene '~– The or8anization plans and pon~or~ variety of events throughout.. the year. inclu in8 relreal..s, conference_s, luncheons and speakers. M.E.Ch.A.' work reaches both on snd off Lhe ll<£>D campus.

ro c-1\erves as


resourc for studenls l.o learn more about lhe Taiwane~ and hinec1e cultur~. whether they are cullu one idenlifle with or not. It is important to learn as much as you can about your own culture d who you are but. it i equ lly important.. lo learn and respect the differences of 0U1er cullure._.\,, as well.

Taiwanese-Chinese Student Organization

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