Alcala Yearbook 1997

Women·s Center

The Women's Cenler i an

01'8anizalion inlcr~sled in hci3hlenin5 awarene.'ii· of Lhe woruen and men or I he ll&D colllffiunily. A comrrul Lee plans evenls :,;uch as Women·.,, llislory Monlh. Rupe i\warenes.1; We k. and Lhe Healthy Li!c-Ril7le~ &ri~. Thi~ year. I.he Women~ Cenler has eslablished communily service projects wilh a local battered wives sheller. U1e Life on a Qun pro8rn.m. and much more. We ,1;lrive lo provide o place where men and women can discuss i&;ues of 3ender. women can receive ~upporl and ret rrals, !ind reale pro8ram,:,; I hal w1U increal\C campus aw::irene....;s of i&\;Ues or rape. alin8 dL,;order". !lexi,1,m, ge-xual hi:lro~menl and ~lereolype..1>. e Center i"' affiliokd wilh Lhe Uniled f r(.)nl, U1e 6Ludenl IAAue.; 1.i,ocud, lhc Gender 6Ludies Mino1·. Lhc Counselin 0 Cenler, and Lhe &xial l1x11uc"' Commillec.

The lnlernalional 6Ludenls Or5anizslion i · a Lmique club formed by Lhe undergraduale sludenls al the

University of &in Dieso servin8 all internalionnl students. In addition lo

creaLin8 cullurnl awaren~ · at lhe Universily lhroL'8h various events. I&::> acls as a suppo11l group lo lhe inlernaLional ,11ludent£ it represents International Student Orsanization

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