Alcala Yearbook 1997

Middle Eastern Students Association

ME6/\, one of U1e newest student or8anizalionl!'> on campus, is ex.ciled Lo have Lhe opportunily to open sludenIB· eyes lo t.he Middle Easlern cultures. ME&/\ believes lhal keepin8 one·~ cullure in mind and conlinuin8 lo learn about il is direcUy related lo realizing individual identity.

U8nayan lranslales to link or unite. ll i believed Lhal awarn and appreciation of one· ulture are imporlan to ones

identity. Tho 8roup Blrove lo provide our membe~hip wit.h op rlunilies lo learn more about themselv end Lhe beauty of the Filipino culture. FiliPino Usnayan Student Orsanization

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