Alcala Yearbook 1997

Black Student Union

The Bl ck 6Ludenl llnion provides a pro3rem Lo incree~ recruilrnenl and relenlion of A.rrican American sludent.s and provides opporluniLies for increased sen 'ilivily lowJrd~ r:runorily citizen . B6U i , elso Lhe major compon nl in the or3anizaLion of programs ver Lhe course ot 1%,ck ltislory Monlh. The J\srocialion of Chic a Acl.ivi~l.s began in Lhe f ::ill of 1995. The objecl.ive or I.he or8 nizaLion i · Lo promole higher educsLion lo Chicanas/ Lalin ·. IL seeb, lo lrmHform women. char3in5 individuals wilh U1e de.,;ire for freedom, ¥elf-delercrune.Lion, and self. umcien y. IL is a Lrainif18 8roLi.ncl I.hat poli hes

womens leadership ~kills, ernpowe in 0 Chicanas Lo move witJ11n position, of ower. We ,cl"iponror !1.peake1 . al;LiviLies and pro 0 rams on i~u · Lh L BITecl !Women. Association of Chicana Activists

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