Alcala Yearbook 1997
Aikane o·Hawaii
Aikane O'Hawaii i, for new or transfer f,Ludenu rrom Lhe l lawaiian Islands and assisL::'-i in Lhe lransilion lo U&D and campus life. Pacl-il evenls sponsored by Aikane Ollawni include a luau with au! henli fo d and dtrnc1ng.
The Asian 6Ludent,c1, A~ialion was formed wilh lhe purpose of promolin8 an awarene..~ of Ac1:,ian culture and idenlily. promolin8 a brid 6 e of under 'landin8 amon 6 olher A~tan cull uru<:. a · well a;1; differenl elhnicilie.1;, and enhancing U1e ~piriltml. rocial. cultural. and educalional developmenl of ils members. A6A ha~ bee-n involve in various milional conferenc~ Lhrou8hout the year. The sroup ha~ alro sponso d reveral prom.inenl speakers.
Asian Students Association
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