Alcala Yearbook 1997
United Front
The United fronl ~rves as a major source brin8i'18 people lo8el.her by linkif18 Lh d':lmpus communily in iLi, quesl [or diversily anc pluralism. The UF embraces diversily or 38C, abilily. economic sLalus. eUrnicily, 0 ender, race. reli5ion. and ~xual orienlalion. Members supporl diversity by discourasin8 i8nomnce. inoensilivily, intoleranue, oppres-.l)ion. t1nd prejudice. To 0 dher, lhe Uniled f'ronl and iL..l', core or8anizalions work Lo unile all st.udent.s U1rou3h cullural awarene~I\ and underslandin8 on campu~. The UF .. weae1 many hal..c'-.. and
promoles lhe importance of di ·Li1)8uit!1hin8 U1em. The Ol'oBnizsl.ion encoura&es everyone lo
become a pru'l of ils ex~==-'--'
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