Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996

'Ihad Martin 'fhere's a quote, 'fhad, in yourJournal

JenniferJablon Congratulations! We love you and are proud ofyou and what you have accomplished. We know that this is the first step on your long stairway to success. l:gve, Mom~

OurSonJohn Jfl truejoy

Our hearts burst out with pride at the man

you have become. God grant you the love and happiness you give to others. fill our love always, Mom§'©ad JCim J?o u 'L?e al~L?ays been "our little g irl" and always u:iill be. J-IaL?ing a daug hter like you make parents sentimental. We loi;e remembering all those special stages in your life... from your.first step, to your.first day at school, lo your first big date. We could not he any prouder haL?ing a daughter like you. Congratulations.. 'The road was long and hard but we knew you could do it. We lo L?e you! i'tlom ,·

Or you'll be working in the Humanities Store! u

Jason c.

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