Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996


Shawn finthony ©oan

jI lot offun, a lot ofwork, a littlebit of sleep. Jfever you 1nincl, it-'s graduating tirne! Congratulations! [Qve,

Congratulations C/?i,yfy! . ou ha1Je conquered one q/ l?/e's ,nany rnounlains and v1Je are so 1Je1y proud q/ you. l}f1ay you continue lo perser1Jere in exc LLence in eJJetylhing you do and rriay Goel bless all q/your enclemrs. fg1Je, om,

Morn <1Jad Shashi . <1Jina cSarahfinne 'Ihompson fi princess cwne into our li i:>es-

filled our hearts 1,Vith joy and our home with love - then blossorn,ed- and made us proud. f.Qve infibundance, J'ilo,n §'

We are i:>ery proud of you, always reniember we love you and pray to God t oguide your path in the right direction. CongTatulations ! J:gve, Mom, ©ad, Cindy,~ ©avy

find you told us you would nei:>er go through another gTaduation COJYGe vi:>hatei:>er yoi set your mind on. 1ay Goel be wit hyou always. l m,1, lo1Je Mom

Mark Jfoizumi J?ou can face all the challenges in life 1,i:>ith courage and detennination as you hai:>e den1,– onslraled. J?ou hai:>e far exceeded our greatest expectations. May God always guide and bless you. With love,


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